THE JEWISH NEWS * A Weekly ReviewE VOL. 1J000V, No. 2 . 1 . 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 424-8833 $18.00 Per Year: This Issue 40c 745 rat 9 - ‘P "rmrr of Jewish Events . C% NY: ;;;.:1 ; 1 0 '; 11 4 VP1 :1 131"11Sttp 1 ,;n m rrsir;ti 901ep n ,4 .r. t New Year Greetings to Jewish Communities Everywhere September 9, 1983 D; t ;yrit 1]1$ Blow the great shofar for our freedom to gather our Exiles, and bring our scattered ones from the nations and assemble our dispersed from the ends of the world. (From the New Year's Service) ROSH HASHANA 5744 ii0*1.104.01401.Aktif," 0,S640111104#,..e.