I tA. 31 r7It';`,1 12 - friday, -April 15,4983 . •-•—THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS - - Christian Looks at Missionaries and the Jews By REV. FRANKLIN LITTELL National Institute on the Holocaust PHILADELPHIA — Some readers have asked me how I view Christian missionary agencies that target the Jews. Answer: I am against them. They are wrong — religiously and historically. For Christians, the baseline issue remains this: How do you view the survi- val of the Jewish people — with regret or with rejoic- ing? For Jews, the baseline issue remains this: We do not intend to disappear — neither by mass murder nor by assimilation. One of the finest Chris- tians I have been privileged to know was the late Dr. Johan Pion, founder of Nes Ammim (an international Chris- tian movhav neighboring Lohamei Haghettaot in Upper Galilee). Dr. Pilon went out to the province of Palestine in the British Empire as a Hebrew Christian missionary. Seeing how the young survivor state,_a restored Israel, had to fight for its life in 1948-1949, he had what he thereafter called his "second conversion." It came to Dr. Pilon that Christian missionizing of the Jews" was no longer, if it ever had been, an authen- tic stance. The burden of the Holocaust was upon him; the hope of a restored Israel turned him around (the New Testament word is metanoia). His wife and he made a vow to gather a community of volunteers to do something fraternal and credible: to help build up the land. At first the community was Dutch; now there are young volunteers working the rose beds and avocado orchards from all over the' world. Dr. Pilon was a person who took history seriously, who did not deal in abstract propositions or generaliza- tions — either "fundamen- talist" Christian or "liberal" Christian. In the younger generation of Christian theologians, among those who have confronted the two most important events in recent history — the Holocaust and a restored Is- rael — such a "second con- version" is_no longer neces- sary. On the contrary, pro- selytizing ofJewa is rejected from the start: it is recog- nized that the survival of the Jewish people is provi- dential. REV. LITTELL carry over errors and foot- faults. This is true however well-meaning the writer or speaker may be. That is why Christian observance of Yom Haahoah and Christian-Jewish coopera- tion in many common con- cerns are so important. For we are educated (and re- , Recognition of this educated!) not by rational truth involved not only arguments alone, however purging preaching and replete with footnotes. We teaching of centuries-old_ are educated (and re- Christian anti-Semitism educated!) in a large meas- ("the teaching of con- ure by what the Danish tempt"). It involves a thinker Soren Kierkegaard much more difficult task: called "the thoughts that the affirmation of teach- wound from behind." ings of amity and frater- What we learn in our nal concern. In this task, sleep, what we learn, when the most important we are ostensibly concerned theological frontier in with another matter, what contemporary Christian takes us by surprise, will in writing, the best of our the-long haul rise to the sur- younger Protestant and face and change our .logical Roman Catholic theolo- and intentional position. In gians are now engaged. purging Christianity of It should be obvious that anti-Semitism, both the the task undertaken is a formal dogmas and doc- monumental one, and that trines and the knee-jerk many of the early efforts at reactions must be changed. re-stating the relationship A dozen crucial questions of Christian faith to the come to the surface once the Jewish people will still scholar realizes that tradi- VP' VIDEO PROFILES CORPORATION Complete Broadcast Color Videotape Productions HAVE A MOVING EXPERIENCE And Still Enjoy Your Party Any Event • Any Subject • Any Occasion CALL 354-0438 TALK TO A VIDEOGRAPHER Personal Video Services tional Christian teaching in large part reflecting about the Jewish people is the effort of the gentile wrong. (That awareness Church Fathers to in- arises, in human experi- gratiate themselves with ence, from events in one's the rulers of the Roman personal history or in one's Empire. changed perception of gen- With the triumph of the eral history. And once it has • Emperor Constantine and arisen, the consequences his dominance over church are sweeping in their impli- synods and councils, and cations.) with the legal codes of Em- A large measure of tra- perors Theodosius and Jus- ditional Christian pro- tinian, the gentile