THE,DETROILMISH NEWS UJA Chief Will Address 1984 Campaign Luncheon -, Irving Bernstein, execu- tive vice chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, will be guest speaker on behalf of the 1984 Allied Jewish Campaign at an 11 a.m. luncheon meeting Wednes- day at the home of Dorothy Gerson. Wayne Feinstein, execu- tive vice president of the Jewish Welfare Federation, will bring greetings and a local Campaign update. The gathering, sponsored by the Women's Division Advance Gifts ($7,500 and over) Section of the Cam- the paign, will focus on the local and overseas needs that re- quire communal support. Bernstein is the profes- sional head of the Ameri- can Jewish community's major channel of funds for humanitarian service to the people of Israel. He has presided over the op- erations of the interna- tional philanthropic agency for the last de- cade. He was a major force behind the creation of Project Renewal, the Friday, September 16, 19133 41 Ladies-Only Concert Slated social rehabilitation pro- gram in Israel. Marian Handleman, chairman of the Advance Gifts Section, is being as- sisted by Barbara Berry, associate chairman; Jane Sherman, briefing chair- man; Belle Kukes, Babs Lowenstein, Dulcie Rosen- feld, Marianne Schwartz and Shelby Tauber, vice chairmen; Marlene Bor- man, Campaign chairman; Sharon Hart, associate Campaign chairman and Ellen Labes, Women's Di- vision president. Folksinger Miriam Barry will appear in a ladies-only concert entitled "A Touch of Music," 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25 at Oak Park High School. The concert will benefit the Kollel Institute. Mrs. Barry will be joined in the program by pianist Patti Ross, flutist Theresa North and pianist Devora Moskowitz. An original dance performance will be presented by Janet Burg and Estie Grubner. There is an admission charge. Tickets will be available at the door. For details, call Goldie Silvers- tein, 967-3374. FULL COLOR CARICATURES FOR PARTIES & SOCIALS 352-3270 IRVING TASCO ORCHESTRA 541-7651 345-7139 SAVE UP TO 60% ON DIAMONDS • We Sell Diamonds Only • By Appointment Only . \ Call Jerry Turken at The New York Diamond Cutting Company IRVING BERNSTEIN se". TM v.% Lester Burton will ad- dress the Women's Com- mercial Real Estate Asso- ciation's monthly meeting 11:30 a.m. Tuesday at Jac- ques. For reservations, con- tact Rusty Rosman, 363- 1545; or Marion Cohen, 335-0820. "The Diamond Cutters" 3000 Town Center, Southfield, Michigan: , 355-2300 • S'1.- C the Women to Meet \ • 'fork Diamoncl Cl1111111, (.<11111.,: 1977 "Shulamit" is the female equivalent of "Solomon" and means "the peaceful one." RANK DESIGNS FALL INVENTORY CLEARANCE DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON. Hand Made Chenille Designer Sweaters All sizes, colors, styles . Chenille & Novelty Yarns MON.-SAT. 10:00 A.M.-4:00 P.M. STARTING MON., SEPT. 19, 1983 '• 4 al r 2980 W. 12 Mile Rd., Berkley (Between Coolidge & Greenfield) Next to the Berkley Theater Phone: 543-2697 No Credit Cards Accepted j • .1., :1