THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-520! Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Copyright © The Jewish News Publishing Co. Member of American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, National Editorial Association and National Newspaper Association and its Capital Club. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $18 a year. CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor Business Manager HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selection This Sabbath, the 27th day of Au, 5743, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 54:11-55:5. Tuesday and Wednesday, Rosh Hodesh Elul, Numbers 28:1-15. Candlelighting, Friday, Aug. 5, 8:27 p.m. VOL. LXXXIII, No. 23 Page Four Friday, August 5, 1983 DEMOCRACY AT THE HELM Democracy is always at the helm for the truly dedicated to the human spirit, although it is also always being tested. The very term was under scrutiny in the ethically-affirmed Israel atmosphere, when bigotry threatened the realities of that nation. Jews were not exempt from violations of the very spirit of the democratized society. With the freedoms granted to differeing views that spirit not only survived: it emerged as a powerful weapon for justice and human decency. The differing views have been and remain in evidence in the Diaspora as well as in the embattled Israel. Many people reserve the right to challenge what they denigrate as Establish- ment, and there is often the abuse of the princi- ples aspired to while seeking the right to speak and to criticize. Such rights are commendable, yet even the suspected Establishment has a duty to demand adherence to basic unities in the life of a people and its scattered communities. It is on this score that the testing of demo- cratic claims becomes a serious responsibility. It is when the unity in a people's major aims is threatened that democratic ideals become espe- cially testing. A definition of democracy to be taken espe- cially seriously is Thomas Jefferson's, from his "Writings": Men, by their constitutions, are naturally divided into two parties: 1. Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. 2. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise, despository of the public interest. In every country these two parties exist .. . The appellation of Aristocrats and Democrats is the true one, expressing the essence of all. To the late Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis was attributed the statement: "Democracy substitutes self-restraint for exter- nal restraint." In a sense, this is applicable to the Jeffersonian principle because it calls for respect for the neighbors dealt with, even when differing with them. But there is an even more enchanting application, in the democratic sense, in the writings of Heinrich Heine. In "Shakespeare's Maiden: Jessica," Heine wrote: I remember reading in Josephus that there were in Jerusalem republicans who opposed the royally-inclinded Herodians, fought them fiercely, called no man "master," and • hated Roman absolutism most bitterly. Freedom and equality was their religion. What madness! Especially significant, in this search for understanding and appreciation of the demo- cratic ideal is a definition by Baruch (Benedict) Spinoza. In "Theologico-Political Treatise," written in 1670, he admonished: I believe democracy to be of all forms of gov- ernment the most natural, and the most conson- ant with individual liberty. In it no one transfers his natural right so absolutely that he has no further voice in affairs, he only hands it over to the majority of a society, whereof he is a unit. Thus all men remain, as they were in the state of nature, equals. This is the essence: the unit, the unity. It is the everlasting ogligation that becomes even more compulsive in time of crisis. Perhaps this is a time of crisis. How else are the critics who defy the unity that is so urgent for continuity and identification to be judged? Unity does not mean uniformity. In its most idyllic sense, it rejects uniformity. It demands, however, that the basic needs should not be abused. To the point: Peaceniks striving for highest idealism in conformity with Jewish ethical teachings have a right to, must continue to propagate their ideals, demanding that Israel, the Nation and the People, strive for an end to warfare. It must come on a high level of coopera- tion and in a spirit of deliberation and attaining a common ground to reach accord for an end to warfare and the commencement of an idealism that will speed security and will reject threats to life and liberty. Therefore, it must also account for the reactions from the outer world. If the latter is basically aimed at Israel's destruction, then this must be taken into account. And then there is the extremism of those who would im- pose their will on the majority and would even interfere with the philanthropic. Because they differ, they would also obstruct the unified ef- fort to provide the means for support and de- fense of everything which is collectively related to the Jewish community, on a global as well as domestic effort. Both such differing attitudes are destructive and are not to be tolerated. As in all aspects of human relations, it is fortunate that the constructive predominates, and it does so because there is more tolerance than there is the negating. There may be an irony in the faulted in democracy. There is the elevating in the respect that is generated when the seriousness in mankind retains its ground. The concern now is in the Jewish commu- nity. If the reality of democracy in Jewish ranks has not been recognized, it is time that it gained appreciation. Its solidity is in unity., There are the frequent appeals for cooperative efforts to provide the means to continue the function of an organized life. Therse are defined in the term unity. It is when such unity is interfered with that the very roots of democratic principles are af- fected. It is when unity prevails that democracy functions. This is the reality of democracy in Jewish life. There is a compelling ethical command, in Pirke Avoth, the Ethics of the Fathers, which keeps reminding the identified in JewiAl life that they must never separate themselves from the unified forces of their people. It does not qualify with a permission to undermine because they differ. It spells out the people's unity in unqualified terms. If there is a minority that has not yet learned that lesson, the schools of Jewish thought are open to them. `The Jewish Kids Catalog' Informative, Entertaining JPS Catalog for Youth Whatever concerns may have ever been expressed over the hand- icaps in providing the proper reading and study material for Jewish youth is assuredly solved with the appearance of "The Jewish Kids Catalog." The Jewish Publication Society earns the right to boast about publishing this fascinating book, and Chaya M. Burstein, who is both the author of the contents and the illustrator of the many scores of pictures that accompany the text, merits acclaim for a notable contri- bution to the library of books for children. The book is remarkable in every detail. It is Jewishly all- inclusive. It contains nearly all the facts one would wish to pass on to a child about the Jewish heritage. The highly-commendable character of "The Jewish Kids Catalog" is both its all-inclusiveness and the intimacy with which the young reader is treated. Youth are immediately attracted to the text by the importance of the facts related,,and they are presented with a casuality that avoids the impression that the reader is being taught. Yet, as an achievable reality, "The Jewish Kids Catalog" entertains while serving unintentionally perhaps as a textbook. Thus, it is the informative source book about everything Jewish, about family life, the home, the rituals in the synagogue, the holidays, the ceremonials which assume charm in the manner presented here and the illustrative emphases, Chaya Burstein performs the thrilling task of taking the young reader on a world tour, introducing youth to world Jewry and the Jewish communities, at the same time defining the Jewish way of life. The author not only explains the holidays and the manner of observing them. She also accompanies her guiding manner by relat- ing them to mannerisms and also by providing knowledge about Jewish culinary arts. Application of this text to the knowledge to be provided for the "kids" becomes apparent here as applicable for parents as well. The adults have much to learn from this text and together with the youth there is the assurance that proper information can thus be passed on to all in the family in a sharing of Jewish facts in an entertaining approach that results in acquisition of the details that are vital to knowledgeability. An interesting element is the emphasis given to the language usage by Jews. There is emphasis on Hebrew, the Holy Tongue treat- ment and the Scriptural studies as a basis and the Hebraic dominance in Israel. The author thereupon traces the values of other tongues which gained importance in Jewish historical experiences, including Yiddish and Ladino. As part of the delight provided for young readers there is the guide to finding Jewish pen pals. It is part of a chapter entitled "Friends Around the World" and is an emphasis on the unity Of the Jewish people. It is with such approaches that commitment to Jewish values- becomes impressive in a very lively book. "The Jewish Kids Catalog" has unlimited charm. It embraces history, literature and the legendary about the Jewish people. It is replete with humor and the quoted parables and proverbs keep entic- ing the reader to this fact- and fun-filled book. Miss Burstein already has a number of important prize-winning books to her credit. She has risen to great heights with this one, meriting deep appreciation for a notable contribution to Jewish liter- ary accomplishments.