24 Friday, May 6, 1983 ` 2113C? Aharon Appelfeld's 'Mai': No Picnic in the Woods o'cr 'By JOSEPH COHEN " 1 • • THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Better known there than readers familiar with Aha- ron Appelfeld's Holocaust novels, it will come as no surprise that he recently won Israel's most prestigi- ous award for literature. PIANO ENTERTAINMENT for all occasions Portable organ available Adele Miller 353-9566 narrative power is literally adding a whole new dimen- sion to the literature of the Holocaust, and his impact on the rising generation of readers who were born after the tragic event may come to be greater than that of any other Holocaust writer. This is neither to take anything away from Elie Wiesel's achievement, nor to assume that there are only two major writers of Holocaust lit- erature. It is to suggest that Wiesel's novels, cape from it only by probing but saves her life by which served well their more deeply within it, with obscuring her Jewish America which is now soar- purpose in their time to the result that his vision , identity. ing' and with good reason. bring home to us through however cogent, is all too In time, she takes up with His three novels, the piercing wail of the narrow, his voice limited in another fugitive, a much "Badenheim 1939" and victim in agony the hor- its pitch. older Jewish male, unbal- "The Age of Wonders," pub- rors of the death camps, • Appelfeld has a greater anced and guilt-ridden for lished by David R. Godine in may not speak as effec- detachment. Though he is having abandoned his wife 1980 and 1981, and "Tzili: tively to the rising gener- as much bound to tell his and children to the Nazis. The Story or a Life" (E. P. ations as may the novels story as is Wiesel, he has Befriending him, Tzili be- Dutton), just released in a of other writers employ- somehow mastered the comes pregnant before he sensitive and accomplished ing different techniques. technique of aesthetic dis- seeks his expiation at the translation, are all small The Holocaust was a par- tancing which allows him to hands of the peasants. Los- masterpieces growing ticularized tragedy for both treat his material with ing him, she also suffers the larger. Appelfeld and Wiesel. The greater objectivity. The re- loss of her unborn child. As Appelfeld's remarkable latter has been able to es- sult is a voice with a wider the war ends, she has come range, including muted and of age in the forests, and is soft tones which in their more than just another sur- subtlety are as effective and vivor, for, despite all she has more easily sustained than experienced, her humanity the piercing wail. is still intact. Irving Howe has said that With consummate skill, "no one surpasses Appelfeld Appelfeld defines the power in portraying (this) crisis of inherent in Tzili's absolute European civilization," and powerlessness. She attracts F that he is "one of the best us compellingly, and .e 6 novelists alive." Who is Ap- though she is exasperat- Ge pelfeld? ingly slow, uncouth and 0 9,\ \1, ,A640 He was born in Czer- simple, her helplessness S°6\°‘ 6 (.0\1.V.3 novitz, located in the tugs at us constantly. \ie6° western Ukraine, in 1932. Aware at first of her weak- cd °c). ci° ScPal\I "s When he was eight years nesses and limitations, we f\A\-\\\c Od 00010(16, old, the Nazis killed his come to see eventually that e06‘s 000 30 mother and sent him and some of these are strengths Vedc l e ...v\or.ceo ac his father to a labor camp in her bid for survival. s3,e66. s where they were sepa- Determined to survive, ccv:Ye. (-0& rated. Both eventually she does so by merging with .\.N 1 s 6 62, 14 0° escaped from the camp nature, the appreciation of ;.\ "`oce , though they were not to which is a heady motif g be reunited for 20 years. throughout the book. Appel- 6(P \D OOt Following his escape in feld reminds us of its re- . 1941, the young Appel- storative power in much the feld lived in the forests same way that Henry Roth for three years, posing as used it in one part of "Call It a shepherd, eluding the Sleep," where Genya, after Nazis and keeping his her father throws her out of Jewish identity hidden the house upon learning of from the peasants who her affair with the non- would have killed him Jewish organist, finds sol- had they known. ace and the will to live in the In 1944, he joined the beauty of the field of blue Russian army as a field cornflowers. For all Tzili's close re- cook. After World War II he emigrated to Palestine. He semblance to the crude studied at Hebrew Univer- peasants — she seems a sity and fought in Israel's younger image of I. B. wars. Married, with three Singer's Magda in "The children, he teaches He- Magician of Lublin" — brew literature at Ben- she is far from insensi- Gurion University and tive. Cerebral she is not, writes his novels. but she understands and "Tzili: The Story of a Life" responds to the needs of is in one respect Appelfeld's others directly and account of his survival in entirely through her feel- the forest. The narrative, ings. Often silent and passive, however, is more encompassing, since Tzili is she communicates not a boy but a girl, the eloquently through her dull-witted youngest child emotions in much the same in a large, lower middle- way Faulkner's famous class, minimally Jewish idiot, Benjy, in "The Sound family. Her lot in life is to be and The Fury," makes neglected and abused. She known his love for his sister, is ridiculed at home and at Caddie. school. Obviously, one of the Like Gimpel the Fool in I. book's major attractions is B. Singer's story she ab- its sheer allusive quality, sorbs her punishment un- recalling, in addition to flinchingly, keeping hold of Singer, Roth, and Faulkner, her small mite of faith. Ac- Kafka and Hemingway, too. Yet Appelfeld's style is cepting her lot, she does not even question her aban- not derivative. Rather, it donment by her family as has a universality to it which makes inevitable the the Nazis approach. Living from hand to comparisons with other ac- mouth, she blends her complished writers in the tiny self into the coun- sense that he, like the ones tryside, occasionally named, is capable of balanc- moving into a peasant ing the relaxed, easy flow of household to perform the narrative with the domestic chores and ab- gravity of the subject. The book literally sings, sorb the constant beat- ings that are her due. By which makes it all the more accident she assumes the remarkable considering its identity of one of the il- grim subject-matter. SOUTHFIELD'S FINEST ATHLETIC AND SOCIAL CLUB legitimate daughters of (30333 Southfield Road—between 12 & 13 Mile Rds.) the region's best known Salonika, Greece was a gentile prostitute, which flourishing Jewish met- occasions her beatings ropolis in the 15th Century. 11/4 1W ORLEANS — To here, he has a reputation in THE 52 WEEK , VACATION 0 0 'g JUST IN TIME FOR SUMMER HAMILTON P 64 L 6 A8gi