NE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS p Friday, April 15, 1983 23 AJCommittee Criticizes Israel NEW YORK (JTA) — The American Jewish Committee, in a major pol- • icy statement, took issue, with Israel's West Bank set- tlement policy as unhelpful to the peace process with Jordan in accordance with the Camp David accords. - At the same time, it called an King Hussein of Jordan "to seize the opportunity of- fered him" in line with' the accords "to join unequivoc- ally and-without precondi- tions in peace negotiations with Israel." If he does so, the policy statement said, the AJ- Committee "would be pre- pared actively to urge the government of Israel to be flexible in such negotiations and to make significant compromises for the sake of peace, as it did in response.. to the peace initiative of – President (Anwar) Sadat of Egypt." But if Hussein "and moderate Palestinians once again reject the opportunity for full partciicipation offered them by President Re- agan (in his Sept. 1 initia- tive) or if thier ac- ceptance is hedged by crippling preconditions then it should be made clear to the American public that the absence of peace is due not to Is- rael's settlement policies or alleged 'intransi- gence,' but rather to the fundamental refusal of the Arab world to accept the permanent reality and legitimacy of the state of Israel." The AJCominittee state- ment, titled "Position Statement on the. Middle ► East," was issued by AJC's president Maynard Wish- ner. The statement, re- leased publicly last Friday, had been unanimously • adopted after extensive dis- cussion by the AJC's hoard of go'vernors- at its meeting - March 21. Wishner noted that the policy statement had been issued before President Reagan's _comment on March 31 that he was sus- pending the sale of prom- ised F-16 jet fighters to Is- rael until Israel completed its withdrawal _from Leba- non. The policy statement em- phasized that the U.S. "should refrain from apply- ing unilateral pressure on Israel and should not slow down or stop the shipment of military equipment to Is- rael, our most important strategic ally in the Middle East." The statement also pointed out that Israel could not be expected to withdraw, from Lebanon until effective ar- rangements for its secu- o. rity against terrorist at- tack from Lebanon had been negotiated and Sy- rian and PLO forces had also agreed to withdraw. The statement noted that the Camp David accords led to the signing of a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. These accords also called on Israel, Egypt and Jordan and the Arab in- habitants in the West Bank and Gaza to proceed with negotiations on the future status of these areas. "The refusal of Jordan and the Palestinian representatives to participate in such negotiations has been the major impediment to achieving the broader peace foreseen at Camp David." "The American Jewish Committee calls upon Jordan and the Palesti- nian inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza to join in direct negotia- tions, as called for in the Camp David accords. The American Jewish Committee is confident that an expression of willingness on the part of Jordan to commence negotiations — with or without participation by the Palestinian inhabi- tants of the West Bank — would be met by Israeli flexibility and willing- ness to make the neces- sary compromises to achieve peace, consistent with its security needs. "Jordan, too, would be-ex- pected _ to make com- promises. Therefore, no party should set precondi- tions to the negotiations envisaged at Camp David, for they serve only to delay their commencement. "The American Jewish Committee' believes that UN Security Council Reso- lution 242 embraced in the Camp David accords, as applied to the West Bank and Gaza, ought to lead to territorial compromise through negotiations and to full peace between Israel and her neighbors. "As negotiations com- mence, we can expect the parties to place maximal positions the table includ- ing their respective claims to sovereignty. These posi- tions will have to be _com- promised in the course of such negotiations. "Therefore, we view acts by Israel which could limit the flexibility necessary to enable the parties to reach agree- ment on the future status of the areas as being un- helpful to the peace proc- ess. "Moreover, the American Jewish Committee shares the concerns of many Is- raelis that the continuing and indefinite Israeli ad- ministration of the West Bank and Gaza, with gov- ernance over the lives of more than a million Arabs who are not citizens of Is- rael, could in the Course of time undermine the demo- cratic and humane princi- ples of the state of Israel. "The American Jewish Committee believes that in the absence of negotiations concerning the West Bank and Gaza, it may well be that Israel's current settle- ment policy, if continued, may make withdrawal at a later date no longer a viable option for any Israeli gov- ernment. There is an urgent need, therefore., for Jordan to enter into negotiations with Israel now." UAHC Leaders in Warsaw for Ghetto Commemoration NEW YORK (JTA) — A delegation of 24 leaders of the Union of American He- brew Congregations (UAHC) left Wednesday for Poland after receiving as- surances that there was no truth to news reports that a representative of the PLO would place a memorial wreath at the Warsaw Ghetto Monument at cere- monies marking the 40th anniversary of the Ghetto Uprising next Tuesday. Rabbi Alexander Schin- dler, president of the UAHC and leader of the delegation, said he had cabled the or- ganizers of the commemora- tion that "the participation of those who murder Jewish women and children and who celebrate the slaughter of innocents would make a hideous mockery of every- thing for which this com- memoration stands." He asked for assurances -that Fuad Yassim, chief of the PLO mission in. War- saw, who had said he would place a wreath at the monument, would not be permitted to do so. In reply, Schindler said, he received a tele- phone call from Szymon Szurmiej, director of the Jewish State Theater in Poland and a member of the organizing commit- tee, "categorically deny- ._ ing", the report and calling it "a provoca- fion." Szurmiej said that only Jewish organiza- tions and Polish groups that had fought against the Nazis would be per- mitted to lay wreaths at the monument. "Based upon these assur- ances," Rabbi- Schindler said, "we decided to go ahead with our mission." Meanwhile, in New York, an official of the Anti- Defamation 'League of Bnai Brith said that it is "regret- table" that world Jewry has agreed to participate in the Politsh government spon- sored commemoration. However, Jews who do participate should use the occasion to denounce "hu- man rights violations and anti-Semitism in Poland," according to Abraham Foxman, associate national director of the ADL. Fox- man, who is native of Po- land and a survivor of the Holocaust, noted in a statement issued here that "in recent months, anti- Semitic canards have been spread by the Patriotic Grunwald Union with no government evident The counter-action. government-controlled press has published anti- Semitic articles and car- toons, he said. TAX REDUCTION SALE APRIL 17 CRAZY CLARENCE CUTS PRICES BELOW COSTS! 1 0A.M.-9P.11101. SUNDAY ONLY Guaranteed Lowest Prices on Home Pianos & Organs ELECTRIC GUITARS Peavey . & Ibanez, Fender, Gibson, Ovation, Washburn, G & L, Westbury, Kramer, Magnum, Vantage & Others. 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