12 Friday, September 2, 1983 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Shanghai Haven Became a Second Ghetto for Jews By CHARLES MADISON "Deliverance in Shan- ghai" by Jerome Agel and Eugene Boe is scheduled for October publication by Red Dembner Enterprises, New York. Prepared to read this book as a work of fiction, one quickly gets the impression that the fictional element, while making absorbing reading, is largely an over- lay of brutal and sadistic reality. The narrative begins with detailed descriptions of Jewish persecution in Ger- many during the 1930s. The depiction of the attacks on the victims is so obviously authentic in their effect that one can't help wonder- ing if the authors were writ- ing from personal experi- ence rather than from mere research. Yet the writing is so fictionally persuasive that one at once becomes in- volved in the fate and vic- timization of the Jews under attack. The cast of characters is large and diverse, and their reactions to the Nazi and later to Japanese persecution are de- lineated with sympathe- tic insight to their indi- vidual personalities and consequences. Stress is laid on those Jews who had become so com- pletely German and so firm in their conviction of their German nationality that they could not per- suade themselves that they were not immune to anti-Jewish persecution. Other German Jews were of course realistic enough to perceive their calamitous danger and sought escape to Palestine and other places of refuge. Those who re- mained in the hope that the Nazi evil would soon - disap- pear — civilized, intellectu- ally oriented patriots — were quickly driven from their occupations and pro- fessions, beaten and abused in the streets, and sent to Dachau and Buchenwald for weeks or months. Thus, forcefully awak- ened to their plight, they began to seek escape from the land they still loved. The more fortunate man- aged to find refuge in Shan- ghai — the only place open to them in the late 1930s. Those who waited too long were sent to concentration camps and most to their death. Rebecca and Myer Wolf of Lubeck illustrate the dichotomy afflicting these Jews. Myer had served val- drously in World ,War I and emerged with honor and medals. As a veteran, and thoroughly German in spirit, he could not believe that he had anything to fear from the Nazis. 'Rebecca knew better. Clear-headed, realistic, aware of the danger from inevitable persecution, she urged flight without This 1945 drawing of the former Beth Aharon Synagogue in Shanghai is in the archives of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. delay. Myer, however, - clung to his naive faith in his mother-land even after he was dismissed from his business. It was only when he was arbitrarily arrested and kept four horrible weeks in Buchenwald that he re- turned home, physically and spiritually a broken man, and let Rebecca ar- range for passage to Shan- ghai. Forced to leave their goods behind, and knowing that they would have to engage in some employ- ment to survive, they learned how to repair typewriters and began to ply their new trade soon after' reaching their Shan- ghai abode. Earning little, lonely, de- China Pirates Technion Textbook HAIFA — Between ses- sions at a recent scientific conference at the Univer- sity of Texas, a professor from Shanghai Normal Col- lege in China congratulated an Israeli scientist from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology on a Chinese edition of his colleague's textbook, "Non-Linear Pro- gramming — Analysis and Methods." Back in Israel, the scien- tist conveyed the compli- ment to the textbook's author, Prof. Mordecai Av- riel, along with a letter from the Chinese professor say- ing, "Many Chinese schol- ars working in the field of operations research have read this excellent book and now still often use it." Although Prof. Avriel re- ceived the news graciously, his New York publishers, Prentice-Hall Inc., were less enthused. Afier a thorough search of their records, they discovered that the book had not been authorized for translation or publication. "The edition," concluded the publishers, "is undoubtedly a pirated one." China has yet to sign the Internatiorial Copyright Convention, the international agree- ment between most coun- tries (including Russia) protecting authors and their publishers from bootleg copies of their works. Illegally pub- lished technical material — like Prof. Avriel's book on mathematical methods to solve prob- lems in computer science, economics and engineer- ing — shows up on Chinese campuses result- ing in hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost revenue to pub- lishers and unredeema- ble royalties to authors. English-language edi- tions are simply purchased at U.S. bookstores and sent through the mail to China where they are translated and published. "The attitude of develop- ing countries like China," says John Baker, editor-in- chief of Publisher's Weekly, the trade magazine of the publishing industry, "is that they feel they have a right to share in the knowl- edge printed in technical books they might otherwise be able to purchase, but cannot now afford." Since the recent thaw in Anglo-Chinese 'relations, negotiations have been in- tensified to get China to join the convention, but it's un- likely that they are going to sign an international copyright agreement any- time soon. "There's no in- centive for them to join," explains Leo Alpert, chair- man of the board of Prentice-Hall's Interna- tional Division, "At this point they have more to gain from us than we do from them." Prof. Avriel is a professor of operations research and a former dean of the faculty of industrial engineering and management at the Techn- ion. He is also head of the energy policy and planning research group at the Technion's Neaman Insti- tute for Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, an interdisciplinary body investigating technology's impact on society. pressed, they and their young daughter Esther sought