int utI,wur arnan In1f3 TIM), Apt n W, IOW Littell Outlines Program of Response to the Holocaust By REV. FRANKLIN LITTELL National Institute on the Holocaust not simply a technically competent barbarian. We can agree in condem- nation totalitarian gov- ernments that still surivive, and in our support of gov- ernment constitutions that ensure their representative character. We can work to- gether on behalf of 'Soviet Jewry, of Israel's survival and well-being, and in com- batting the chameleon anti-Semitism. Beyond Christian-Jewish cooperation, however, those who still dare to profess the Christian faith have a spe- cial task: to turn Christian preaching and teaching away from the contemptu- ous and hateful toward the reconciling and fraternal. That progress is being made, painfully and slowly to be sure, can be documented. Perhaps the most dramatic evidence of a new mutuality of American Jews and Christians is the acceptance of Yom Hashoa memorial observances as a joint concern. In recent years the President, the governors of states, and the - mayors of our cities have hosted memorial obser- vances and issued procla- mations. Many hundreds of congregations, Christian as well as Jewish, annually remember the 6,000,000 in prayers and special services . . . parallel to the public events. There is additional concrete evidence of a PHILADELPHIA — Why should a Christian re- member the Holocaust and salute its survivors? An- swer: Becatthe he remem- bers a time when the so- called Christian nations were either perpetrators or spectators in a massive as- sault upon the Jewish people. At first the memory con- fronts him with a chal- lenge to the credibility of his own faith. And then, if he has survived spiritually, the memory exacts from him a pledge that he will never again be guilty of de- nying Jewish survival its place in the Providence of God. Why should a man of the university remember the Holocaust and salute its survivors? Answer: Because he remembers a time when some of the most skilled and competent of modern tech- nicians prostituted their abilities to serve a modern Moloch. They were men of in- ternational reputation, even Nobel laureates among them. They were chemists, medical inves- tigators, jurists, theolo- gians, engineers — per- sons of vast knowledge, and little wisdom. From a -purely human point of view, no one can fail to be inspired by the story of the survivors — those who came out of immeasurable and inexpressable personal TEL AVIV (JTA) — Two tragedy to build new lives; Israeli soldiers were those who retrieved beauty wounded Tuesday night by and life from the very small arms fire and depths of the Pit. That the bazookas fired from an am- Washington - Gathering bush at an IDF patrol west brings together survivors of Ein Zahlata,in central and liberators, Jews and. Lebanon. Christians — united by The wounded men were their citizenship in a land of evacuated to a Haifa hospi- liberty — is an occasion for tal by helicopter while large rejoicing by all loyal Ameri- army units searched the cans. area, using flares during For a person of con- the night. Several weeks ago two Is- science, whether Jew or Christian, the event carries rael soldiers were killed and special meanings. This is two wounded in the same especially true if the person area when their vehicle was remembers the days of ambushed by terrorists who abandonment and apostasy pretended their car had personally. For he belongs broken down on the side of to the generation on whom the road. Last week, an Israeli time is running out, who sees his children and soldier was killed, three grandchildren rising up others were wounded, around him. And every day and three soldiers were sounds the question more treated for shock in five strongly: What shall we incidents in Lebanon. The dead soldier was kil- teach the children? On some teaching, Jews led as a result of a road and Christians can stand accident arising out of a together. We can insist that terrorist attack. The army spokesman said the story be told, that the instruction in the schools that two soldiers were not neglect such a massive wounded when an explosive historical event. We can charge was detonated at the cooperate in establishing side of the road along which centers and institutes of their convoy was passing Holocaust education, best near Kasr Chamoun south done on an inter-faith base, of Beirut. Another vehicle in the for under no circumstances may the illusion be allowed convoy _tried to find a safer to float that the Holocaust point from which to 'was "only" a Jewish event. counter-attack an ambush We can work together but overturned, killing one