32 Friday, January 20, 1984 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS History and Art Are Linked in Dutch Jewish Record (Continued from Page 1) Mozes Heiman Gans is the author of this truly great work. The Dutch edi- tion has already been re- printed five times. Its English translation in the WSU Press volume is by Arnold J. Pomerans. It is 2 1/2 inches thick, has a total of 850 pages and is replete with some 1,100 illustra- tion. The photographs include reproductions of original art works and documents. If it were only for the photographic record, the Gans volume would be rated among the most important Jewish history works of the generations covered in this four- century compilation. It is so all-embracing that it will be thumbed with the greatest respect and appreciation for its liter- ary value as well. The in- formation provided can only be judged with acclaim as an enriching factor for historians. The Gans "Memorbook" is valuable not only as Jewish history and as a chapter in European and world history: it is also to be treasured as an addendum to the history of art. From Rembrandt to the Israels, in many respects, it is an an- thology of documented art works.. The immense vol- ume will fascinate art lov- ers. Because the Dutch Jewish historical record is traced until 1940, it should be indicated that this story of the Jews of the Nether- lands concludes with a supplementary chapter dealing with the fate of Dutch Jewry, 1940 to 1945. It is an important account of what happened: "the fate in- flicted upon them by a horde of murderous savages." It commences with a quota- tion of the last entry in the minute-book of the Jewish Congregation, Oude- Pekela, December 1942: "Now there were only 20 Jewish souls (out of more than 120), two of whom had married outside the faith. There was no minyan. Still, every Sabbath morning, people came together and said their prayers. How long will this handful be left in peace? For we are left but a few of many; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter; to be killed nad to perish in misery and shame." The accompanying photographs are deeply moving. They are an additional indictment of the German criminal acts. Let it be indicated that the Netherlands Jewish population was reduced from 156,000 in 1940 to the present 27,000. The experi- ence under Nazism was tragic, yet it merited a trib- ute to the urge for survival, as well as to the dignity and human spirit of the House of Orange. The author makes this tribute to the House of Orange and to the Jewish will to live: "There were a few more years of reflection and re newal, and then, between 1940 and 1945, Dutch Jewry was torn out of the body of the Dutch nation and the fate of hundreds o f thousands merged with that of the Six Million, a people without a country, without a government, delivered over to barbarians. "After the war, the Dutch Prime Minister confessed, in answer to a question, that the Dutch government-in- exile had never discussed the question of rendering special aid to its Jews. This was not due to wickedness "Jacob Blessing Joseph's Sons," a painting by or anti-Semitism on their Rembrandt. part, but simply to ignor- ance and a failure to grasp generation after genera- ences; there, a teacher tion, with unfailing cour- flew in the face of the what had taken place. tesy and consideration. `spirit of time' and tried to "Thousands were "A few years ago, as infuse his pupils with at saved by their non- Jewish compatriots, Queen Juliana was address- least a modicum of often at the risk of their ing a large group of Dutch understanding of the own lives and with com- students, she repeated an beautiful Hebrew lan- plete unselfishness. old Hasidic tale, the tale of guage and of Jewish his- Many tens of thousands Rabbi Zusia, who had said: tory. "All labored to preserve more looked for help in `When I appear before the vain. They fell victim to Almighty, I am not afraid to the identity of the Jewish criminals whose vileness be asked: `Reb Zusia, why people and of their faith, was beyond anything the have you not been like the and so well did they and raphic nature of similar normal human could Patriarch Abraham, or like their brethren succeed that German and French prod- conceive, and this is a our great teacher, Moses?' the Jewish people after ucts. It is true that anti- fact all of us must bear in The question I fear is: `Reb 2,000 years of exile can once Semitism was not unknown mind when judging the Zusia, have you truly been more lead an independent national existence, drawing in the Netherlands, that shortcomings of the Reb Zusia?' "Yes, the ability to be and on the intellectual and Jews remained second-class Dutch authorities and of- citizens until 1795, and that ficials, and of the ire-V&A to remain true to ourselves spiritual reservoir of great ties us Dutch Jews insepar- and small Jewish com- they continued to suffer Council as well. ably to the two communities munities throughout the from it, but it is equally true "Then came 1945. For to which we belong by birth. world — not least on 3 1/2 that this small country was many of the survivors, the Having scanned decades of centuries of Dutch Jewish also very magnanimous. return home was a disap- Both aspects are recorded pointment. Their Dutch Jewish newspapers for life." * * * here. compatriots had suffered material to use in this book, Early Dutch The Netherlands has sur- and were grieving for their I have come to one main conclusion, namely that Jewish History vived the war, but not so the dead, but their sacrifices majority of Dutch Jews, the had not been in vain and the being true