Friday, November 25, 1983 11 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 1 Readers Forum Quality PLUMBING "A Flush Beats A Full House" Dial Materials submitted to the Readers Forum must be brief. The writer's name will be withheld from publication upon request. No unsigned letters will be published. Materials will not be returned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Student Reports from Israel (Editor's Note: The fol- lowing letter is sent from the recipient of the Philip Slomovitz Scholarship administered by the Metro Detroit District - Zionist Organization of America.) Editor, The Jewish News: I've recently arrived in Is- rael as a social work volun- teer for Sherut La'am (Ser- vice to the People). I've been in Israel for a full three weeks; I've spent most of my time so far inter- viewing all over the country for various social work posi- tions. The Sherut La'am of- fice here in Jerusalem has helped me get leads for jobs in various development towns throughout Israel. In general, development towns are places where new immigrants are absorbed into Israeli society. They are usually small in size and varied in population com- position. I've found most people to be very warm and friendly. Since many Is- raelis prefer to live in the larger cities, most develop- ment towns lack sufficient manpower for basic human services such as social, edu- cational and medical. tive trimmings: A hand- some articulate speaker, a large, receptive audience, and a flattering message with cliches that we are hated because of our Jewishness and high moral standards. The author categorically denies that anti-Semitism is due to economic, social, racial or psychologic factors or the need for a scapegoat. With such bold assertions one anticipates new in- sights or revelations, but what emerges is a theory that sounds more like "wishful thinking" than re- ality. Some specific in- stances will permit the reader to judge for one- self. The speaker dismis- sed the idea of a scapegoat as a valid reason for anti-Semitism, and cited Hitler as an il- lustration. This is very surprising, as Hitler's rise to power was punctuated by his re- peatedly blaming the Jews for Germany's de- feat in World War I. To accept the author's as- sumption of a unitary cause for anti-Semitism is at best very simplistic. Every epoch had multiple reasons for anti-Jewish manifestations In the past weeks I've that interact in varying de- talked with several social grees. The Holocaust workers, many of whom tragedy was different from have more than 100 the pogroms of the Czars, or families on their the Spanish inquisition, or caseload. Thus, since the Crusades, and the everywhere I go social Chmielnicki massacres. The Nazi period saw the workers are desperately needed, I have not found unleashing of all the power- it difficult to find work. In ful forces of hatred, includ- fact, in every city that I ing the racial, economic and interviewed, I've been of- psychological, that culmi- fered a job. Having so nated in the bestiality of many choices, made it genocide. The author's denial of the very hard for me to de- emotional basis for anti- cide where to go. Finally I chose the city of Semitism is surprising. His Ashdod for a few reasons: reason that not all anti- one, because the job seemed Semites are emotionally shows that he is una- very interesting to me; it's community-center work, ware of basic psychologic and my emphasis will be truism that envy, jealousy working with families, and rivalry are common which is my area of interest. phenomena. Even Hitler The second reason I went had to de-humanize the to Ashdod was because it is Jews before they could be- so centrally located. Lastly, come suitable victims by my choice of Ashdod was calling them "vermin" and motivated by my talks with "a cancer," etc., to be eradi- the people who gave me the cated. impression they like living Prager disavows the here. I did not get that im- "chosen people" concept pression at the other places as a cause for anti- I visited. Semitism, and cites the I am sure that living here case of the Chinese who will be very interesting; I have a superiority idea of am looking forward to hav- themselves and are not ing some very exciting ex- discriminated against. periences. Assuming that the above Gwen Daneman Ashdod, Israel * * * Prager Thesis Forgets Facts is true, how can one com- pare a people of several hundred million living on their own land with a small minority spread all over the globe? His reasoning is faulty re- gardless of the facts. Editor, The Jewish News: The main theme of De- The author seems to ig- nnis Prager's book on anti- Semitism, "Why the Jews?", nore the uniqueness of the as presented at the Book Jewish people irrespective Fair, should not go unchal- of the high morality of Judaism. The. Jews are the lenged. • The lecture. had itpi, .80A4 t,only Iztetaialt Ahree- quarters of their number in Diaspora and not on their own land. Hebrew and Yid- dish are spoken only by Jews. No other people prac- tice Judaism. A glance at the UN voting blocs shows how isolated Israel is, polit- ically and otherwise. The speaker's thesis is akin to the idea of Maurice Samuels who stated in 1949 that Jews are hated not be- cause they "crucified" Christ but because they gave birth to him. There is no doubt that Judean- Christian morality was anathema to the Nazi pagan philosophy, but this cannot be assigned as the root of Hitler's anti-Semitism. The ovens in the concentration camps were not limited to religious Jews. Also, the Vatican as the "guardian of high morality" was as guilty as any Hitler underl- ing because of sabotage and official silence. Because of his basic mis- conception and lack of ap- preciation of the emotional aspects of anti-Semitism. Prager's conclusions should not be taken seriously. 967-DRIP insured • license 81-0792 receive the card himself, his sadistic KGB captors will know that the world is not forgetting about him.) And second, after lighting your Hanuka candles each night, say a prayer on be- half of Anatoly and all the other Jewish Prisoners of Conscience. May God, who brought us the miracle of Hanuka, soon bring us a miraculous redemption of Anatoly so that he may live in peace with his wife Avital in Jerusalem. UNDERCOVERS BOUTIQUE proudly presents its 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SALE 50% OFF All Lingerie at 30% OFF All Fashions at and (perfect for gift giving) FREE GIFT WRAP HARVARD ROW MALL Mon.-Sat. 10:00-5:30 12:00-4:00 11 Mile & Lahser thru December Morey Schapira Union of Councils for Soviet Jews Dr. Milton Steinhardt * * * Modern-Day Maccabee- Shcharansky Editor, The Jewish News: A modern-day Judah Maccabee languishes today in a Soviet prison cell. His name is Anatoly Shcharansky. As Judah Maccabee did many cen- turies ago, Shcharansky was fighting to preserve his Jewish values, culture and ideals. Like Judah Mac- cabee, he is struggling against a powerful, anti- Semitic tyranny. A year ago, Anatoly Shcharansky was on a des- perate hunger strike to call attention to his plight. To- day, his name is hardly mentioned any more in the public press. We, however, cannot afford to let up in our efforts for a man who has sacrificed so much for his people. Hanuka, a holiday of freedom, is nearly upon us. Each of your readers can help Anatoly this Hanuka. First, by sending him a Hanuka greeting card. A simple card with a 400 stamp may help shine some light into a dark, cold prison cell. His address is: Anatoly Shcharansky UCHr. UE 148/C.T.4 Gorod Chistopol 422950 Tatarskaya ASSR RSFSR, USSR (Even if Anatoly does not Reform Group Slates Parley LOS ANGELES - The National Association of Temple Educators will hold its 29th national conven- tion Dec. 25-30 in Costa „: :p Mesa, Calif. Diamonds and Gold. Make your gift even more precious this holiday. Select a gift from Tapper's. We've got style. 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