80 Friday, January 20, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS History and Art Are Linked in Dutch Jewish Record (Continued from Page 32) orders, the Yellow Badge was imposed on Jews, but in the course of time, religious freedom predominated and the Dutch Jewish experi- ence is depicted apprecia- tively in "Memorbook." The voluminous trac- ing of Dutch Jewish re- cords in this volume takes into account the Dark Middle Ages and soon teaches the Golden Age froni which began the civilized treatments and the excellent neighborly relations be- tween Jews and Chris- tians. The numerous cities in which Jews found havens and gradually attained their right to trading and to religious freedom have thorough analyses here. A chapter entitled "The Jewish Nation Becomes the Dutch Israelitic Congrega- tion" is an especially fas- cinating recording of free- doms attained and gradually enforced com- mencing with the year 1795. While Amsterdam is not- able in these records, the many small communities and their Jewish residents, interestingly depicted, pro- vide totality for the Nether- lands Jewish story. Most tragic in the Gans volume is the period of Nazi occupation and the mass murder of Jews. The chap- ter entitled "1933 to 1940: the Writing on the Wall" describes the savagry. It is a story of submissions and also of the resistance, and among the most moving episodes which add to the glory of people who refused to bend their backs to tyr- ants in this quotation from this moving chapter in the history of Nazi-era Jewry: "In the neutral Nether- lands of 1939, Justice Ernst Visser, president of the High Court, declared over the radio that if the Netherlands were at- tacked 'the Dutch people will have clean hands.' On 10 May 1940, the day of the German assault, he appeared in the High Court in full robes, and opened the session with an address in which he spoke of 'murder' and 'a treacherous attack.' Towards the end of Novem- ber 1940, he was dismissed, together with other Jewish state officials. "It does not redound to the credit of the Netherlands that the High Court should have allowed 'its Jewish president to be forced from office by the invader as an inferior Dutchman instead of putting up open resis- tance to this break of one of the most fundamental prin- ciples of our Dutch system of law and drawing the correct personal consequences from it.' "And this brings to the crux of all the problems the occupation raised. Quite a few of them may strike us as trivial compared with the mass murders, but in fact they were not. One of the many whose deeds in those years can be weighed and not be found wanting and who have earned a place of honor in Dutch history, was L.E. Visser. "On 6 April 1941 he wrote an official letter in his capacity as chairman of the Jewish Co- ordination Committee to Messrs. Linthorst, Homan and de Quay, leaders of the Neder- landse Unie, who had asked the committee to advise Dutch Jews to re- sign from the union 'in the interests of the Fatherland, because their presence in our movement might blunt the edge of our actions.' "Mr. Justice Visser granted that the union had only made this request 'lest worse befell,' but not for a moment was he prepared to defer to the Germans, and so he rejected the request out of hand. He was also a lead- ing contributor to the illegal Het Parool, the paper pub- lished by the Resistance. He lodged fierce protests against anti-Jewish meas- ures with both the German and the Dutch Secretaries- General. He refused to take possession of his identity card because it bore a 'J' and thus served to distinguish one Dutch citizen from an- other, in violation of the Constitution. "Again, when the Nazis daubed the synagogue in The Hague and the congre- gation were wavering over their next move, Visser, who had meanwhile taken over the presidency of the local Jewish community al- though he was not a practic- ing Jew, walked through The Hague on the Sabbath, dressed in Sabbath clothes, prayer book and tallis in hand, to join his fellow Jews in the synagogue. Many of those passing by took off their hats to him. "He was a staunch oppo- nent of the Jewish Council and wrote a letter to its presidents, in which he said: 'It is possible that the oc- cupier will have his way with us in the end, but it is our duty as Dutchmen and as Jews to do everything we can to thwart him, and to stop doing anything that might smooth his path.' Courageous language by a true aristocrat! Yet how many had the chance to act as he did? "When Prof. Cohen, president of the Jewish Council, informed him on behalf of the German Beauftragte (delegate) for Amsterdam that unless he curtailed his activities he would be sent to a concen- tration camp, L.E. Visser replied: "I have taken note of what you say, and am fully cognizant of the humiliation this communi- cation has inflicted on you, aware as you must be of what has gone before.' "That was on 14 February 1942; on 17 February he died. "J.A. Polak, son of N. Polak, one of L.E. Visser's fellow judges, wrote the fol- lowing lines on the 80th an- niversary of Visser's birth: 'In Dutch history, Visser will live on as one of the foremost jurists of his day. In Jewish history, his place is beside the great biblical figures and the modern fighters for