TitDETROIT JEWISH NEWS Getzell the Butcher and the Kashrut Conflict (Continued from Page 22) The ice man used to de- liver ice daily. Fridiy; September 9, 1983 23 Though all the winds of ingloriously, by licensing doctrine were let loose to and prohibiting, to mis- play upon the earth, so doubt her strength. truth be in the field, we do Milton in his usual place and knock. Zint Reb `Rachmeal take care of his dietary nowhere in sight. is avec but derr parshiva laws, and quickly.") parshayn On Sunday morning, cus- (Dirty - vile) "Reb `Rachmeal, ich yell Wedding, Rehearsal and Ceremony Assistance The customer picked one tomers came into the store (character) unz ungeshtop- eye-ch gebben finf dollar a of the chickens; it was care- and they noticed the ab- ped mitt chazar — uff zine vach." I will give you five fully checked, and whatsence of the mashgiakh.) kopp zull fallen dee ee-vay- dollars a week.") He was with the new weight, Get- "Vu is Reb `Rachmeal?' they reh." earning $3.50. ' zell had to refund35 cents; asked. (Where is Reb ("Since Reb `Rachmeal 559-4757 "Ich veil nit farrkayfen he was mad. The woman .left (Rachmeal?') left, this vile characlter has Gott's kashruths far gelt. with a "Gooten Shabbos." "Err is krank," Getzell stuffed us with non-kosher Gay Gezunter hate, un As the days are short in lied without batting an eye. products. On his head shall der Gott voss due hust fall the sin.") the winter months, and be- _("He is sick.") gemaynt upnarren vaste cause it was Friday after- A week passed when a Naturally, business alles." ("I will not sell May the coming year be noon, preparations were customer met Reb dropped immediately, God's dietary laws for one filled with health, made to leave for the day. Rachmeal leaving the and soon there was no money. Be well, and the Reb Rachmeal went to the shul. "Oi, voss macht business for Getzell. His God whom you had in happiness and rear of the store to hand up ear?" she asked, then store window was mind to fool knows all.") prosperity for all our his white gown, and as he added, "Ich hab geherrt broken; garbage was Rumor has it-that Getzell friends and supporters turned around, he noticed oz ear zine-t shlaff?" strewn before the moved to the Bronx. No one that Getzell had cut out the ("How are you? I heard entrance; people spat as knows if Jews will ever liver in question, and was that you were ill.") they passed by. He feared move way up in the Bronx, quartering the chicken into 18877 W. Ten Mile Rd. - Suite 104 to walk the street , and he or, he may be selling reg- "Verr is shlaff? Gottes- parts and wrapping them in was apprehensive to Smithfield, Mich. 48075 ular treife meat to goyim. dankin ich bin fol-kum gez- paper. • attend shul services. He - However, some landsleit (313) 557-6644 unt." ("Who is sick? Thank "Getzell, ich hab deer had sinned before the liv- mentioned , perhaps he left JACK ZWICK God, I am perfectly well.") SHIRLEY KRAFT crezakt tsoo anise varfin dee b ing God. President Getzell h New York state, and is now "ut gezackt . . ." President terayfa chicken." ("I told a shokhet somewhere in Women of JNF Finally, one evening you to throw out the non- ("Getzell said . . .") ED ROSENTHAL SHEILA GUYER "Ich hab garnit twoo-ton when Reb `Rachmeal and Connecticut. It is an up- kosher chicken.") Executive Director— President area for kosher "Reb `Rachmeal, der mitt Getzell merr." ("I have my father were discussing a and-coming Young Women of JNF and non-kosher food. nothing to do with Getzell.") pilpul (hair-splitting Tal- lebber ken zine nisht "Voss is gesh-en?" ("What mudic dialectic), there was goot, ober dee chicken zet happened?") a knock on the door and meer ois fine." ("The liver "Frekt Getzell," he re- Getzell appeared. "Reb may not be good, but the torted. ("Ask Getzell.") `Rachmeal," he began; "Ich chicken appears