Friday, May 11, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS What's a nice Jewish housewife doing in the 'clean' comedy business? Ask the question and prepare to hold your sides. c L7-' ‘ - 7) 1 25 BY HEIDI PRESS Local News Editor Take Leona Toppel. PLEASE! N "My husband and I have been married 35 years. It's a rotten job, but someone's got to do it." Looking like a female corporate executive in her tweed conservative suit and "sensible" pumps, it would be hard to guess that Leona Toppel has mastered the art of writing and delivering one-liners. But for 17 years, this former homemaker has been writing gags for comedians and television shows, as well as dabbling in political cartoons, creating greet- ing cards. , writing speeches and working for public relations firms. Her philosophy? If at first you don't suceed, knock it off and try something else." She did, comedy, and more than 100 members of Temple Israel Sis- terhood were treated to her humor last week as she quipped about a variety of subjects. Coming to Detroit from Chicago and delayed by last week's high winds, Mrs. Toppel apologized to her audience for being late. "I flew in — without a plane." Geared to a women's audience, S. Toppel's comments also re- :cted on middle age. When I turned 50 I told my friends I was 65. They said I looked good for my age." On age spots, she said she hated cal- ling them liver spots. "I call them senior freckles. Sounds like a come- . dian from South America." A little self-deprecating humor but some self-glorifying humor bal- anced the presentation which had the women guests laughing. On getting her new driver's license: "I got 100 on the test, but flunked the picture." As a liberated woman: "I'm not so sure I want to be equal with men. I don't want to lower my, standards." 1110 The constant battle to lose weight brought nods of recognition from the audience. She spoke of a new Miss Piggy (of the Muppets) diet. "Never eat more than you can lift." And on her own, well, matronly ap- pearance: "My top weight is 110 from here to here." She points from her waist to the top of her head. The audience eats it up. Mrs. Toppel gave doctors a com- pliment, in a left-handed way. "If it weren't for doctors, thousands of people would die every year. If it we- ren't for doctors thousands of phar- macists would die of starvation." She added, "Why do thy call what doctors do, practice?" It re- minded her of something else: The first sign one sees at the airport says terminal. Getting her ideas from films and TV, Mrs. Toppel was critical of re- makes of films, adding that too much sex is involved. "Remember Andy Hardy Gets Spring Fever? Today they'd change it to Andy Hardy Gets Herpes." Speaking on the Olympics she asked the women to recall recent Olympic stars. "Whatev-er happened to Mark Spitz," who won several gold medals for swimming in the 1972 Olympics, she asked. "Did he become a dentist? Wouldn't it be great to have a dentist named Dr. Spitz?" Planning a wedding and young couples did not escape her eye. On wedding consultants she said: "That's the person who drives your husband to Chapter 13 in a limo." About a young couple she knew who recently got married, "They were so young. They registered for gifts at Continued on next page - •