-111P1111117 8 , I :11Friday;Orch18; ? 1/4 ti l :,THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS A r -• Hebrew Free Loan History Researched by Home for Aged Resident EDITOR'S NOTE From a resident of the Jewish Home for the Aged (Borman Hall) comes the accompanying in- teresting feature. Arthur Lipsitt makes research into back- grounds and histories of local institutions a labor of love. As a result, he has made a study of the Hebrew Free Loan Association's activities and , has compiled a record The Jewish News is pleased to present to its readers. Mr. Lipsitt had a personal interest of many years in the Hebrew Free Loan, as a b _ oard member. Mr. Lipsitt, a native of Toronto, Canada, came to Detroit in 1918 to enroll in Detroit College of Law. He never practiced law, having gone into business under the firm name of National Beauty and Barber Supply Co., with headquarters in downtown Detroit. He was married to Betty David- son. Because of his wife's illness, they both gained residence in the Jewish Home for the Aged where she died less than two years ago, and he retains his residence there. He is 82 and has, two daughters, Mrs. Arnold (Marilyn) Agree of Franklin and Mrs. Donald (Eileen) Gildur of California. By ARTHUR LIPSITT The Hebrew Free Loan Association had a humble beginning in the year 1895 when it was granted a cor- porate charter for the pur- pose of helping the needy of the community. The association was in- stalled in the old Hannah Schloss Building on High Street where the bewildered immigrant could easily come in and make a loan of $5 to $25, which gave him the element of indepen- dence not afforded by an outright gift. The aim and purpose of extending a helping hand without the thought of re- ward or remuneration for the favor extended has at all times been kept in the fore- ground. The Hebrew Free Loan Association's philos- ophy is based on the Torah: that "thou shalt not exact interest from the needy among us." commercial The enterprises these new immigrants concerned themselves with in- cluded, for the most part, peddling fruits and veg- etables, junk, metals, bottles, or any other sal- vage that had commer- cial value. They needed cash to pay the livery man or for stock in trade. In those early years, a loan of $25 could go a long way in purchasing value. Renting a horse and wagon each day was a very expen- sive process for the peddler, hence the urge to ask for a loan from the association to buy his own. Time after time, the He- brew Free Loan Association served as a bridge between failure and success, be- tween hope and despair and has safely carried families from dependence to inde- pendence. As the association moved northward with the com- munity, its office was next installed in the Kirby Cen- ter. This building was used at that time by the United Hebrew Schools to house its main school and high school. The scope of the association had broadened considerably by this time and the needs were larger, the demands heavier. Necessity was no longer the single drive which brought the appli- cant to the association door. Now, loans of opportunity were found in equal measure with loans of necessity. People were now seeking funds to enter small businesses. The clients of the associa- tion, in some instances, had prospered to the point where they had be- come taxpayers and needed cash to pay taxes or to make repairs to property. It was at this point in the history of the Hebrew Free Loan Association that the Jewish Welfare Federation was born. Although the association is Jewish, it is non-sectarian 'in its activi- ties since Jewish law com- pels us to help the needy of all-creeds. The average loan had grown and the range was $50 to a ceiling of $200. The Federation took note of the large and varied na- ture of demands for money confronting the association and generously filled and underwrote part of these demands. The technique used to make loans was relatively simple. Most applicants owned a watch or a ring which could be used as col- lateral. These were ap- praised on the spot; at the moment .the loan was closed. With the steady Ah, Springtime in the suburbs. Our March special membership offer is like a vacation. Yes. with relatively Iilllr traveling. ittirl very little money. you can treat yourself to a 101 01 1hr Ihillgti 1 X'01 )1(• go out 01 10W11 lor. A luxurious XX)1. ill1(1racqueaKill courts. weight rootIL hatskett courts. snick. and 'lime. An( I you can have it for the month of N larch Ibr just SID. "I -his is rloubly renlarkril when you consider that the cost 01 On individual member- ship is 5215 a var and that nxntthlvnien lx7ships are not ■ Join art\ clay in March ill1(1 enjoy 31 c h iys of in dividual 14( n eras themlx•rship* for just Sett. \Vont to ki low num.? ( )I otirse you t I0. Just pick up the I hone ant I ask. its a local call. & JEWISH • COMMUNITY CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT itk .1 owl, I. Nil( big; tit il-11 x )3:1 M) It isn't Florida, but it's only $io. one that membership per 12 month period. • Family membership $15 ARTHUR LIPSITT growth of the Jewish com- munity, the board began to find this technique in- adequate to meet the more varied needs of its borrow- ers and so a new instrument was added to the estab- lished procedure. This was the signing off-a promissory note, endorsed by one or two responsible members of the community, depending on the amount of the loan. The board had consid- ered the advisability ,of closing out its collateral division, but hesitated to do so for fear that hard- ship might result to some of its borrowers. This doubt was resolved dur- ing the time of occupancy of the