inimminnowir ••••••••• THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS U.S. Consistent on PLO Policy? (Continued from Page 1) officials were disturbed by the alleged Egyptian- Jordanian move. Romberg did say, how- ever, We would like to see those talks move forward. We think the next step is for King Hussein (of Jordan) to IP enter the talks. He has :Fc made it very clear that he needs further backing from other Arab states and Palestinians. We under- stand that and we hope that support will be forthcom- ing." Hussein and President Hosni Mubarak of Egypt were in Washington last week and both conferred with President Reagan and other Administration offi- cials. The Israeli position on the autonomy talks has - been that it would_agree to Palestinian representation as part of a Jordanian dele- gation provided the Pales- tinians were not PLO mem- bers. But former Premier Menahem Begin indicated at the time that Israel would not scrutinize the backgrounds of members of the Jordanian delegation. In another report from Jerusalem, Israel's former Ambassador to the U.S. Simha Dinitz indicated his belief that there %vas no sub- stance to the report of unof- ficial U.S. contacts with the PLO. Interviewed on Israel Radio, Dinitz said he did not see a weakening of the U.S. position on the PLO. According to Dinitz, if President Carter could not find a way to bypass the 1975 U.S. commitment not to talk to the PLO until it accepted the American conditions, it was hardly likely that President Reagan and Secretary of State George Shultz would be doing it. Dinitz added, however, "We must distinguish be- tween the exploratory level that was going on throughout in one way or another and the political commitment which re- mains sound." According to the account published 6 Sunday, "Cur- rent and former Admini u,s, tration officials said the Mroz mission was authorized by Alexander M. Haig, Jr, who was then Sec- retary of State in August 1981 after Washington re- ceived a suggestion from Mr. Arafat about secret talks . . . Mr. Haig told President Reagan in a pri- vate meeting in California of his plan to have Mr. Mroz sound out the PLO position and later told his aides that Mr. Reagan approved the idea." The account said "From August 1981 to May 1982, Mr. Morz had more than 50 meetings with Mr. Arafat totaling more than 400 hours." Only a handful of U.S. and PLO officials were reportedly aware of these talks. Veliotes was de- scribed as Mroz's "chief con- tact in Washington." Mroz was identified in the account as the 35-year-old president of the East-West Security Foundation who was director of Middle East studies at the Internaional Academy of peace in New York when the effort with the PLO began. According to the ac- count, "Although Mr. Haig had often con- demned the PLO for its terrorist activities, he was persuaded by Mr. Veliotes to try to split the Palestinians away from the Soviet Union and make it easier to achieve progress in the Middle East." The account said further that after the PLO's defeat in Lebanon in 1982, Secre- tary Shultz authorized Mroz in September 1982 to make one more effort to revive the talks but Arafat, who was then in Tunis, refused to see him. Friday, February 24, 1984 5 There's a new Cat in Taco! LINCOLN MARK VII CONTINENTAL COUGAR GRAND MARQUIS LYNX MARQUIS TOPAZ CAPRI SHELDON METZ SALES MGR. 1250 Oakland Ave. (Dixie Hwy.) Pontiac, Michigan 48055 335-0040 962-0354 Problems Affecting Jewish Education Covered at Parley By BEN GALLOB (Copyright 1984, JTA, Inc.) The fact that most par- s ents, including those of day school students, look on Jewish education as no more important than "other extra-curricular activities" was cited at a recent con- clave in New York as evi- dence of a painful barrier to effective Jewish education. The seminar, held at the American Jewish Commit- tee's headquarters, re- vealed that even when the students themselves be- come enthusiastic about their newly-acquired Jewish knowledge and cul- _ ture, many parents con- tinue to be indifferent, and even hostile, to this element of their children's educa- tion. Participating in the meet- ing, co-sponsored by the AJCommittee's Jewish Communal Affairs De- partment and the Coaliton for Alternatives in Jewish Education, were teachers and administrators from Jewish and secular schools. A major conclusion was that such conflicts stem from the fact that parents, students, teachers, administrators and lay boards expect different results from Jewish education. The consultants agreed that school personnel con- sider Jewish education primary and most par- ents do not share that value. The participants agreed that "teachers of Jewish education are in a very lonely profession." The teachers said they felt little sense of support from the Jewish community gener- ally and all of them stressed that by "support" they did not mean only money. The participants also said parental expectations were often unrealistic. One teacher described an inci- dent in which a parent be- came furious during a trip to Israel when she realized that her daughter — who had been attending Hebrew classes for about two years — was not fluent in Hebrew. Dr. Steven Bayme, assis- tant director of the AJ- Committee's Jewish Com- munal affairs Department, said the AJCommittee had recently started a National Committee on Jewish Edu- cation to inform committee members and the Jewish community about problems in Jewish education. Judges ought to be more learned than witty, more reverend than plausible, and more advised than con- fident. Above all things, in- tegrity is their portion and proper virtue. —Francis Bacon What happens when the baby sitter has to reach you and you're still in the car? Some calls can't wait If its urgent that someone speak to you immediately and you're not near a phone, how can you be reached? Dial 569-BEEP and find out all about RAM. The 24-hour paging sys- tem designed to reach you in your car, in a store, in a restaurant. Practically anywhere. It's the system that anyone can use. Housewife or businessperson alike You can buy it or rent it by the month. if you have somebody who needs you, . M-ft Steart s.tG•ss 1 . it's worth its weight in gold. Ask about our complete line of pag- ing services starting as low as $19.50 a month. RAW We've been keeping Ntroit touoh since 1970.