6 Friday, December 2, 1983 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Irwin Field Placing Aliya on American Jewish Agenda Caricatures By DR. DAVID GEFFEN the major Jewish migra- tions involved 'going away from something.' Thank- fully, in this day and age with the birth and growth of the state of Israel, aliya is an option for Jews who. choose it, 'to go to some- thing.' " Sharing his thoughts on aliya during the fall quar- terly board meeting of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors in Jerusalem was former Detroiter Irwin Field of Los Angeles, the dynamic chairman of the United Israel Appeal. Active in Jewish life for many years without seeing aliya as a central issue, he is now the chairman of the Aliya Commission of the "Caesarea Process" for the revitalization of the Jewish for changing the perception bership in the AACI. of aliya are contained in the "The AACI is not sitting for your party proposals of the Aliya back waiting for olim to Commission of the come to it. Representa- By Caesarea Process. They and tives of the AACI are at other aspects of the the airport waiting to Caesarea Process were greet new olim. major topics during the "AACI counselors, known FIRESTONE Jewish Agency Board of to be the best informed on Governors and assembly immigrants' rights, visit JEWELRY Call meetings in October. The new ohm regularly in ab- Wholesale Diamonds 8 Jewelry Remounting Jewelry & Watch Repair Caesarea Process entails sorption centers. AACI SUITE 318 ADVANCE BLDG the increasing involvement representatives meet with 23077 Greenfield at 9 Mile of the communities in aliya American and Canadian (313) 557-1860 and Jewish education and students on all the Israeli in June the Jewish Agency university campuses. They Assembly accepted the go to the kibutzim to talk Buy Yourself A HANUKA PRESENT WZO's Jerusalem Program to North American volun- IRWIN FIELD on the centrality of Israel, teers. They provide assis- BEST NEW AUTO LOAN RATE IN TOWN Agency involving a coming aliya, the strengthening of tance to individuals who are 11.00% APR-36 Mo.I12.00%APR-48 Mo.I15% Down together of the Agency's Israel, Jewish education on pilot trips to Israel. Serving B'nai B'rith Members and Their Families Zionist and non-Zionist and the protection ofJewish "The AACI," Field COVENANT CREDIT UNION components. rights everywhere. stressed, "is bringing the 25835 Southfield Road "When we, the leader- Phone 552-8111 Field has been one of the spirit of volunteerism to Is- ship of the Jewish key leaders of the American raeli society. We American Agency and the World Jewish community during Jews pride ourselves on our Zionist Organization, the past decade, serving as accomplishments in the began the Caesarea de- national campaign chair- sphere of volunteerism and liberations in 1981 I took man for the United Jewish we believe that this is a it upon myself to lead the Appeal, national president quality North Americans discussions on aliya. of the UJA and from 1983 can contribute to Israeli life. Caesarea was chosen be- chairman of the United Is- "Every wave of olim has cause for three days we rael Appeal. The UIA has left its impact on Israeli could talk in a quiet and the responsibility for al- society. We should do the thought-provoking at- locating, appropriating and same. A dramatic example, mosphere. We were sur- monitoring all of the funds in recent years, is the qual- prised to discover in the made available to the ity of life projects of the course of our sessions Jewish Agency from the AACI, which have already that the topic of volun- UJA campaigns in the had an impact in various tary aliya from the free United States. Last year the and diversified aspects of Is- countries (as against sum allocated, including raeli life, including cam- those of distress) had the special campaign and paigns for no smoking and never been a subject on Project Renewal, was over cleanliness in buses, clean- the agendas of the major $300 million. liness in streets and public Jewish organizations in "We believe that we places, help for old people, those same free coun- have created a climate scholarships for the chil- tries. for the consideration of dren of soldiers who fell in "What did become clear to aliya as a viable option action, tutoring for pupils in the members of the commis- for American and Cana- underprivileged areas, etc. sion," Field continued, "was dian Jews in particular "No one can predict the the extent to which aliya and world Jewry in gen- future," Field says can- had the potential to satisfy eral." didly. "I am convinced VIDEO PLUS the needs and aspirations of VIDEO PLUS AUDIO Field chaired a major ses- that in North America Jews in the democratic sion on aliya at the Council there can and will be a 19739 W. 12 MILE RD. 6641 ORCHARD LAKE RD. countries and that it should of Jewish Federations Gen- heightened conscious- at EVERGREEN (Old Orchard Mall) be a positive option for those eral Assembly recently in ness about aliya. The SOUTHFIELD, MI WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI wanting to make it as their Atlanta. process is already 569-2330 855-4070 individual choice." "There are two distinctive under way, and not only Field's recommendations parts to the aliya process in the U.S." Though the figures are once the decision has been made. First, there is the ac- still out of proportion com- MR. & MRS. JOSEPH SPITZER and staff tual act of making aliya. pared to the North Ameri- wish everyone a Secondly, there is the proc- can Jewish community, it is ess of becoming a part of Is- expected that while nearly HAPPY CHANUKAH rael society. Through the 3,000 came on aliya in years, the Israel .govern- 1982-1983, the numbers ment and the Jewish will reach about 4,000 this Agency have worked to- year. gether in physically absorb- ing thousands of new im- French Pledge migrants. However, in our Bias Response aismowel deliberations during the PARIS (JTA) — French Just Off The Press! Aliya Commission meet- ings," Field noted, "we Premier Pierre Mauroy on realized that an actual Sunday night pledged that model for successful inte- his government will fight i I gration into Israeli society with the utmost energy the existed for North American slightest manifestation of including decorations, signs, I olim via the Association of racism or anti-Semitism. Mauroy, who was inau- 1 I Americans and Canadians gurating gift wrapping, cards, dreidels a new Jewish in Israel." I communal center in the city and menorahs (50 different styles) "Aliya is undoubtedly a 1 A comprehensive selection of Roman I I monumental step," Field of Lille, said, "Western says. "What is needed to European and France have I Vishniac's celebrated photographs 1 help in successful aliya for learned the lesson of the I of the Jews of Eastern Europe. I the new oleh is an 'ultimate past. We must all act at the up to 1 I friend,' a 'friend of last re- first symptom of anti- 1 after Dec. 31, 1983 sort' to whom he or she can Semitism as slight as it may Free dreidel for each person I $65.00 turn and get answers to cer- be." The community center, who comes in store. tain basic questions. The good wlcoupon only expires 12131183 built with the help of the a ! AACI is precisely this for mi.91•Imasimmmrnmanimi government and the city of North American olim." It's Chanukah Time at Lille, will serve the needs of Field, who has cham- Lille's 3,000 Jews and an- VISA' Hebrew Book & Gift Center pioned the work of the other 25,000 who live close AACI for many years, to the city. 11 Mile & Lahser, Southfield was instrumental in hav- Harvard Row ing the Los Angeles Fed- In politics experiments 356-6080 Open All Day Sunday eration give every Los mean revolutions. Angeles oleh a gift mem- —Disraeli World Zionist Press Service SAM FIELD JERUSALEM — "Throughout the history of our people, since the de- struction of the Second Temple, practically all of 399-1320 . HAPPY HANUKA NOW SHOWING Local Hero Vacation The Survivors Breathless Pink Floyd THE WALL $35 Membership Fee $2.50 overnight $5 for4 Days SPITZER'S of Harvard Row Spitzer's Super Chanukah Specials! I ' ALL CHANUKAH i A Vanished World MERCHANDISE : ROMAN VISHNIAC I 1 I 0% OFF - - - SPITZER' With a foreword by Elie Wiese! • 1 NOW $39951