46 Friday, March 25, 1E3 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS • • • VL% JEFF Internal HEART:.'CI.M.:::AND RELATED HEART DISEASES. Heart attap.s are the number one cause of death in the United States today. What is a heart attack? What to heart disease? f. actors tend to p..,re.dispose.cne • Can it $ w li cover all aspects of the including medical and surgical trends in there- PY LEONARD STEIN, 0.D. Op etry CTS. Failing vision visioi e of the most common con'tplaints as we get older. Dr. Hoffman will talk about the most common reasons for failing vision and how to treat them. He will discuss modern cataract surgery and intraocular lenses, ANC E.- April Psychology THE CHOICE OF A CONTACT LENS. There .„.... have been many advan 'in the field of contact lenses over the :::. last ten ye40 :,...:.:„:. biCh..' best " :Are som e „..: —..... ,,-. ,. : people un ... 7.**ettlerii: ftuss these modern trends. R, Ph.D. May PROBLEM BEHAVIORS IN PRE-ADOLESCENT CHILD- REN. Why does a child steal, fie' fires, vandal? What are the causes and effects of problem behaviors? Dr. . Tiff+ ii ddress the signs and symotoms of underlying ances and their treatments. kg14f A.'Dentures can often proble .ers.. The dentures can move, slide 0 shift. What can be done to help? Dr. Scannell will discuss exerting new dental techniques and brief stay surgery to stabilize the lower denture. , American Lung Association June 9 CAN I STOP SMOKING? Making the lec a . , . necessary Makes .4 ...„.:.:„..,. first step to stop smoking. wha ..„:.„.„y:„,: smoker stop smoking? Ms. Mead will disdfiga calif effects of smoking, deciding to quit and caitrritt programs for additional help. IAR' dome a II f us 'expo enee sorhe effects of 04:.:artd'hoW.ShoUld. s of agin ,ant `. gee -Dlr.:She vin will di s ci. ss m4PY.of the .g ncit4 :00 PrO0aration . . KRISTINA KOCHANOWSKA, M.D. April internal Medicine/ Diabetes BRUCE SAILARIAN, M, . 28 Internal Medicine DIABETES: : MELLITUS is arribrig the most common chronic cfkago$: There is much excitement over new researchIS(016.6itfone in this area. Dr_ Kochanowska will discuss the definition, possible causes and modern treatments. .4 414r ♦ #14,4.41.0 -A*4,40../.44/4 11, 4 4' 4 .'4010i 4 THE VULNERABLE I ties in the early a problem affects the b andpre-dispositions . thi*. Dr. Gonzalez mss the normal in treatment forraumatized baby. 4•4 May 26 SORE THROATS, CHEST INFECTIONS, HEAD COLDS AND SINUSITIS are common problems for adults as well as children. Can we help prevent these illnesses? Dr. Samarian will discuss proper treatment, home prevention and when to see a doctor, Canfolow OtneFf04.. , '.0004$101tAtint , JEFF E.Y DEPABS,' iatries SflW June 23 COMMON PEDIATRIC PROBLEMS. Pediatric problems are a concern of every parent. Dr. Dembs will cover topics such as fever, common cold, diarrhea, infant feeding, hyperactivity and other frequent concerns of parents. Also the myths and facts of Reyes Syndrome will be discussed, including the debate over aspirin.