Kirby Center when, one quiet weekend, the safe was blown open, and all of the pledged jewelry which had been stored therein was stolen and never recovered. This was a crippling blow to the association and, de- spite the fact that it was free of liability on techni- cal grounds, the associa- tion made reparations to its many clients and it survived the disaster. When Jewish activities on the near East Side trans- ferred to the Twelfth Street area, the Hebrew Free Loan went along. It located its offices in the very heart of this district at the corner of Clairmount and Twelfth. Subsequently, its office was moved to the corner of Linwood and Blaine where it found itself installed with grandeur and grace for, not only did it occupy a large building which had once been the branch of the de- funct Nation Bank of De- troit, but the next-door neighbor was the Blaine Street Shul. This was a period of feverish activity and fi- nance following the Wall Street crash and leading into the war years. They were the busiest years of the association on both the downward wave of the De- pression and the upward wave of recovery. It had a permanent staff of two in addition to a part-time staff and a host of volunteers, all kept quite busy. The association moved in successive stages and over the years has been located at the corner of Linwood and Clair- mount, Linwood and Davison, Davison and Petoskey in the Commu- nity Center Branch Building, Meyers Road, and Ten Mile Road in Oak Park. It is located now in the United He- brew Schools Building on 12 Mile Road in South- field. The association now makes loans of various amounts to $2,000, and in exceptional cases even higher. The doors of the association were never closed to its clients and were even open during the bank holiday years ago, when it still operated on a cash basis, never turning down a worthwhile applicant. It has served the commu- nity through periods of ad- versity and prosperity, through refugee years and the sorrows of Detroit resi- dents. Applicants were helped with loans for oppor- tunity as well as loans of necessity. Its loans have reached from those of serv- ing, stark poverty, through growth and development and opportunity, through, times of joy and ceremony for families celebrating Bnai Mitzva and marriages, and into illness and tragedy. It has lent funds for medical bills, funerals and grave markers. The loans in 1922 aver- aged $27 and in 1928 the average had grown to $101. The fact that only $100 was uncollectible during that period is convincing evi- dence that the average man is honest, especially when he knows that he has not been exploited in the help extended to him. In 1922, $14,300 was loaned; in 1937 the total amount lent had increased to $186,000. At a special meeting of the Board in 1941, a sum of $10,000 was allocated for making loans to bringing relatives and friends from Europe. For that purpose, the maximum amount lent to any person was raised from $300 to $600. Henry Leopold, a past president of the Detroit HFL, is currently co- president of the national association. Some members of the board of directors, today, are sons and daughters of parents who spent many years as members of the board in previous ad- ministrations of the asso- ciation. One such member of the board was my brother-in- law, the late Herman Wetsman, who sat on the board for. 28 years. Now his son, William Wetsman, is a r i board member serving in his 32nd year. Another member of the board who has served with distinction is Myron Schiffman, who has served as the Association's attor- ney for years. The recently-elected president, Milton Marwil, follows in the footsteps of his own father who served as president some 60 years ago. The men and women who have devoted their time and talents to the work of the organization have done so unselfishly, willingly, and_ faithfully. * * * Marwil Elected HFL- President MILTON MARWIL The Hebrew Free Loan Association held elections for officers and directors at At present, the associa- its February meeting. tion has about $50,000 in- Newly elected officers are: Milton Marwil, president; vested in student loans on Klein, vice which there is no interest; Emery repayment does not start president; Sherwin until graduation or the stu- Behrmann, treasurer; and dent finds employment. Irwin Kahn, secretary. Outgoing president There are also more than 500 loans to Russian im- Graham Landau became a migrants for various pur- life member of the Board of Directors. Other life mem- 1 poses. If one needs a car for bers are: Henry Auslander, transportation to and from Jacob L. Keidan, Maurice employment, a loan of Klein, Henry Leopold, $1,000 can be made toward George Stutz, William its purchase. A Russian Wetsman, Gus Newman, university student emi- Charles Goldstein, Myron grated with one more Schiffman, Lawrence semester to finish before Crohn, and Julian Zemon. graduation as a dentist; she Continuing as directors are: was lent the necessary Marlene Borman, Havar- funds to finiSh at one of our vey Deutch, Mitchell Feldman, Miriam Fried- universities. Today, Hebrew free loan man, Herbert Goldstein, agencies are located across Paul Hack, Jerome Kel- the United States and man, Henry Lee, David Lip- Canada, each dedicated to ton, Dr. Lawrence Loe- the same noble and practi- wentha.1, John " Nemon, cal objectives. In June 1982, Ruth Redstone, Dr. Harvey a long-overdue event took Sabbota, Rabbi Dannel place with the formation of Schwartz and Ralph the Association of Hebrew Walker. Free Loans at the first an- Newly elected to the nual gathering of free loan board were Sue Pappas and agencies in Minneapolis. Spencer Partrich.