30 Friday, February 24, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Congressmen Pushing U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem Wedding, Rehearsal and Ceremony Assistance WASHINGTON (JTA) — Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.) emphasized Wednesday that the legislation intro- duced in Congress to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel Sharon Padzensky 559-4757 Chava Alberstein The Leading Lady of Israeli Song A This remarkable recording star has brought audiences to their feet in Israel, the United States and around the world. This exclusive area appearance is the opener of her 1984 North American tour. MARCH 3, 1984 — 8 pm Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Ann Arbor, Michigan Tickets: Students/Seniors, $7.50 General Public: $13.50 Advance Tickets at the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation 1429 Hill Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan / (313) 663-3336 CELEBRATION OF JEWISH ARTS anal, griti2 Women, invite you and tiour friends to l Octr Springfit- n" 4- 4 1' 4 U0 oontigi ilday 4( 4r A ' . . 1/1arch 12,1984 aCtriess Sa(e' ciat Shalom Synagogue 7-11 pm One- a-bod bouttques 4 • i da5 5714 ()6 P • got& 11( 5cxr\ctt -tour fir' •• g9-1;() -Pkcei-kr - Arr 74r Kv-JNer 1 Swulls *11°1 _AtirnissiOn.:$350 frickictes Draw-rigs every hour Special discounts , free beverage ichtgan Tnn, miles Salon, R aMada 1-0Wrle Theatre, Alberto Rossi' Top it Off, _M agic 'Touch Salon ..;41tred's7anner Theatre,' Bread Basket , 1Esquire Door. Prizes furnished by: , Chuck. Letbernian Photography, 'Dent/It- soils Seafood, Bulk Food VQarehouse , and much knor Lirayld Prt-.E.e from Norman 4 and the Ambassador's resi- dence from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is not a "sym- bolic gesture." "We will make a full- court press to expedite pro- cedures on this legislation through both houses so as to present the President with this legislation for his sig- nature well before the No- vember elections," Lantos said at a press conference at which he announced that Rep. Benjamin Gilman (R-N.Y.) and he had intro- duced the necessary legisla- tion in the House on Tues- day. Their bill is similar to the one introduced earlier in the Senate by Sen. Daniel Moynihan (D-N.Y.). A hear- ing on Moynihan's bill was scheduled to be held by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday. Lantos said that if President Reagan main- tains his principles in which he expressed his commitment to a united Jerusalem, -he will sign the bill. While the five Con- gressmen present at the press conference stressed the bi-partisan support for the legislation in Congress, Rep. Robert Mrazek (D- N.Y.) noted that this was the "one year" when the President could be expected to sign it. Lantos called for an end to the "hypocrisy" that has existed in which the U.S. maintains "close relations with our friend and ally, Is- rael, but denies it uniquely the right to determine its own capital by refusing to have our Embassy located where it decided its capital should be." Rep. Bill Green (R-N.Y.) noted that although the U.S. does not recognize East Berlin as the capital of East Germany, its embassy is lo- cated there. Lantos added that when Brazil moved its capital from Rio de Janeiro to Brasilia, the U.S. Em- bassy moved there, too. Gilman said in no other country is the U.S. Embassy located outside the adminis- trative capital. Lantos rejected any claim that Congressional action would interfere with the President's Con- stitutional authority to conduct foreign policy. He said this was not con- duct of foreign policy, adding that Congress al- ways had the right to be included in the "formula- tion of policy." In addi- tion, Congress has fre- quently acted on Consu- lates and in the past, for example, prevented a previous Administration from closing some consu- lates. Meanwhile, in Detroit, Louis Panush lauded the ef- forts in Congress. A na- tional vice president of the WE WANT YOUR CLOTHES Paying cash for high fash- ion, designer quality women's clothing and ac- cessories. We pay more to get the very best. By appointment For information and scheduling please call dur- ing business hours VALERIE'S CLOSET resale shop 1844 S. Woodward Birmingham 540-9548 1 1/2 blks. N. of 14 Mile Rd. Hrs. Mon.-Sat. 10-5, Thurs. 10-8 I would like to acknowledge with grateful appreciation the charitable contributions and many kind expressions of thoughtfulness ex- tended by relatives and friends during my re- cent incapacity. Barry V Levine Announcing the 1984 Md.. PP oi 4 Conleist Win cash prizes, publicity and the .chance to compete for the title of Ms. PP of A Photogenic of 1984 when you enter this photo contest. Women ages 18-36, whose appearance and per- sonality can be captured naturally and attractively in a photograph could win - $.2,500 yland pidge. $1,500 pipit 44444.4.teit-ufi rvzigg $750 lecomdi 444444.te4t-r412 tvar $250 14471d 444.41~4-ar. plus...an all expense paid trip to PP of As 1984 Atlantic City convention for the final judging, and widespread publicity. Act now Contest deadline is April 17, 1984. See us for entry forms and details. Leo Kpigbt PI)otograpby Mexican Jewish Group Cites 6 MEXICO CITY (JTA) — The 1983 Fernando Jeno Awards for literary achievements will go to six writers and poets from Is- rael, the United States, Canada, Argentina and Mexico, it was announced last week by the panel of judges representing the cul- tural commission of the Central Jewish Committee of Mexico. The recipients of the $500 prize are Israeli writers Yosef Oren of Rishon LeZ- ion and Zeev Milikowsky of Kibutz Ilon; Yehuda El- berg, a novelist from Montreal; poet Eliezer Aronowsky, formerly of Havana and now a resident of Miami; Dr. Marcos Aguinis, an Argentine Jewish writer who is a member of the Argentine government; and Dr. Jaime Laventman, of Mexico. They are being honored for works in Yiddish, Hebrew and Spanish. Zionist Organization of America, he called for let- ters of support to be sent by citizens to their Senators and Congressmen. 552-7030 MARC ANKERMAN Disc Jockey "The Best Music in Town" Parties, Dances & Special Occasions 352-2292 — 546-5797 LIGHTS - SOUND EXPERIENCE , Appearing At The PURIM MASQUERADE BALL March 3, 8:30-11:30 p.m. at ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE