THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275 520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue_of July 20, 1951 Copyright © The Jewish News Publishing Co. Member of American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, National Editorial Association and National Newspaper Association and its Capital Club. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send 'address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Clss Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor • CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the second day of Sioan, 5743, the following scriptural selections will he read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Numbers 1:1-4:20. Prophetical portion, Hosea 2:1-22. Shavuot Scriptural Selections - Wednesday, Pentateuchal portion, Exodus 19:1-20:23, Numbers 28:26-31. Prophetical portion, Ezekiel 1:1-28, 3:12. Thursday, Pentateuchal portion, Deuteronomy 15:19-16:17,- Numbers 28:26-31. Prophetical portion, Habbakuk 3:1-19. Candlelighting, Friday, May 13, 8:26 p.m. VOL. LXXXIII, No. 11 Page Four Friday, May 13, 1983 SHAVUOT: THE LAW FOR ALL Shavuot is the inspired festival whose meaning and purpose is rooted in the Torah, in the sacred legacies of the Jewish people. Its em- phasis is in the moral codes, with lessons for all mankind. Like so much more in Jewish observance, in . the teachings that dominate Jewish life, the blessings are lessons that have the universal message. There is emphasis for it in the message from the Apocrypha: "The Law must be re- vealed to all human beings, since the world was created for all of them, and in the hearts of all of them God planted faith and good understand- ing." That which is sacred and applicable for all mankind has a specific application for the Jewish people, and it is asserted specifically in the Scriptural text-to be found in Deuteronomy (4:8): "What great nation has statutes so right- eous as all this Law?" Therefore, the Decalogue becomes symbolic for the Shavuot festival, and in that message is contained the legacy that was accepted universally as the theme for faith and for human values: Perhaps the unusual approach to it is what may have influenced the ideology of a President, when Ronald Reagan proclaimed this to be the Year of the Bible. The lesson, the teachings, are irrefutable. In every era there is evidence of the inhumanity of man to man, yet the basic Law remains pow- erfully imbedded in the highest moral values which have come down from Sinai, which are emphasized during the festival to be observed in the coming days, an obserirance that marks the very continuity of the faith that spells out the morality pronounced in the symbolism of the Shavuot festival. MIDDLE EAST TANTRUMS Secretary of State George Shultz has regis- tered a major achievement in administering Amercan foreign policies on his mission to the Middle East. The enrollment of Israel's coopera- tion in search for a solution- of the Lebanese problems also served to reaffirm the traditional American-Israel friendship. It aided in resolv- ing whatever rifts may have existed between President Ronald Reagan and Prime Minister Menahem Begin. It gave the Secretary of State the first opportunity to learn at first hand that Israel's chief of state was, like himself, a trained statesman well able to deal with the issues that are so vital not only regionally but globally. That mission by the American spokesman symbolized also the urgency of attaining united action to end a tragic crisis and to assist in restoring the hegemony of the duly elected Lebanese over a restored sovereignty_ of their state which had bathed in blood for more than a decade. Inter alia, the Secretary of State learned that the Middle East problems are not so easily soluble. He became witness to the tantrums which have obstacled peace and continue to obstruct it. The difficulties on the road to peace are too well known to need much elaborating. There has never been an impressive response from Arab ranks to the invitation to talk peace with Israel. The major exception was the Egyptian under the Anwar Sadat leadership. There was an echo in Lebanon and now there is an attempt to squelch it. Every movement in the direction of peace was matched by threats of assassina- tions, and there were many of them, chiefly that of the murder of Egypt's President Sadat. Whenever there was evidence that Arabs now functioning under Israel's administration were ready to confer on means to cooperate with Israel, they became marked victims in the as- sassination threats. While the embattled Middle East was ex- periencing these endlessly distressing recurr- ences, basic facts remain indisputable. Israel remains master of her distiny and must exert all efforts to retain it. Therefore she will not yield to any maneuvtr that may lead to its diminu- tion. The Arabs have