to themselves Commencing with the great proletariat of Dutch people had survived faced Dutch Jews with one earliest times of Jewish set- Amsterdam, the peddlers of the war. The suffering of of their hardest problems. tlement in the Netherlands, the countryside, the par- Jews and non-Jews had not "Here, a congregation in the eras when persecu- nassim, the rebbes and rab- been the same. And suffer- reduced to five families tions in other lands drove bonim, the lawyers and the ing that is not shared helps labored to maintain their them through many coun- doctors, the host of poor to divide people. . old synagogue; there, a tries, the author points out diamond cutters and the "The Jews were strangers handful of charitable that in 1200 there was no handful of rich diamond once again. The old Jewish men made great sac- evidence ofJews residing in merchants, all of whom con- sages had never taught that rifices to run an orphan- Holland. In the coming cen- stituted the species hollan- the past contains the pre- age of which the commu- turies, when JeWs began to dica judaica, the typical sent, and the present the fu- nity could rightly be make it their home,- the Dutch-Jewish strain. ture, but rather that the proud; here, the spokes- prejudices elsewhere did not This book is made up of fate of the parents was a men of the community affect this land whose a series of snapshots of portent for the children. were doing their utmost toleration and grants of these people in a country That had been the lesson of to persuade the gover- freedom to Jews is widely where they felt safe as in Jewish history. And, after ment of the need to make commended. no other — until chaster 1948, the great achieve- official representation Interestingly, the earliest struck. Let the reader ments ofJews in the Jewish against the persecution reference to Jews in the take these glimpses for state proved that this lesson of Jews in foreign coun- Netherlands is in a quoted what they are, transfixed had been truly learned. tries or to champion -the letter dated 1295. moments, but also preci- "The world at last cause of the oppressed At the outset, on Papal ous memories: an • al- realized that Jews would no minority at world confer- (Continued on Page 80) bum, a Memorbook, a longer allow themselves to Book of Remembrance in be slaughtered, that they modern form. were becoming a normal Though this book is as people. The Dutch re- honest as the author could covered their old feeling of make it, it is neither neutral kinship with the Jews, their nor objective. It cannot be. spiritual bond with the The men and women filling people of the Bible, whose its pages were people among history had inspired their whom my ancestors lived struggle for freedom in the and struggled, in whose 17th Century and who were company my ,brothers and I even now re-enacting that grew up, as did my wife, her s truggle in the Holy Land. parents, her young sister "It is only fitting that I and all our friends. And my should conclude this brothers and her sister, my book with a tribute to the mother and her parents, House of Orange, the first shared the fate of those family in the Netherlands friends and acquaintances, f or 31/2 centuries. To the of those whose faces we best of my knowledge, knew, whose place in our t hey are the only family little world we could have o f such standing in all pointed out, even if we did E urope to have treated "Moses With the Two Tablets," a painting by Re- not know their names. heir Jewish subjects, mbrandt, 1659. Waiting for the Messiah (Continued from Page 1) of Remembrance were writ- ten to recall the names of those who had perished lik' dushat hashem, for the sanctification of God's name; sometimes all that could be recorded was the name of a whole commu- nity. Today we have long lists of those who were mur- dered between 1940 and 1945, and already their names sound unfamiliar to our children. Prof. Presser's book, "Ashes in the Wind," a re- cord of the destruction of what we used to know as Dutch Jewry, opens with the words: "This book tells the story of murder." That is why I begin with the words: "This is the story of Jewish life." The murder of more than 100,000 men, women and children has been re- called time and again, and that is only right. But Jews did not only die, they also lived, for better or worse, remaining for more than three centuries in the Netherlands, where, ac- cording to Prof. Monnich, it was "pleasant to wait for re- demption." Jewish historians have always bestowed a great deal of well-deserved praise on the Nether- AO" lands. In the 17th Cen- tury, Amsterdam styled herself the capital of Europe. Amsterdam ruled the world. And the Jews of Amsterdam called their city "Little Jerusalem." "Little Jerusalem" it may have been, indeed, but let it not be forgotten that Amsterdam never was or could have been the real Jerusalem. Even so, it was undoubtedly Amsterdam hamehulala, Amsterdam the praiseworthy; Mokum, the city. The conditions of Jews in the Netherlands were less ideal than has often been suggested, but they cer- tainly fared better than most Jews elsewhere. This fact is reflected throughout this book, but one anticipat- ory remark is called for: neither in the illustrations, nor in the legends, nor in the literature written be- tween 1600 — when Hol- land gained her indepen- dence — and the Hitler period, was there ever any hint of incitement to mur- der, or any call to expel the Jews from this country. Moreover, what few carica- tures ofJews there were did not have the virulent anti- Semitic and often pornog- 40 "Jews Walking in the Street," a drawing by Re- mbrandt.