THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, February 11, 1984 69 • An Audience With the Pope Herzog Praised, Criticized Latin Death Squads Parallel for Intervention With Theat Nazis, Columnist Charges Morris Fenkell, right, chairman of the board of Liberty State Bank & Trust, recently participated in an audience with Pope John Paul II in Rome. New U.S.-Israel Heart Value Undergoing Animal Tests TEL AVIV (JTA) — A lamb made history at Tel Aviv's lchilov Hospital last week when a 10-hour opera- tion was carried out on it to insert a new prosthetic heart valve designed by an American team and man- ufactured in Israel. Parallel experiments are being car- ried out at the Massachu- setts General Hospital in Boston on calves. The research teams from Israel and the United States hope to begin clinical test- ing of the new valve on hu- mans in about six months, after the number of opera- tions on animals deter- mined by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration are completed and analyzed. r The new valve was de- signed by an American team led by Dr. David Lederman, with the sup- port of the National Insti- tutes of Health, and will be manufactured in Is- rael by Omikron Scien- tific, of Rehovot. The valve, which has no moving parts, is made from a new material based on polyetherurethane, which has advantages over both the present steel and plastic valves (which are long- lasting but can cause thromboembolism), and biological valves made from pig valves, which have a limited life when trans- planted. 1 To: The Jewish News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd. Suite 865 Southfield, Mich. 48075-4491 TEL AVIV (JTA) — President Chaim Herzog won high marks in Or- thodox religious circles for his intervention with the management of a Haifa theater for the deletion of certain lines from a play that offended religious sen- sibilities. But he was taken sharply to task by writers, aca- demics and the media for al- legedly abetting religious censorship. None of the rab- bis or other Orthodox spokesmen who were prais- ing Herzog had seen or read the play, "The Messiah Af- fair," by British playwright Martin Sherman. The work deals with the 17th Century false messiah, Shabtai Zvi. The line removed from the play had a disillusioned follower of Shabtai Zvi curse God. But another line, in which a character denies the existence of God, was left intact. Aharon Megged, chairman of the Israel branch of the 'PEN Club, the international associa- tion of authors and writers, sent a telegram to Herzog denouncing his interference and accused him of supporting ele- ments who seek to re- strict freedom of expres- sion. Herzog used the occasion of a meeting with the foreign press corps to reply. He said he had intervened only after establishing that both sides in the con- troversy wanted him to. He said the management of the theater, which is owned by the Haifa municipality, can now say they did not bow to "religious blackmail" but were simply responding to a request by the President to avoid polarization in the community. WASHINGTON — Mem- bers of right-wing death squads in Latin America pattern themselves after the Third Reich concepts of anti-Semitism and racial purity popularized by Adolph Hitler during World War II, according to syndi- cated columnist Jack An- derson. Anderson revealed the Nazi-like beliefs behind the actions of the South Ameri- can death squads. Persuasive evidence exists, according to Ander- son, "that the Latin Ameri- can Anti-Communist Con- federation (CAL), an af- filiate of the once-respected World Anti-Communist League (WACL), has been used as a front for the region's assassination Don't be left out NI Readers Forum Materials submitted to the Readers Forum must he brief. The writer's name will he withheld from publica- tion upon request. No un- signed letters will he pub- lished. Materials will not he returned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclOsed. AZA Monument Being Planned WEI JUST Editor, The Jewish News: The Omaha Jewish Community Center campus will be the site of a monu- ment marking the forma- tion in Omaha of the inter- national youth organiza- tion, AZA. We appeal to all former members of AZA and BBG to help fund this proj- ect. Founded by Omahan Sam Beber, the organiza- tion of Aleph Zedek Aleph of Bnai Brith held its first na- tional AZA convention on July 4, 1924. Since the organization of the group in Omaha the movement has spread to Bnai Brith and is worldwide. The Omaha committee has suggested that contri- butions be mailed to: AZA Monument Fund, cio De- borah Polsky, Jewish Community Center, 333 S. 132nd St., Omaha, Neb. 68154. Alan Widman From Paste in old label To: The Jewish News is your key to being well informed OM ON IMB MB ON MO Help the • MEI • NM To: The Jewish News =I MO • MN MI MO IMP MS • NO UM WIN MN NM Please send a years gift subscription to: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE FOR - March of Dimes NAME Fight Birth Defects Effective Date J THIS SPACE CONTRIBUTED BY THE PUBLISHER MI 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 Southfield, Mich. 48075-4491 Omaha, Neb. Celebrate Life! L groups." Anderson reports that "One former top official of the WACL is a notori- ous proponent of the Nazis' super-race theories." This official confided to an associate that he had personally hidden Nazi war criminal Dr. Joseph Mengele on his exodus to Paraguay. Anderson also cited the WACL's apparent willing- ness to have representa- tives of the Soviet-backed Palestine Liberation Organization speak at its meetings. The columnist claimed this was "convinc- ing evidence that the death squads' front groups are more enthusiastic in their anti-Semitism than their anti-Communism." state occasion if gift FROM $18 enclosed MN MI NM OM • MI in MN MB OE MN • 1.1 MN IN MIMI= IN NM MI • 7IP