fine.") It didn't take long. All you vill betten m'chilleh, un zite "Ich bin da der have to do is tell one person, azay goot un herrt meer mashgiakh," Reb Rachmeal and the kosher East Side oise." ("I wish that you will said with authority. "Potter buzzed with excitement. excuse me. Please be good shayn up dee terayfa Everyone knew. enough to hear me.") nevayle." ("I am the ritual Expressions too bitter to "Ich hab deer gazacht oz overseer. Get rid of the carr- relate were cast on Getzell's Gott vett zich unnemen farr ion.") head. "A fire uff im. Bren- zine. Kashruths in gichen." Reb Rachmeal, alles is nen zall err, derr trafe- , (I told you that God would fine, and but a Gooten Shabbos." ("Everything is fine, and have a good Shah- bath.") Furthermore, as an WASHINGTON afterthought: "Utt is eye-er gelt far dee vach." ("Here is Yaacov Agam, Israel's most your money for the week.") famous abstract artist, has "Ich nem nit kine gelt. Ich agreed to make a sculpture for Hadassah. The an- veil da merr nit zine." ("I will not take any money. I nouncement was made at am leaving.") Taking his the Hadassah national con- books from the shelf, he vention last month. The work will be situated wrapped them in newspap- ers and cord, and turned to beside a fountain at the Getzell and said: "Gott vett head of the reflecting pool zich unnemen farr zine outside of the Hadassah kashruths-unein cichen." Hospital Synagogue noted ("God will take care of His for the famed Marc Chagall dietary laws, and quickly.") stained-glass windows which depict the Twelve "Reb Rachmeal, zite Tribes of Israel. gezunt. Ess is garnisht. "I have conceived a kine- YAACOV AGAM Ich yell eye-ch zen Zu-n- tic sculpture, 'Beating tag." ("Stay well, it is nothing. I will see you Heart,' composed of nine feet by six feet or larger, de- separate elements which pending on the configura- The flavor of Jarlsberg R Brand Cheese is as natural as the Norwegians who Sunday.") will be kept constantly in tion of the pool and the Reb Rachmeal left and re- motion by water from the sculpture in relationship to make it. The full, rich, distinctive. nut-like taste makes it a favorite for noshing, turned to his home. Later fountain, or perhaps by a its environment and nearby nibbling, serving with fruit or wine, and using it in your recipes. Jarlsberg. my father and Reb `Rach- small motor," Agam said. buildings. Every good store carries it. meal went to the Slutsker The sculpture will be of "This will be a one-of- shul for Friday services. polished stainles steeel. It a-kind sculpture for Also enjoy Ski Queen Brand Gjetost cheese, Nokkelost Landsman Getzell was not will be approximately six Hadassah," Agam said. spiced cheese and many other fine cheeses from Norway. Sharon Padzensky JEWISH NATIONAL FUND Agam Sculpture )arlsberg. It's a big wheel with all lovers of fine cheese. c 1980 Norseland Foods. Inc Stamford. CT 06901 ZIONIST 11VORMAHON NEWS SERVICE WHO ARE THE "PALESTINIANS" "WE, THE JEWISH PIONEERS, WERE THE PALESTINIANS," Golda Meir excerpt from a letter to the editor of the NEW YORK TIMES, July, 1975 We Palestinian Jews wore the uniform of the British army, and on our shoulder epaulettes the single word "Palestine" in English. We tried to get permission to wear Hebrew insignia, fly the Jewish flag and be recognized as Palestine Jews, but . . . no, the Palestinian meant Jew and Arab, and who cared if there were fewer than 3,000 Arabs compared to 36,000 Jews in khaki? So we fought the war as Palestinians, set up the Jewish Brigade as Palestinians, and I'll be damned if I agree that only Arafat and his assassins are Palestinians! Joe Criden, Kibbutz Kfar Blum THE CLAIM OF A "PALESTINIAN" PEOPLE SEPARATE AND DISTINCT FROM AN ARAB PEOPLE IS A FRAUD? METRO DETROIT DISTRICT 18451 W. 10 MILE 569-1515 SOUTHFIELD, MI 48075 ZIONIST ORGANIZATION OF AM . ERICA