72 Friday, March 4, 1983 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Ka a: A Tormented Jew Shaped by Father, Society By DR. JOSEPH COHEN (Editor's note: Dr. Cohen is director of the Jewish studies program at Tulane University in New Orleans, La.) When Franz Kafka died of tuberculosis at the age of 41 in June 1924, he was known only to a handful of literary friends in Prague and Berlin. His most famous works, including "The Trial" and "The Cas- tle," had not yet been pub- lished. If he had had his way they never would have been, for shortly before his death he urged his life-long friend, Max Brod, who would be- come his literary executor, to destroy his manuscripts. Kafka had already seen to the burning of some of his papers. Another sizeable batch was seized in Berlin in 1933 by the Gestapo and has not survived. (The Nazis were also responsible, subsequently, for the deaths during the Holocaust of Kafka's sisters and their families, and two of the women he loved.) `Fortunately, Brod re- sisted the temptation to comply with Kafka's wish, and he managed to bring out of Czechoslovakia a suitcase of manuscripts when he fled from Prague in 1939 as the Germans entered the city. There is a certain poe- tic justice in Kafka's writ- ings being saved from the Nazis: it is his work which defined for us the nature and scope of interiorized terror, the anonymous cruelty, in which they would become the spe- cialists. Today, Kafka's name is synonymous with that overwhelming sense of nihilism that has pervaded our time: the rootlessness, displacement, helplessness and hopelessness of indi- viduals whose destiny ap- pears only to be the cer- tainty of meaningless suf- fering and ignominious de- cline, of the happy dream of the joy of life-exploded into a nightmare of fear, with ex- pectations crushed, insur- ing the total humilitation of the human spirit. Because Kafka antici- pated long before it became a reality the nightmare where paranoia would reign supreme, and because his novels and stories not only survived their intended de- struction and were pub- lished, he is now recognized as a centrally-important master of Western litera- ture. The study of-his life and works has all the markings of a major industry: scholars devote significant portions of their careers to investiga- tion and exegesis of his writ- ings, he is required reading in colleges and universities throughout the world, and, to date, more than 10,000 commentaries on various aspects of his life and work have been published. Hardly a day goes by with- out something new being added. * * * Recent Books on Franz Kafka classic study in powerless- ness and despair but as a comic farce. Indeed, when Kafka read the opening chapters to a few close liter- ary friends, they all laughed so hard, Kafka included, that the reading was cheer- fully suspended. Closely connected to the variety of meanings in the stories are the intriguing questions about the princi- pal events and relationships of Kafka's life, since it was monumental proportions. The more I read of and about Kafka, the more con- vinced I become that a true understanding of this writer and his work will re- quire substantially greater insight into the relationship between his existential self and his ambivalent atti- tudes to his Jewishness, for it is increasingly apparent that a great deal of what he wrote sprang specifically out of his Jewish tensions. Of recent interest are the following: Ronald Hayman's "Kafka: A Biog- raphy (Oxford University Press), Elias Canetti's "Kafka's Other Trial: The Letters to Felice" (Schocken Books), and Kafka's "Let- ters to Ottla and the Fam- ily" (Schocken). In 1980, Beth Hatefut- soth, the Nahum Goldmann Museum of the Jewish Diaspora in Tel Aviv, as- sembled a striking collec- tion of Kafka materials with photographs by Jan Parik, a renowned Euro- pean photographer, for the Kafka-Prague Exhibition in Israel. This exhibition subsequently came to the Jewish Museum in New York, and it is now on tour through 1984 to selected Jewish communities in the United States. The attractive exhibition catalogue, printed in He, brew and English, with FRANZ KAFKA many of Parik's photo- graphs and two superb his own largely-immediate Ronald Hayman in his overviews of Kafka's life experiences Which he di- "Kafka: A Biography" and work by David Shahan rectly and'at times miracul- notes that Franz Kafka and Elix Weltsch, is avail- ously transformed into lit- never "used the word able from the Jewish erature of surpassing `Jew' in his fiction," and Museum. worth. "never made any of his For all that we know characters Jewish." Yet, In the late spring of 1983, an international about him, there