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September 02, 1983 - Image 13

Resource type:
The Detroit Jewish News, 1983-09-02

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Services Held as Prelude to Rights March Anniversary

WASHINGTON (JTA) — tinue to vigorously oppose joint participation by Dr.
Separate Sabbath services anti-
King's son and Ms. Heschel
on Friday night, the eve of SEMITISM IN America."
in the service "will be our
the mammoth march here
Alexander way of beginning the proc-
commemorating the 20th Schindler,
UAHC ess of reconciliation" be-
anniversary of the 1963 president, who gave the tween Jews and blacks. He
March on Washington, at benediction at the close added that "the alliance be-
which Dr. Martin Luther of the march, told the tween blacks and Jews in
King presented his historic Temple Sinai service: "I the past has been a powerful
"I have a dream" speech, am proud that the move- force for promoting justice
symbolized differences with ment of Reform Judaism and now is the time to work
the Jewish community over will take its place among through our differences so
support of Saturday's the hundreds of we can join together to
thousands of Americans realize Dr. King's dream."
One special Sabbath ser v- of every race, religion
After initial hesitation,
ice was held at Temp le and walk of life who will the American Jewish
Sinai, sponsored by t he be marching together for Committee also endorsed
Union of American Hebre w justice, peace and free- the march. Like other
Congregations (UAHC ), dom."
Jewish groups, the AJ-
unhesitating ly
He declared: "Our
endorsed and took part in presence will be consonant
the march, despite initi al with the highest moral and
widespread opposition fro m ethical values of the Jewish
Charles Allen, Jr., an in-
other Jewish organization s. tradition. It will be in keep-
ternationally prominent
About 600 worshippe rs ing with our devotion to the authority on Nazi war crim-
attended that service.
security and dignity of Is- inals living in the U.S.,
The other service wa s rael and its people" and "it wrote in an exclusive
sponsored by the Ne w will demonstrate our corn- three-part series for the
Jewish Agenda, an ant
mitment to the goals of Jewish Telegraphic Agency
establishment group, whic h Martin Luther King, Jr. in February that based on
was held at George Was h- and his dream of reconcilia- "various documents, includ-
ington University an d tion, of healing, and of ing State Department's,"
attended by about 500 ma r- struggling together until Klaus Barbie was "aided in
his escape from Europe in
the last battle is won."
In contrast to the 196 3
Dr. Benjamin Hooks, late 1949 and 1950 by the
march, when many Jew • executive director of the Vatican, the U.S. Army's
marched under Jewis h National Association for the Counter-Intelligence Corps
banners, the only visibl Y Advancement of Colored (CIC) and the International
Jewish organization re - People, told the worshippers Red Cross.
presented among th e that "we appreciate the
marchers was the Ne w support of Jews who were in
Jewish Agenda, whos e the very forefront of the Shatila Protest
several hundred mar - battle" for civil rights for
Yitzhak Berman, of
chers were joined b Y blacks.
Likud's Liberal Party wing,
members of the UAHC
Referring to recent dif- resigned last September as
the umbrella agency fo e ferences between Jews and energy minister, as did
American Reform syna - blacks, Hooks said "we must Menahem Mioson, the head
submerge our differences of the civil administration
Hundreds of other Jew s and remember the things on the West Bank, both over
were presumed to hav e that join us together and the initial failure of Israel's
joined the estimate d strengthen us, not the government to appoint a
250,000 marchers but the y things that keep us apart." special commission of in-
did so as individuals. Th e
Representatives of the quiry into the Shatila and
New Jewish Agenda mar - American Jewish Con- Sabra refugee camps mas-
chers carried a red Star o f gress, Bnai Brith and the sacre.
David, with the greetin g Greater Washington
An estimated 400,000
"Shalom," and a 24-foo t Jewish Council, which persons in Tel Aviv pro-
banner proclaiming in gol d had also endorsed the tested the government's re-
letters, "Justice, Justic e march, some after march fusal to start an inquiry.
shalt thou pursue."
organizers agreed to
More than 60 speaker 5 eliminate from the march
were listed to address the agenda references Mesorati Blast
mammoth assembly, each
Jewish groups consid- Archeology Bill
limited to five minutes • ered to be anti-Israel,
There were no Jewish participated in the serv-
Movement of Mesorati
spokesmen among them.
(Conservative) Judaism in
Coretta Scott King
Martin Luther King III Israel has condemned as
widow of the assassinated spoke at the New Jewish
black civil rights leader, Agenda service. He was "irrational" a law proposed
told the worshippers at the joined by Susannah Hes- by the Knesset's ultra-
Temple Sinai service that chel, daughter of the late Orthodox faction that would
"Jews have supported black theologian, Rabbi Abraham give veto power to rabbinic
Americans in their quest for Joshua Heschel, in blessing authorities in licensing ar-
cheological excavations and
equality because it is mor- the Sabbath candles.
warned that the law would
ally right. It is for this same
Moe Rosenstein, the New "spell the end of the ar-
reason that responsible
Jewish Agenda coordinator cheological research in Is-
black Americans will con- for the march, said that the rael."

