, ti -1, 11,/ INWAYMISIMMara THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS ill e algifrr alidnill it • . • . the Soviet Union's equivalent of At- torney General. Their scheduled 30-minute. meeting lasted two hours. Rudenko told Wiesel that he knew Wiesel had met with 50 refusenik leaders earlier in the week, and Rudenko listed Wiesel's "anti-Soviet" activities through the years. Rudenko accused Wiesel of being a political person. Wiesel responded, "I write about freedom and Chas- sidim and my people. If you have problems with my books, that is your problem," Wiesel gave Rudenko a list of prisoners of conscience.Although Rudenko claimed not to know any of the names, he had personally prose- cuted the case of each person on the list. Wiesel said some of the prisoners were allowed to leave Russia after he met with Rudenko. • Wiesel concludes his talk with another reference to Moses, using him to illustride a personal relation- ship with God and re-emphasizing the modern parallels for the Biblical story. "Moses died, but his story, his life, his law live on within us. We must not Agog" • Friday, June 1, 1984 the Jewish people. Any topic — The rules are found for it in the story of Moses." He compared the Holocaust to the story of Pharaoh. "The Jewish children were the first targets. It was the same thorughout history . . . with Haman, with Hitler. Moses was thrown into the Nile. The beautiful Egyptian princess 'saw' him cry. Not heard him cry but saw him cry. The Talmud says that Moses wanted to show that some Jews can cry without tears." Elie Wiesel, modern philosopher of Jewry, discusses gratitude. He de- scribes his Chassidic grandfather saying his morning prayers and thanking God for ,allowing us to dis- tinguish between day and night. One day, Grandmother ques- tions Grandfather. "Why do you thank God for this ability? Even the animals have this ability." But Grandfather points to the rooster in the yard, who pecks at the ground and throws his head back to swallow. "See," said Grandfather. "He eats, and then looks up to God to say thank you." _ All this to indicate the need for gratitude. He continues the theme by returning to the Moses story and draws in modern parallels. Wiesel touches on assimilation, on the Messiah, on disharmony within Jewry. All are taught through the ancient story of Moses. And he admonishes his audience about the evils going on around us "while we sleep." Violence in Lebanon and Ire- land, the Iran-Iraq war and Soviet Jewish dissidents all on Wiesel's list. "Yet we are asleep, and we sleep well. There is no thunder to wake us up." "Hundreds of missiles are being built every day. Do you want to tell me they won't use them. Iraq would have used them (against Iran) if Is- rael hadn't wiped out their reactor. Khomeini would use them, and yet we sleep." He talks of the plight of Soviet Jewry and mentions his three.trips to the Soviet Union. Wiesel was granted his last visa to the USSR in 1979 only after the White House had intervened on his behalf. He had written a book and a play critical of Soviet policy and gave hundreds of speeches on behalf of Soviet Jewry after his first two visits. In 1979, Wiesermet with Procuator Rudenko, . Elie Wiesel: modern philosopher of Jewry . , 15