Chris- selytizing is based upon tian teachings against "the negative judgments Jews" were articulated in toward "the Jews." How repression and persecution are we to understand, for by law. example, certain pas- From this distance it be- sages in the Christian comes clear that the.lossof scriptures (the "New Tes- Jerusalem as the primary tament") which seem to religious center was a disas- be "anti-Semitic"? If we - ter for Christians as well as view thesepassages pro- Jews. The eminence of Con- positionally, as abstract tantinople and Rome as truths good for all times Christian centers affected and places, a reconstruc- church doctrine and ad- fion of the Christian mid- ministration in ways nega- rashim is impossible. tive to the Jewish people. Lifted out of context, used What is usually ignored like a sliderule by another by establishment writers people in another age, such (Christians and Jews alike) prooftexts indeed carry an is the profoundly negative anti-Semitic slant. If, how- effect upon Christian life ever, we view such passages and teaching as well as historically-theologically, a Jewish life. In point of fact, more hopeful situation the worst periods of perse- emerges. cution for Jews have been periods of persecution for We do not accuse the Christian churches that did prophets in the Hebrew not fit the imperial and scriptures or the Qumran triumphalist design either. sectarians of ' "anti- Emperors Constantine, Semitism" because of their Theodosius and Justi- harsh words against the Temple party, against the nian made life hard for Judeans, or occasionally the Jews. They also per- against the whole people. secuted Christian "here- And it is doubtful practice to tics": Donatists, Arians, accuse the Jewish writers of Jacobites, Copts and the "Christian apostolic Armenians. Pope Inno- writings" (later called "the cent III ordered, Jews to New Testament") of anti- wear the yel'ow badge in public and ardently sup- Semitism. Using such passages pro- ported the Crusades. The positionally, to reinforce Crusades not only proselytizing, compounds brought death to thousands ofJews: under the mischief. Systematic alienation, the same leadership, rejection of the Jewish thousands of Walden- people elaborated into a sians, Albigensians and superseding myth ('the Bogomili (Christian New Israel, the church, "heretics") were mur- replaces the Old Israel"), dered. was an invention of the - Martin Luther, in his last gentile Church Fathers. years, turned bitterly There is not one passage against the Jews. And he in the Christian New Tes- also urged the death pen- tament, even one mis- alty for Christian "heretics" used, to justify that myth. — Schwenckfelders, Men- It is based upon tradition, nonites, Hutterites, etc. post-scriptural, in good During the Spanish Inquisi- part motivated by envy, tion, evangelical Christians also went to the rack or the stake. The same Russian czars who loosed pogroms against Jews also cut off the right hands of thousands of "Old Believers" (a Russian Or- thodox dissenting group) and shipped many more to slavery in Siberia. The Fuhrer of the Third Reich killed Jews, and also many of those Christians who stayed Christian during the Great Apostasy of Chris- tendom, 1933-1945. The Soviet dictatorship that makes life miserable for Jews who are loyal to their heritage also perse- cutes Christians (Pentecos- tals, Baptists, Roman Catholics, etc.) who refuse to accommodate to the rul- ing ideology (Marxism). The lesson seems to me abundantly clear: both Jews and Christians who are in earnest, and not merely nominal adhe- rents, need to stand to- gether against monolithic policies and pressures — and for the rights of conscience, reli- gious liberty and pluralism. We who are protected by the First Amendment from re- pression and persecution should stand together as loyal citizens against every effort, however, apparently well- intentioned, to put gov- ernment(s) back into the business of monitoring religious practices and opinions. Yet, I am opposed to targetting Jews. But, sur- veying the centuries of per- secution, Lam glad that so- called sects and cults (whether Hare Krishna, Maoist, • Trotskyite, - -Jehovah's Witness, "Moonies" or "Jews for Jesus") come at us today with pamphlets rather than swords. If Maoists or "Moonies" come at me with a pam- phlet, I have two or three of my own to give them. And one of mine affirms the Christian obligation to stand up for Jewish survival — in Israel, in the Soviet Union, in the Muslim world, and also in the "Christian" nations. •