the Jewish homeland. He was a man who, like Mordecai, did not bow down before the enemy. Let us never forget him.' "If genuine compassion, moral courage and unas- suming pride were properly rewarded in this world, then L.E. Visser and many, many others like him would have earned for Dutch Jewry a quite different fate. "Jonas Daniel Meijer and his contemporaries were happy to see the members of the Jewish nation being made equal citizens, members of a religious congregation. Their optimism was jus- tified inasmuch as, until the advent of Hitler, there was never a serious at- tempt to deprive Dutch Jews of their civil rights — the Dutch tradition of freedom of faith and opinion was much too deeply rooted for that. "As a result, Dutch Jewry developed a personality of its own, and tended to be- come increasingly isolated from Jewry at large, L.E. Visser — even though he himself was spared the worst — and his contem- poraries saw the collapse of a sanctuary which, accord- ing to all the rules of Jewish history, was, in any case, bound to collapse sooner or later. "At a meeting of the Jewish Youth Federation shortly before the war, a speaker mentioned the man who built his house on ice and then prayed: Lord, please let it freeze, or I will lose my house. But despite these and similar warnings Dutch Jewry, the species hollandica judaica, clung to its illusions of safety and moved inexorably to its doom." `Memorbook' Is Art History "Ashkenazic Jews in 1648," an etching by Rembrandt. "Memorbook" by Gans is also a history of art, of Re- mbrandt and the Israels and many more. Rembrandt van Rijn is represented in this volume in scores of reprod- uctions of his works with their indications of his interest in Jews, their synagogues, the Bible. The more than 10 pages of Re- mbrandt art add to the trea- sures in this volume. There is a reference here to an im- portant chapter in history referring to Manasseh ben Israel who played a great role in the period of Crom- well and the regaining of just rights by Jews under "The Prophet Balaam," a 1626 painting by Rem- brandt. him. Manasseh ben Israel had gone to London in 1655 to argue in support of Jewish rights. Under a group photo of etchings by Rembrandt ap- pears this explanatory note: "Rembrandt illustrated three books only; for the first two he produced one engraving each, for the third, Manasseh Ben Is- rael's 'Piedra gloriosa de la estatua de Nebuchadnesar,' published in Amsterdam in 1655, he made four. That book started with Daniel's interpretation of a dream of Nebuchadnezzar, and went on to combine the following elements: "The stone, which in Nebuchadnezzar's dream, 'was cut loose without human hands' and 'smote the image. upon his feet that were of iron and clay and brake them to pieces' (Daniel 2:34). "The stone that served Jacob for his pillow when he dreamed of 'a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven' (Genesis 28:11). "The stone, with which David slew the giant Goliath (I Samuel 17:49). "Daniel's vision of four great beasts (the four king- doms on earth) (Daniel 7:3). "In Manasseh's view all the stones mentioned in these stories were one and the same, a single symbol of the Messiah after whose coming Is- rael will succeed to the four kingdoms of Baby- lon, Persia, Macedonia and Rome. The etchings are absent from most copies of the little book. "They were subsequently revised (probably by Salom Italia) and republished. It has always been assumed that the author rejected Rembrandt's own version because it contained a re- presentation of God, but Manasseh included the original version in an ex- tant presentation copy. "Moreover, the 'Book of Minhagim' (religious cus- toms) published by Manas- seh 1645 (the reprint of an Italian edition), also con- tains a picture of God giving the Law. The very fact that Rembrandt agreed to make these etchings which gave him little chance to deploy his skills, may be consid- ered proof of a close rela- tionship between rabbi and artist." Joseph Israels' role is among the especially noteworthy artists recorded in the "Memorbook." There are more than 10 pages of reproduced art works em- phasizing the creative works of this eminent artist in art history. There is much here about Joseph's son Isaac and a number of other members of the dis- tinguished family. Baruch Spinoza (Be- 'nedictus) is among the history-making per- . sonahties who is pro- vided thorough reference to Dutch Jewry, to the theological conflicts within him, to the Jewish community's attitude toward him. The Israels and Spinoza in themselves would merit special reviews relating to this volume. - In a description of "The Golden Age" it is valuable to mention a quotation by the author from Spinoza: "It has been our rare good fortune to live in a com- monwealth that warrants everyone complete freedom of opinion and of worship and in which nothing is deemed to be more precious or sweeter than liberty." "Memorbook" is his- tory recapitulated. It is freedom reedom acclaimed and bigotry condemned. It is replete with the artistic and crea- tive. It is history on the highest level. Publication of this im- mensely important work is a mark of honor for the pub- lishers, and raises Wayne State University Press to the highest level in publish- ing. —P.S.