that the typical product of its occupants and injuring of the modern university another. In another incident, fire be wise, committed to morals and ethics, and was opened on an army ve- change in the churches. One major denomination in the U.S. — the Ameri- can Baptist Churches headquartered in Val- ley Forge, Pa: — has made Yom Hashoa an of- ficial event in the annual calendar observed by its pastors and congrega- tions. In a number of theological seminaries, Roman Catholic as well as Protes- tant, courses or seminars on the Holocaust and its les- sons are taught. This is especially important, for it means that a new genera- tion of priests and ministers will be coming forth, edu- cated to think in a radically different way about the re- lationship between the churches and the Jewish people. In the generation that is passing, very few perceived the cost of wrong-headed teaching and discriminat- ory actions until the Ger- man Fuhrer drove the les- son home with Stukas and Panzers and Zyklon B. In the Gathering, we meet as survivors and friends to convenant that we shall never again through indif- ference and neglect permit such a thing to happen. We know that it is the nature of terrorist movements that become criminal govern- ments, as did the German NSDAP, to take "the other," "the outsider" today, and us tomorrow. Ambush Injureg- IDF Soldiers 3 • hide near the Galerie Sama, a former crossing point between east and west Beirut. There were no casualties. Two other incidents in- volved explosive charges set off at the side of roads, one south of Damour and an- other near the Zaharani River on the coastal road. There were no casualties. We who are Christians are learning to take seri- ously the words of the theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer, martyred by the Nazis for complicity in the July 20, 1944 attempt on Hitler's life: "When the synagogues burn today, then tomorrow the churches will be torched." Bonhoeffer wrote this wise observation at the time of the Nazi-inspired mob action remembered as Kristallnacht (Nov. 10, 1938). Forty-five years is enough time to elapse for this lesson, taught by one of the noblest spirits of the Christian centuries, to penetrate the churches. And when it does we shall all — survivors and friends, Jews and Christians alike, Americans all — have rea- son for confidence that our children and children's children shall see better years of brotherhood than the generation of the Holocaust. EDUCATIONAL THERAPY . WEST BLOOMFIELD 7 851-5516 DEAD BOLT LOCKS $ 3490 installed Includes: lock, 2 keys & labor We install key in the knob locks No Travel Charges in O.P. & S'fld. $5.00 off for senior citizens w/ad KEY CHANGES LOCK SERVICE 399-7940 ask for Ben Detroit, Chapter THE AMERICAN SOCIETY for TECHNION ISRAEL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Advanced Medical Diagnostics Israel's ELSCINT, Ltd. Competes with World's Technology Giants Haifa-based ELSCINT, -which boasts an annual growth rate averaging 38 percent over the past 10 years, designs, manufactures, sells and services, computer-based digital imaging equipment by which the organs of the human body are "dissected" by computer so that physicians can peer inside patients in ways never before possible. speaker MOSHE BEN-PORATH, PH.D • Started ELSCINT, Inc. in the United States • Previous positions: Chief Physicist - Hadassah Hospital, Assistant Profes- sor of Medicine - Loyola Stritch School of Medicine (Chicago), Acting Chairman Department of Pharmacology - Technion Medical School. film . . . an Israeli documentary chairperson . . . Joel I. Hamburger, M.D. • Board Member, Detroit Chapter, American Technion Society or • Author or co-author of 10 medical testbooks and over 70 professional _ scientific Papers. UNITED HEBREW SCHOOLS 21550 West 12 Mile Road, Southfield Tuesday, April 26, 1983 at 7:45 p.m. A Quality Education - Vibrant With Our Heritage HILLEL DAY SCHOOL 1111 HILLEL DAY SCHOOL - A Jewish School providing a complete program in General and Hebrew Studies from Kindergarten through ninth grade. Accepting enrollments for Fall 1983. Half day and full day - kindergarten and first grade June Weinberg, Executive Director Rabbi Robert Abramson, Headmaster 851-2394 - 32200 Middlebelt - Farmington Hills, Michigan 48018 Hillel Day School of Metropolitan Detroit admits Jewish students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin. Its admission and scholarship programs are non-discriminatory. No child will be denied an education at Hillel because of parentt inability to pay the full charges. Tuition allowances will continue to be granted based on individual needs. /1A