THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Friday, September 2, 1983 19 Pro-Palestinianism Espoused at UN Parley in Switzerland GENEVA (JTA) — The World saying that peace The only ones who will The report, prepared by The report indicated that United Nations-sponsored and security would remain gain from this 10-day meet- Dr. Harris Schoenberg, di- on June 14, the preparatory proved by Madagascar, the Conference on Palestine elusive as long as the just ing will be the Arabs and rector of the International committee adopted a pro- Laos Peoples Democratic opened Monday with an un- and legitimate rights of the Arafat's faction along with Council's Geneva office, posal, demanded by the Republic, Syria and the expectedly strong speech by Palestinian people to the es- the Soviet Union, which will charged United Arab Emirates, had that the confer- UN Secretary General tablishment of an indepen- exploit the gathering in ence's preparatory commit- PLO, requiring that all been opposed by the Egyp- non-governmental organ- Perez de Cuellar calling for dent national state were order to bolster its flagging tee already had taken steps izations (NGOs) wishing to tian representative, who self-determination for the unrecognized." argued for open participa- position in the Middle East to exclude pro-Israel groups Palestinian people, but Also during the opening by appearing to be the only and viewpoints and that the attend the Geneva confer- tion. ence to submit material stoppingjust short of calling session a message from non-Arab nation fully sup- Schoenberg said 12 pap- committee had formed a for a Palestinian state. Palestine Liberation porting the Arab cause "mini-working group" documenting their sym- ers approved for the confer- Another unexpected de- Organization chief Yasir against Israel. Thus, close which has censured and re- pathies. ence, after screening of all Schoenberg said this de- papers offered for the event, velopment, one which Arafat was read. It declared to $6 million will have been jected more than half of the caused fury among the that the people of"Palestine squandered by the time the background papers submit- cision "excluded any senti- were "rife with anti-Israel Arabs at the conference, will go on fighting in spite of conference ends to reaffirm ted so far to the conference. ment favorable to Israel." themes," portraying Israel He said the proposal, ap- as a "dark and evil nation." was the attendance by 300 the adversity and the prob- what Soffer called a "policy international press corre- lems it will have to face of intransigence and re- spondents at a press confer- along the road" to victory fusal." ence called by Israeli Am- over Israel and called on the In 'Washington all na- bassador Ovadia Soffer ear- international community her in the day. His denunci- not to be "paralyzed by the tions which believe in the ation of the gathering was Zionist arrogance." "rule of law" and the thus the first news item of The international press founding principles of the day. correspondents found the United Nations were In his speech, de Cuellar this statement harsh and urged by Bnai Brith In- said the plight of the Pales- provocative. ternational to shun the tinian people was highligh- The conclusions of the UN Conference on Pales- ted by last year's massacre conference are already tine. Philip Lax, chairman of in the Sabra and Shatila known. They are contained refugee camps. He said the in the drafts of the final the Bnai Brith Interna- problem of the Palestinians resolution which is certain tional Council, made that was no closer to a solution to be adopted because there appeal when he released a than it was 36 years ago is no opposition. report he said indicated the when the UN first ad- Geneva conference would be These drafts call for total used as "a staged attempt to dressed the problem. The tragic events of war against Israel by "all discredit Israel and under- Lebanon culminating in possible means, including mine its right to exist." a armed struggle"; reject the massacre of unarmed * ** Jerusalem as Israel's capi- men, women and chil- tal; call for a new Middle Israel to Withhold dren in Sabra and Shatila E East conference with the brought to our attention the need to find urgently full participation of the Some UN Aid a solution to the question PLO; and urge that the UNITED NATIONS of Palestinians to an (JTA) — The government of of Palestine," de Cuell • ar independent state be recog- Israel has decided to with- said. hold a certain amount of its Solutions, he added, nized. The conference has been yearly contributions to the "must be based on the exer- sharply criticized by the United Nations in response cise by the Palestinian . Swiss press. The consensus to the "anti-Israel activi- people of their inalienable of the media was that "the ties" by various UN agen- rights which have been reaffirmed in a number of drastic security measures, cies, Ambassador Yehuda Choose from any of the the barbed wire which Blum of Israel announced. varieties of Rokeach Gefilte General Assembly resolu- Mail To: encircles the United Na-. Fish. Rokeach Regular, Old Vienna, He said the amount Israel I. Rokeach & Sons tions." He forces also stated t building transforming will withhold will be about Rokeach Whitefish-Pike or Old Vienna 560 Sylvan Ave. all Israeli must that be tions Whitefish-Pike. All are Kosher and@ Englewood Cliff, N.J. 07632 it into a military garrison one-quarter of one percent withdrawn from the terri- endorsed. Ask for them. tory Israel captured in the with trenches, tanks and of the total amount the UN Available at your favorite troops only reflect the na- devotes to anti-Israeli ac- Six-Day War and said the Enclosed are 4 Universal Product food store. Then send tore of the conference and tivities. Israel's annual con- Code marks from any large cans question of Jerusalem re- the Universal Product of Rokeach Gefilte Fish. mained crucial to settling the risks of holding it. tributions to the UN budget Code marks from any 4 " Some Swiss papers is about $1.5 million, or the Palestinian issue. large cans (6 oz. or 14 oz. have referred to the con- about 0.23 percent, Blum sizes not acceptable) and NAME Soffer, at his press confer- 70420 00203 fe rence as "a useless said. The amount the UN (Please Print) we'll send you $1 by mail. ence, said Israel is not EXAMPLE ADDRESS attending the gathering on show" and "a political spends on anti-Israel activi- Serve One jour- ties annually is not fixed. Palestine. "This conference City nalist wrote that the con- The United States has will not be a dialogue, be- STATE ZIP ference was like "a cow 1 since 1980 been withhold- cause one single opinion without milk." > will dominate: that of the ing some 25 percent from Offer expires Dec. 1, 1983 The United States, the budget of pro-PLO extremist Arab states who 1 Please allow 6 weeks to receive your check. Canada and Israel are agencies at the UN. . . . and be sure! are its initiators," he said. boycotting the conference. •Iss ===== meamiinnamomi nom "For 35 years, these Most of the other Western r IIIBMISIIIIIIMINIBINIIMB•111111•111•MMINSIMMI•11•11•1111MININOMINIMBIellIMMIe• IIMINI•11111111•111 states have opposed any nations are keeping a low 1 Jewish-Arab coexistence in profile, represented, if at I the Middle East, and have all, by observers and low- denied the right of th e level diplomats. The Arabs Jewish people to self - have made clear their dis- determination. appointment with this, "This conference is a especially as the heads of mirror image of their poi - their delegations are minis- I I icy of intransigence an d ters and vice ministers. The 1 refusal, and will ther e Swiss sent an unknown fore in no way serve th e young diplomat to represent • I 1 ) cause of peace." the country and the Arabs , Soffer's view of the con - are taking this as a slap in • Bat 50 Balls For $2.00 ference was borne out whe n the face. with Coupon Chedli Klibi, th e The PLO is represented ' secretary-general of th e only by supporters of I Arab League, denounced Is - Arafat. 1 4 Hard Balls and 3 Softballs rael as a state founded on Fla. 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