Friday; September 2, 1983 13

ADL Backs FCC Rules

NEW YORK —"Personal
attack" and "political edito-
rial" broadcasting regula-
tions "are vital tools for
ensuring that the public
remains informed on con-
troversial issues and should
not be repealed," according
to the Anti-Defamation
League of Bnai Brith.
The ADL objected to the
Federal Communications
Commission's proposal to

Committee sent sugges-
tions to chapters to hold
events at the local level to
commemorate the 1963
march. Howard Friedman,
AJCommittee president,
sent a telegram to Mrs.
King, pledging the AJ-
Committee's support and
"renewed determination" to
help achieve the goals of Dr.

lift the two rules under
which air time is granted for
opposing viewpoints.

A liya Increase

A totat of 3,050 people
make aliya from North
America in 1982, represent-
ing a 16 percent increase
over the number of North
Americans who went on
aliya in 1981.


Nominees to the Board of Governors

Pursuant to the bylaws of the JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION OF DETROIT the following list of
nominees, selected from the membership of the Federation, eligible for election to the Board of
Governors of the Federation has been presented to the Executive Vice-President not less than
thirty days prior to the Annual Meeting which will take place on Tuesday, October 4, at
Congregation Shaarey Zedek, Southfield, at 6 p.m.


3-Year Term Ending in 1986

Stanley D. Frankel
Joel D. Gershenson

Samuel Hechtman
Emery I. Klein

Robert G. Slatkin


3-Year Term Ending in 1986

James M. August
Marlene Borman

Ruth K. Broder
Richard Sloan

Other persons may be nominated by petition or petitions signed by not fewer than 25 members of
the Federation and filed with the Executive Vice-President of the Federation not less than ten days
prior to the date of the Annual Meeting. Only one person may be nominated in each petition and no
nomination shall be valid unless the nominee shall have consented to be a candidate. ,


Mandell L. Berman

Paul D. Borman
Carolyn Greenberg

Emery I. Klein
James A. Safran


Pursuant to the bylaws of the JEWISH WELFARE FEDERATION OF DETROIT the text of amend-
ment to said bylaws is herewith published. The membership of Federation will meet Tuesday,
October 4, 1983, at 6 p.m. at the Annual Meeting, held in Congregation Shaarey Zedek, 27375
Bell Road, Southfield, Michigan, to vote on adoption.


Section 4. Executive Committee to include:
(h) The Chairman'of the Allied Jewish Campaign.

Bylaws available at office of Jewish Welfare Federation.


Wayne L. Feinstein, Executive Vice-President
163 Madison Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226 • 965-3939



"There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. We are all part of one nation. It is
only for political reasons that we carefully underline our Palestinian identity, because it is in the interest of the Arabs to
encourage a separate Palestinian identity in contrast to Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity is
only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new expedient to continue the fight against
Zionism and for Arab unity."

Zuheir Mohsen, head of military operations for the PLO
and a member of its Supreme Council, as interviewed by James Dorsey in the
Dutch daily Trouw, March 31, 1977.



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