THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 24 Friday, March 9, 1984 Against Annexation: Arguments Oppose Keeping Judea, Samaria * * * of the Jewish people. If the Zionist movement Sociological School: accepted the 1947 UN reso- Different Criteria lution calling for partition The other school of of the British Mandate of Palestine, this acceptance thought, the sociological should be viewed as a tem- school, views the decision to porary measure only, to be be taken by Israel against a revised if and when condi- different set of criteria. The main argument of the tions permit. According to the territo- sociological school is that, rial school, such an occasion when Israel comes to decide presented itself to Israel in on and negotiate about its 1967. The West Bank — borders, it should focus not Judaea and Samaria in He- on the quantity of territory brew — as well as Gaza are under i;s control but on the an inseparable part of the quality of the society Israel historic Jewish homeland. would become. According to the sociolog- Zionism, and the state of Is- ical school, if Israel ulti- rael, should do their utmost to guarantee that these mately absorbs the West areas will never again come Bank and Gaza, it will add under another sovereignty 1.2 million Arab Palesti- nians to its population. In- or jurisdiction. In this interpretation of cluding the Arabs already Zionism, the more territory living in Israel proper, this YOUR WEDDING— of historical Eretz Israel is means that the population BAR MITZVA being controlled, by the of Israel in its expanded Jewish state, the more borders would consist of 60 Jewish and the more Zionist percent Jews and 40 percent that state is going to be. Arabs. WILL BE Such a country, the Therefore, Jewish settle- ments should be put up in sociological school argues, these areas, both to demon- would be less Jewish, and strate their inseparability less Zionist, than an Israel WHEN PHOTOGRAPHED BY from Israel within its pre- with more limited territory 1967 borders and to make a but with a clear 85 percent reversion to such borders Jewish majority. More AND ASSOCIATES either impossible or ex- territory means upsetting the demographic and ethnic 357-1010 tremely difficult. balance of the Jewish state and thus spells catastrophe for the Zionist dream of creating a Jewish common- - wealth. In an Israel 40 percent of whose population was Arab, the sociological school sees an utter per- version of the Zionist dream. In such a society, the large Arab minority would tend to become the proletarian class of a \ \ N . \ \ \ V. predominantly Jewish .;•;.\\. - sss, \ \ ,. \ \ ' -- - \ \\.:`+', V.;\ 0 middle-class majority; s 1+,.\ , ;\ \\ \ .." the whole social vision of `.W::'k...,,,..\\,\.::„.......... ..': Zionism as a social revo- S:,, i; ,K lution would disappear. •\ Moreover, ultimately Is- rael would be faced with the problem of political rights for such a large Arab minority. If— as a democratic coun- try, committed to equal rights — it were to grant this Arab minority equal political rights, Israel . would become virtually a • • • 26400 watiweivi:MOok„ RaotitiOtittitiMAii in. .Soul bi-national state, with 40 NOttheilif comer of 12. mfw4itilarthwestorn Hwy. percent of its electorate, parliament, civil service and army consisting of Arabs. This would be a far THURSDAYS .10:00-8:45 cry from the Zionist vision. (Continued from Page 1) Both schools view the issue of the future of the West Bank and Gaza on a much broader canvas than that of the future of an area or its population. For both schools of thought, the debate is about the nature of Israel — the kind of society it will become, its main go- als, the hierarchical order of its value system. The territorial school argues that the most impor- tant criterion for Israel decision-making should be the maximization of Jewish control over as much terri- tory of historical Eretz Is- rael as possible. According to this school, the whole land of Israel is — and should be — the homeland ALBUM FINER WINER . \ .- : s+.>.; ss +)‘:+s, ' .. . \\•++, .,-,.` \ \ \\., ,;.::•..:,,,::,,,\\. \. , :'., - Z‘'.\ s• ....''• BERNICE GABON, M.A. Diet Consultant Now has openings for a limited number of new clients*.. . For information regarding an appointment Call 353-0465 * Clients must be sincerely committed to an intense individualized weight control program conducted in the most personal & confidential manner. • Alternatively, if such an Arab minority were denied equal rights, Israel would become another South Af- rica. If one considers that the Arab birthrate is higher than the Jewish one, the large Arab minority could even become a majority in the not too distant future. The main question facing anyone ready to consider an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank hinges, ulti- mately, on the question of finding an adequate partner for negotiations and peacemaking. This is not a mere abstract question of rights; it is a concrete ques- tion of politics and diplo- macy as a means of realiz- ing claims of such rights. Discussions of the Middle East sometimes overlook the fact that the main prob- lems are not territorial is- sues but questions of legitimacy. While the pre- sent Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza certainly exacerbates the Arab-Israeli conflict, that is not its origin or primary cause. Its cause lies in the Arab refusal to accept any form of Jewish sovereignty over any part of Palestine. Until 1977 this Arab refusal was universal and total. Once (Israel's) legiti- macy was accepted by Egypt, Israel was able and willing to make the territorial concessions that led to Camp David and to the evacuation of Sinai and its return to Egyptian sovereignty. The same problems arise over the West Bank and Gaza: With whom should Is- rael negotiate? Who should be seen as a legitimate spokesman for the Palesti- nians? What should be the political