THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, April 20, 1984 15 • Beersheva Center for the Aged Photos by Harvey Finkle • facilities, and even food. Above all, they came to a country that was, de- spite its Middle . Eastern geography, dominated by European Jews and thus still traumatized by the recent past of the Holocaust. The national ideology demanded that the new arrivals be stripped of their past in Arab countries and assimilated into the new Israeli culture. That was easy to say, and im- possible to do. Mass immigration from Arab countries more than doubled Is- rael's Jewish population within three years. No one knew how to handle such numbers — or such people. A small elite of Sephardim were wealthy and highly educated, but few of these came to the impoverished country whose very existence re- mained in question; they opted for France and the United States. Those who came were mainly those with no L alternatives. They included peasants from Morocco's Atlas Mountains, whoseehuts had been built into moun- - tainside caves, and Yemenites who thought of planes as flying carpets. - Others came from the teeming alleys of the mellahs, the Jewish quarters of the North African cities as different from the shtetls of Northern Europe as Algeria is from Poland. Their living standards were very different from those of Israel's Euro- pean population. New standards were suddenly imposed on them. One indig- nity that still rankles was regular practice in the name of hygiene: del- ousing on arrival. Most were then sent to temporary transit camps that looked very much like Palestinian ref- ugee camps — collections of tents and tin huts, with asbestos prefabs added as the years wore on and new housing went up too slowly to absorb everyone. Some were to stay in these camps for as long as 15 years. Eventually many were trucked out to develop- ment towns — stark assemblages of jerry-built apartment houses far from the centers of power. They had no idea where they were going, and no say in the matter. The government decided, and the gArernment was Labor. Years of insensitivity and neglect by successive Labor governments bred a deep resentment that soon became the driving force for many Sephardim. It found expression in 1977, when Menachem Begin's right-wing Likud coalition was swept to power on a wave of Sephardic support. Jeering tkrongs of Sephardic youth violently disrupted Labor meet- ings in both the 1977, and 1981 elec- tions, vandR 1 izPd cars with Peace Now or Labor stickers , )n their would not even allow Labor leader Shiinon Peres to speak, and could be whipped up to an emotional pitch with a few well- chosen phrases by as skilled a public speaker as Begin. A westerner view- ing film clips of them cheering Begin and of Iranian youths cheering Kho- meini would be hard put to tell the difference. On the face of it, this seemed ab- surd. The Likud barely acknowledged the ethnic problem. Begin was surely the very stereotype of the European shtetl Jew: one joke of the time main- tained that the Sephardim were con- vinced that he had really been born in Morocco, and that his having been born in Poland was nothing more than Labor Party propaganda. But Begin was the hero because he, too, had been the underdog for so long, waiting nearly 30 years in oppo- sition; because despite socialist ideol- ogy, the working class veers strongly to the right everywhere in the world; because, he • like them, displayed a demonstrative and highly sentimental religiosity; because he spoke to their hearts rather than to their minds, playing on the resentments they felt against Labor. Soon the whole country seemed to reverberate to their chants of "Begin, King of Isarel." Emil Grunzweig's murder that night of the Peace Now march seemed to be the next terrible development in this increasingly violent political at- mosphere. Many assumed that the grenade thrower was Sephardic, even though the police also investigated Gush Emunim, 'the extremist right- wing settlement movement, which is almost entirely Ashkenazic and, in- deed, heavily American in makeup. The man eventually charged did, in fact, work at a Gush Emunim settle- ment, but his arrest came nearly a year later. Meanwhile, in the shock that followed that night of violence, Ashkenazic fears of Sephardim as primitive and "Arab," violent and anti-democratic, came to the fore in a rush of panic. Otherwise-liberal fig- ures reacted with outbursts of coun- terprejudice. Shulamit Aloni, a doughty fighter for civil rights in the Knesset, de- nounced the "barbarous tribal forces" that were "driven like a flock with tom-toms." She later insisted that she was not referring specifically to Sephardim, but in the newly aroused climate of ethnic tension, few gave her the benefit of the doubt. Amnon Danker, a columnist for the liberal newspaper Haaretz (whose readership is upper-middle-class and therefore largely Ashkenazic, de- clared that he would not be "trampled beneath the feet of the wild." He con- temptuously dismissed Islamic cul- ture and thus that of the Sephardim, who had lived for centuries in Islamic countries, as the antithesis of "the society that my spiritual fathers and I fought to establish here — an exemplary humanistic and progress- ive society, interwoven with the best of humane liberalism." Western culture is the developed one, he wrote; the rest is at best native, at worst barbaric. Though it was censured as racist by the Israel Press Council, that arti- cle remains one of the most famous ever written in the country. "I know it was racist," says an Ashkenazic lawyer, "but I can't help it, I agree with him. And if you scratch beneath the Continued on next page