to adapt themselves to their wretched existence; that is Rebecca and Esther, but not Myer. He remained moody, listless, taciturn, physically passive. When he contracted jaundice, the doctor advised the extrac- tion of his teeth, which had become badly decayed. When Myer absolutely re- fused, Rebecca and the doc- tor cooperated in getting him to the hospital for tests. There, under general anes- thesia, his teeth were extra- cted. When Myer realized what had been done to him he re- fused to speak to Rebecca, whom he had formerly loved deeply, and literally starved himself to death. "Rebecca buried her husband in the new Jewish cemetery in Columbia Road. A stranger and afraid in a world not of her making, she tasted the vile phlegm of bitterness." In time, however, the numbness wore off and she learned typing to support herself and Esther. Another prominent char- acter is David Buchbin- der. David's father was in a concentration camp, and his mother would not leave without him, but she per- suaded her son to go alone to her brother in Shanghai. (Both parents died in con- centration camps.) A handsome and intel- ligent youth in his early 20s, he had little difficulty in adjustng to his new way of life, since he had the assistance and advice of . his uncle Moritz Felcher. The latter, an early arri- val in Shanghai who was in Germany a professional vio- linist, soon opened a restau- rant in the French Interna- tional Settlement and pros- pered. When the Japanese entered the war and became allies of Germany, they drove all "stateless persons" into a ghetto in the Shan- ghai slum area. Moritz was forced to abandon his res- taurant and home and settle in the overcrowded ghetto, a filthy, stinking, shabby sec- tion of the city. The victimized Jews, re- cently affluent and accus- tomed to civilized living, were deeply miserable and had to resort to petty com- merce and business strategems to earn a pitiful living. Some married women even resorted to prostitution with the pass- ive knowledge of their hus- bands. Not given to moodi- ness, Moritz bought a ramshackle house, ex- tended it as much as he 'could, subdivided the rooms for increased oc- cupancy and rented each cubicle to those he knew who needed shelter. He also built a top floor and again opened a restau.- rant for customers within the ghetto. David, his nephew, tired of being a waiter and other occupations, and eager to remain a journalist after he had been dismissed from the Shanghai daily, started a two-page weekly newsletter for ghetto readers titled The Hongkew Reporter, which was read widely. He was de- eply in love with the beauti- ful daughter of a Jewish movie executive who re- mained in the American Concession. Their unavoid- able separation distressed him. When the war was reach- ing its climax in 1945, and American bombers were devastating Japanese cities, some planes lost their way _seeking a military in- stallation in Shanghai and dropped their bombs on the ghetto. David and his be- loved, who had managed to visit him, Rebecca and other occupants of the Felcher house, were killed. Moritz and his wife, elsewhere at the time, were saved, as was Esther, then at school. With the war ended, Moritz and his wife mig- rated to Melbourne, and with the financial help of a cousin he once more opened a Cafe Moritz and again prospered. Once peace prevailed, Jewish philanthropic organizations and UNRRA helped the survivors of the Shanghai ghetto, physically weakened and destitute, to 'leave for parts of the world of their preference. Many settled in Israel after 1948; some returned to Germany and Austria; others went to the United States. In August 1980, nearly a thousand of the sur- vivors convened in Oak- land, Calif. from various parts of the world. Their deep psychological trauma largely healed, they were eager to meet their fellow victims and to share with them the. previous 35 years. Among them were many now prosperous finan- cially and professionally, most conspicuous among them being W. Michael Blumenthal, U.S. Secre- tary of the Treasury, "who recalled that dur- ing his teen-age years in the designated area he had peddled sausages by the quarter-slice." "Deliverance in Shan- ghai" is a relatively long novel. It holds the reader's close attention not only be- cause of its subject matter but also because the writing is so clear, simple and gives evidence of authenticity . W. M. BLUMENTHAL Braun Film on Terezin Inmates By HERBERT G. LUFT (Copyright 1983, JTA, Inc.) HOLLYWOOD — "The Terezin Requiem" is being brought to the screen by producer Zev Braun, who is best known in this country for the Academy-Award- nominated foreign- language film, "The Pedest- rian." "The Terezin Requiem," from the book by Josef Bor, deals with the Jewish in- mates of the Terezin (Theresienstadt) camp in Czechoslovakia established during World War II both as a transit center for the shipment to the East and as the last stop for the elderly who were left to die of beat- ings and starvation. Chicago-born Braun, heir to the W. Braun Co., the son of the well-known Jewish philanthropist, the late Julius Braun, _made his debut as producer as a very young man in 1964 with the modestly-budgeted art film "Goldstein" (starring Lou Gilbert) that won top honors at the Cannes Film Festi- val. From 1974 'to 1976, he was associated with Italian producer Carlo Ponti on five major productions. Earlier still, Braun per- formed the miracle of producing a western with a Mexican flavor in the Holy Land, a gem entitled "Madron," starring Richard Boone and Les- lie Caron. In 1976, he went to Italy where he filmed "Angela," starring Sophia Loren and John Huston under the direc- tion by the late Boris Sagal (of "Masada.") A year later, he moved with his unit to Canada producing the melodrama- tic thriller, "The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane" with Jodie Foster, Martin Sheen and Alexis Smith. Throughout 1977, Braun was occupied with the prod- uction of the NBC-TV spe- cial, "Freedom Road."