64 Friday, December 23, 1983 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Jackson, McGovern Candidacies Cause for Concern By MORRIS AMITAY WASHINGTON — Two new Democratic candidates have officially launched their Presidential cam- paigns — Rev. Jesse Jackson and former 1972 Presidential candidate George McGovern. What characterizes the can- didacies of these two, other than the very long odds on their success, is the clear departure from the other candidates' stated positions regarding Israel and the Middle East. Jackson's expressed pur- pose in seeking the presidency is to create "leverage" to allow black involvement in a range of issues, including foreign policy. And as Texas Rep. Mickey Leland has stated, "Blacks are not just talking about foreign policy in re- gard to Africa and the Caribbean!" Jackson's past actions and pronouncements on the Middle East are at variance with the Democratic Party's traditional support for close U.S.-Israel ties, and par- ticularly offensive to the party's significant Jewish constituency. Jackson, the director of the Chicago-based Op- eration PUSH, has made his mark.on Middle East politics with his outspo- from Arab states." Significantly, shortly after his announcement for the Presidency, Jackson ad- dressed the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Com- mittee, as did McGovern. More recently, Jackson has moved from claiming there is a "misperception" among Jews of his Mideast posi- tions, to saying "increased strategic cooperation with Israel is vital to our na- tional interest." JESSE JACKSON ken support for, and his public embracing of PLO Chief Yasir Arafat. After embarking upon a "fact- finding" mission to the Middle East in 1979 (where he spent a total of two days in Israel), Jackson declared, "One who does not regard Arafat as a true hero does not read the situation correctly." He also called U.S. re- fusal to recognize the PLO an "international absur- dity," and announced his support for the creation of a Palestinian state, claiming that a pro-Israel attitude endangered America's "vi- tal interests." GEORGE McGOVERN Whether Rev. Jackson's interest in Middle East foreign policy was moti- vated by his concern for America's vital interests, or lilt of concern for Operation PUSH's financial needs re- mains uncertain. But within a month after his re- turn to Chicago, Jackson had raised a substantial sum of money from Arab- Americans, and some $10,000 from the Libyan government. He made clear to his new-found friends, that "there will be no black leader left willing to come to the aid of the Palestinian cause if there is not an im- mediate infusion of funds into the black community It is reasonable to as- sume that the reality of fund raising from Demo- cratic Party .sources prompted this positive declaration rather than a genuine change of heart. Whether Jackson's can- didacy and his current ef- forts to change delegate selection rules will amount to more than just embarrassment for the Democratic Party re- mains to be seen. When George McGovern announced his surprising candidacy for President, he pledged to say nothing about any issue except what he honestly believed. In doing so with regard to Is- rael, he has followed the same increasingly critical line which has char- acterized his actions of the past few years. Orthodox Town Takes Shape in Samaria By MOSHE RON The Jewish News Special Israel Correspondent TEL AVIV — The in- itiator of Emanuel, which is now being built in Samaria, is American millionaire Pinhas Erenreich, a grand- child of the late Itshele Gerstenkorn, who in 1924 organized a group of Hasidic Jews from Poland to go to Eretz Israel and had built for them the religious town of Bnei Brak. Emanuel was planned years ago with the consent of the Rabbi of Gur and his brother, Rabbi Pinhas Menahem Alter, the chair- man of the Central Commit- tee of Agudat Israel, who was active in building the town. A few weeks ago there was a big celebration on the anniversary of the founding of the town. Some 50,000, mainly Hasidic Jews, as- sembled. Rabbi Alter was scheduled to be the main speaker, but a paratroop jump was included in the program. He canceled his participation, explaining that such an event should not be mixed with a reli- gious celebration. * When hundreds of buses with guests arrived, there was another "incident." he said. "I shall buy it and Many participants the mountain will vanish launched a protest because from this site." one of the bus drivers was a Rabbi Erenreich is a woman. member of Agudat Israel Vice Prime Minister and a Hasid of Gur. People David Levy addressed the predict that he will be the assembled guests and called successor of Knesset for unity of the Jewish member Abraham Shapira. people for developing Israel. "Two years ago I was con- Emanuel should have — ac- cording to the plan — in the sidered mad," he says. "Now year 2000, 250,000 inhabi- the building of 500 houses tants. In the first phase has already started and this is only the beginning. We there will be 5,000 families. shall build here three The first 35 families have yeshivot, a modern mikve settled in the first apart- building with four floors, ments. four kindergartens, two big When Rabbi Erenreich schools, a supermarket, a proposed two years ago to postal building, two athletic build an Orthodox town in fields, 30 shops, a branch of Samaria, Israeli govern- the Mizrahi Bank, a center ment officials were skepti- for small children, a phar- cal. Rabbi Erenreich told macy, synagogues and them he had $100 million at separate swimming pools his disposal for the project. for men and women." Now the first 100 apart- "We intend to build here ments have been built and there are also a few paved commerce and industry enterprises, a hospital and roads. an electric railway." Vice Rabbi- Erenreich, father Prime Minister David Levy of nine children, wears Or- has shown great interest in thodox clothing — a kaftan the project. and a shtreiml — viewed Rabbi Erenreich is an the surroundings. He early riser. He gets up at 5 looked at the mountain op- a.m. for