peace in their diplomatic palm, if they will only yield to the face-to-face consultative process. Refusing it is the root of the trouble. It is on the latter score that increasing re- sponsibilities rest upon the United States. The rest of the supposedly Free World hardly gives a damn, other than aspiring for selfish benefits from the energy-producing nations. In the duty to attain a peaceful accord, U.S. diplomats must aim to induce Arabs who have an accord with this nation to talk peace seriously. There must be an end to patronizing and an aim at serious- ness. Israel readily makes concessions, as was indicated in the relationship with Egypt. Israel knows there is a Palestinian aspect and knows the Palestinians well. In a serious way, peace need not be sacrificed to despair. The Shultz leadership in peace aims need not, must not, be terminated. It must continue and, the targets must be all in the Arab ranks who stand in the way of rational and practical approaches. Perhaps the U.S. can end the Saudi and Jordanian obstacle-building. With em- phasis on a must for direct peace talks, without concessions and unnecessary patronizing, the Middle East can be blessed with progress and good neighborliness among nations. However uncertain the results of current negotiations, the fact that hopes for a positive approach have not been abandoned by Shultz and Israel Minister of Defense Moshe Arens provides a measure of encouragement in Arab- Jewish relations. People of goodwill must al- ways be motivated by an adherence to hopeful- ness. 4-1J-171 Stein and Day Publication Dominant Role of the ADL Recorded in Expose of Klan Believed for a time to be either dead or expiring, the Ku Klux Klan is on the scene and not to be ignored. Its role is exposed in an important volume, "The Klan" (Stein and Day), in which Patsy Simms exposed the movement's current activi- ties. Miss Simms, who has been associated with the Philadelphia Enquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, and the New Orleans States Item, devoted 16 years to a study of the Klan, at great risks and in personally-involved research. FBI involvements and the revelations resulting from scrutiny of KKK activities lend this study the status of historical recording. Major among other elements involved in exposing the Klan is the Bnai Brith Anti-Defamation League. In the revived edition of Patsy Sims' "The Klan," just reissued — it was first published in 1978 — is a study of KKK membership growth: Miss Sims states: "Was the Klan once more becoming a force to be reckoned with? The FBI says no. Publicly, it has proclaimed the Klan, all but dead, with a national membership of less than 2,000. Klan leaders, known to exaggerate, scoff at the estimate. "They hide behind their secrecy oath but hint there are more, many more. Robert Shelton, Imperial Wizard of the United Klans of America (UKA), says: 'We're big enough to put our,boots on but not quite big enough to lace 'em up.' David Duke — the Klan's answer to Robert Redford — brags that he has drawn more than 2,000 to a single rally. When asked the size of his New Orleans-based Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, he hedges. 'I'll just say 3,000 is low.' " "Then, in November 1977, the Anti-Defamation League of Bnai Brith (ADL) conceded that membership in the three major Klan groups — UKA, Duke's Knights, -and a new Confederation of Inde- pendent Klans — had risen 20 percent in two years, up to 8,000 from 6,500 in 1975. But Klan leaders called even those figures low." Many Klan atrocities are revealed in "The Klan," and Jews were among the victims. Miss Sims relates: "During the Sixties, nightrider attacks in Mississippi — as in most of the South — had been directed against blacks and civil rights workers. Then, in September 1967, a synagogue and a rabbi's house in Jackson were bombed. Alarmed Jewish leaders, with the help of the ADL, bqgan raising reward money. Between 1967 and 1968, the attacks on Jewish and black communities numbered 17 — all un- solved." Miss Sims provides warnings of the need to be on the alert it judging the continuing activities of the KKK. She concludes with a personal reference: "And so the stories continued past deadline, just as the Klan — or a counterpart — will continue, as long as human beings come in assorted colors, races, and economic disparities. For unless society finds a way to treat the causes rather than the symptoms of racism, there will continue to be the need by some to look both up and down, a need now filled for them only by the Klan. "At Christmas time 1977, when I flew to Houston to visit my parents, I looked again at the little black Pandora's box, the one that started .me on my search. As I re-examined its contents, my father commented. "Your Great-Grandfather Jake Shanks was a member of the Reconstruction Klan, and he was proud of it.' "