organization of the West Bank and Gaza after Israel leaves? To these questions there are basically two sets of an- swers. One would have the West Bank and Gaza consti- tute an independent Pales- tinian state, either headed by the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) or under a more moderate leadership. The other would look to Jordan and would prefer a solution linking the West Bank and East Bank of the Jordan in some sort of polit- ical entity. The main argu- ment of the second school is that the two banks of the Jordan are inseparable, economically as well as politically. * * * Independent State Is Unsatisfactory The reason I think the es- tablishment of an indepen- dent Palestinian state on the West Bank and in Gaza is the least satisfactory solution does not stem from any fear for the future of Is- rael. A West Bank and Gaza state, even if it were un- friendly to Israel, would not be a "mortal danger to Is- rael," as former Prime Minister Begin sometimes called it. But it would not be an adequate solution to the Palestinian problem; it political well-ordered would be a basically de- structure and — given Arab stabilizing element in the realities — not too- Middle East, and it would oppressive bureaucracy, not become a foundation for with its economic base and a lasting peace between Is- outlet to the sea and other rael and the Palestinians. Arab countries — such a The reasons why a West Bank and Gaza state is joint West Bank-East Bank entity would have a much viewed as unsatisfactory by better chance for stable and myself — and by many in peaceful development. Israel who would like to see an Israeli withdrawal from The PLO, whether riding the occupied territories — high as it did before the are many and complex. Let Lebanon war or splintered me enumerate a few of and harassed as it is now, them. cannot become a viable First, the 1.2 million partner for negotiations .. . Palestinians in the West Israel should reach out to Bank and Gaza are merely those Palestinians who one-third of the Palestinian would be ready to negotiate people. There are about their future through Jor- 600,000 Palestinians who dan. still live in refugee camps in Such a Jordanian op- Lebanon, Syria and Jordan tion still leaves a number east of the river- If a true of difficult issues to re- solution to the problem is to solve. The most intracta- be found, these people must ble is Jerusalem. No Is- be settled on a permanent raeli government can be basis somewhere within the imagined that would give historical boundaries of up the unification of Palestine. Jerusalem, and no A West Bank/Gaza state Jordanian-Palestinian would be so small, over- coalition can be expected populated and basically to cede East Jerusalem poor that these refugees explicitly to Israeli sov- could not settle within its ereignty. boundaries. The West Bank Once the other outstand- has been an area of emigra- ing issues between Israel tion for the last four de- and a Jordanian- cades, and it could hardly Palestinian entity were absorb a significant number worked out and had proved of refugees for resettlement. practicable, there is a rea- It has neither the arable sonable chance that posi- land nor the resources to tions on Jerusalem might support such a massive set- eventually soften on both tlement effort. sides. If, on the other hand, a Another issue is that of joint West Bank-East Bank the Jewish settlements on solution were sought, the the West Bank, where about East Bank — which is 10 30,000 Jews now reside. times as large as the West This is certainly not an easy Bank — could become the problem. But for all the dif- area of refugee resettle- ferences between the West ment. Because it is also part Bank situation — with its of historical Palestine, the holy sites and historical East Bank is not alien coun- associations — and that of try for the Palestinian refu- the Sinai settlements, it is a gees, nor is its population, fact that the settlements since 60 percent of the were not, ultimately, an in- people on the East Bank of surmountable obstacle to the Jordan are of Palesti- the Camp David agreement, nian origin. much as they made life dif- Of the population of the ficult for all concerned. East Bank, about one mil- Some of the settlers would lion are Palestinians, and certainly leave once it be- they too have a right to be came clear that the area part and parcel of a Palesti- would not remain under Is- nian homeland. Last but not least, even raeli control. Others might those Israelis who are have to be lured away from ready to give up the West their newly-acquired homes Bank and Gaza realize by adequate — and some- that these areas could times more than adequate become bases for anti- — compensation, as was the Israel operations and in- case in Yamit. Still others might de- sist on some guarantees cide to stay, even under that this would not hap- pen. One way of taking Arab sovereignty, and care of such legitimate though their number Israeli concerns would might not be large, it be demilitarization of the should be emphasized that there is no reason West Bank and Gaza. why, under conditions of Now, if the West Bank and Gaza were to become a peace, a number of Jews should not live in an separate, independent state, this would mean in- Arab-controlled West sisting that the whole terri- Bank. There are about tory of this new state, the half a million Arabs in Is- symbol and epitome of rael proper, so why does Palestinian sovereignty it have to be assumed that a small number of Jews and self-determination, be- come demilitarized. This is would not be allowed to a demand that no state live in an Arab country, if they so wish and if they would find acceptable .. . commit themselves to fol- * * lowing the law of the Confederation land? • With Jordan Finally, some of the An association with Jor- settlers would have to be dan, with its relatively forcibly evacuated. .