prayers and then posite the new town. "This goes to his' office in Bnei mountain interferes with Brak, where 30 employees the view of the new town," plan and carry out the building of Emanuel. Tele- phone calls come in from all over the world. A few days after the an- niversary, Defense Minister Moshe Arens visited Emanuel. He was received by Rabbi Erenreich, who in- formed him about the build- ing project. He told Arens that it would be taken care of in advance, that the in- habitants of the town would enjoy a quiet life. No car would be allowed to enter the town and transportation would be by an electric train. In each house there will be a computer connected with the administration of the town, he said. Rabbi Erenreich has es- tablished his own super- market in the new town. He has created a bus company which already transports Arab workers to and from construction jobs in Emanuel. Many inhabitants of Bnei Brak, which is 30 minutes from Emanuel, have de- cided to move into the new town because of favorable prices and conditions. Con- sequently, the prices of apartments in Bnei Brak have gone down by 20 per- cent. The building of the new town has caused con- troversy among members of the Council of Torah Sages, the highest spiritual and political institution of Agudat Israel. Some leaders are against the new town, situated in the territory occupied by Israel during the 1967 war. With a George Ball-like attitude of "saving Israel despite itself," McGovern "deplored" the "totally un- justified" Israeli invasion of Lebanon and denounced its settlements policy on the West Bank of the Jordan. He has termed former Is- raeli Prime Minister Begin a "reactionary militarist and a disgrace both to Judaism and the Israeli na- tion," and has described ef- forts by American citizens to promote strong U.S.- Israel relations as constitut- ing "bullying tactics" and "McCarthyism." Hiding behind his percep- tion of the attitudes of some American Jewish "doves," and citing the pro-PLO Jewish Chancellor of Au- stria, Bruno Kreisky, to jus- tify his own views, McGovern is demonstrating the same lack of under- standing of Middle East is- sues he exhibited as a former member of the Se- nate Foreign Relations Committee. While McGovern did support foreign aid, he was an active proponent of U.S. arms sales in the early 1970s to.Jordan and Egypt and voted for the sale of F-15s to Saudi Arabia. At the time, he described his vote as an' effort to promote "even- handedness." While one might admire George McGovern's candor, and even concede that he means well, Israel's suppor- ters should console them- selves with the knowledge that his chances of winning the nomination, much less the Presidency, are just about nil. * * * Another View of Jackson By ROBERT E. SEGAL (A Seven Arts Feature) In 1966, when Martin Luther King carried his civil rights campaign to Chicago, he tapped Jesse Jackson, then only 25, to take charge of that non- violent protest program. Much of the black Presidential candidate's difficulties today probably would not have arisen had he accepted Dr. King's ad- vice and philosophy in toto. The martyred King's gift for effective oratory is un- matched to their feet also. But more than a silver tongue is needed to gain the confidence, support, and trust that characterize an acknowledged hero. Jackson's 1979 em- brace of Yasir Arafat, and a sorry record of dis- paragement of Jews are causing many who might warm to his cause to keep their distance from him. For a man who aspires to the Presidency to have complained that he was sick and tired of hearing about the Holocaust re- nders hollow his claim to be compassionate. When he blames Jewish domination of American media for some of the bad press he has received, he re- veals a sad lack of knowl- edge about media owner- ship and a tendency to trade in canards. When he slurs Jews for "overreacting" to persecution, he does an in- justice to all who were ever oppressed, including his fel- low blacks. If he intends to express regret for this past record, he has given little evidence of it save for a simple dis- claimer that he is not anti- Semitic. When we turn to the deci- sion of a Jewish group with headquarters in Brooklyn to form "Jews Against Jackson," we find another example of unwisdom and misguided political energy. Those who subscribe to this extremist appeal will learn eventually that it is coun- terproductive. - It amounts to driving still another stake of de- visiveness into the body politic. Over the years, the great majority of American Jews have worked to build respect among this nation's reli- gious, ethnic, and racial groups. One sure way to rip that civic fabric is to enlist in a "Jews Against Jackson" campaign. Coretta Scott King has said: "Most Jews and Neg- roes have respected each other for decades and still do, despite all the current sound and fury." This is not to deny that in recent years, new strains have surfaced between Jews and blacks. A part of the emergency of such distanc- ing comes from burn-out in the long civil rights strug- gle, a conclusion in some Jewish quarters that blacks have "made it." Doubts about the wisdom of affir- mative action programs seen by some as a rebirth of a quota system account for tension also. Here again, we serve our- selves well by agreeing with Mrs. King when she says: "Blacks and Jews united are a central element in the new coalition of conscience we are building to achieve jobs, peace, and freedom. By drawing together from our common Judeo-Christian heritage of justice, love, and forgiveness, we can help bring about a genuine re= conciliation." , Harold Washington, who is Chicago's first black mayor, is authority for the statement that 50 percent of Jews who cast ballots in the recent elec- tion there voted for him. Philadelphia's successful black candidate for mayor also enjoyed strong Jewish backing. Jackson obviously will have very little Jewish sup- port. To understand why, he needs only to compare the animosity he has shown Jews with the love and com- radeship Martin Luther King displayed for them. =