is sur- increasingly, we are corn- Kafka festival is prisingly little that does ing to recognize that the scheduled to be held in not invite the same mul- preponderance of Kaf- Caracas, Venezuela, with tiple responses provoked ka's work related to the condition of the Jewish Jewish literary by reading his works. luminaries and Kafka The questions we need people in Europe in the specialists from North most to have answers for are early 20th Century, a America and Europe those having to do with his condition with which invited as participants. relationship to his father Kafka identified perhaps Despite the millions of and his mother, his atti- to a greater extent than words already written tudes toward their Jewish- he himself realized. His own identification about Kafka, the flood gates ness and his own, his tor- seem only now to be open- menting twin compulsions with his Jewish background ing. The explanation for the to succeed in the world as a was complex, and it took ever-increasing interest in mensch while escaping him much of his life to work Kafka lies not only in his from menschlichkeit toward resolutions- of his precisely-anticipated expli- through reductionism, em- early established ambiva- cation of the 20th Century's pathizing more with repug- lences to Judaism, for the thrust toward fragmenta- nant animals, birds — the tensions he felt toward his tion and the diminution of Czech translation for Kafka religion and his ethnic heri- human values but in the is "jackdaw" — and insects tage were mixed and con- remarkably imaginative than with human beings, fused with the serious, un- variety of meanings \ the additional paradox of resolved problems of his encompassed in his stories. his desperate need for the melancholy relationships to Part of their universal ap- eunTpany of women while his parents and to women, peal is in the multiple in- systematically rejecting problems which plagued day. terpretations to which they those who professed their him to his dying * * * legitimately lend them- love for him, and the Father Shaped selves. dichotomy between his per- However tragic, for sistent death-wish and his Kafka's Life example, the implications of attraction to sucking every- The major problem was "The Trial" are, that novel thing out of life he could. with his father. Hermann can be read not only as a His is a case study of Kafka was a large man, • heavy-set, lower middle- class, hot-tempered, ag- gressive in the market- place, rigid, uncompromis- ing, loud and abusive, smug; in short, a boor and a bully of monumental prop- ortions. Franz, with his de- licate nature, sensitivity, and intellectual inclina- tions, could neither satisfy nor placate him. The contempt of father for son was an albatross from which Kafka could never disengage himself. The father's word was absolute law, and any transgression was severely punished. Kafka's mother and his three younger sisters shared submissively in this tyranny. Occasional inter- vention by the mother was ineffectual. Moreover, the father removed himself as a positive role model, for though he was a German- Jewish Czech, he sneered openly at Jews, Germans and Czechs, holding East- ern European Jews in par- ticular scorn. His persistent bullying of Kafka precluded the possibility of a normal childhood or adult life, negating the prospect of marriage and family, since the writer would always be locked into a child's servitude. Kafka thus grew up in agonizing fear of his father, and while he, too, was a German-Jewish Czech, Bar Mitzvaed at 13, he could claim no allegiance with Jews, Germans or Czechs. The Germans and the Czechs in Prague de- spised and vilified one an- other, and the Jews most of all. From his earliest years, Kafka was on intimate terms with racial and politi- cal prejudice, both from within and from without, insuring his developing image of himself as a per- , manently displaced person, an alienatee, an exile in the amidst of his familiars; as one subjected to a harsh and implacable law imposed by an absolute authority who gave no quarter, offered no mercy, provided no expla- nations, and remained aloof and distant. Growing up, Kafka rec- ognized that he had two courses of action and he took both of them, though neither provided an escape. Outwardly, he undertook the role of dutiful son and student, going through gymnasium and the univer- sity to obtain his doctorate in, of course, the law, an elegantly painful servility, culminating in an un- wanted desk job with an in- surance company. It was a course of ac- tion designed to placate his father and to feed his own obsessive need to understand the source and the motivation of absolute power man- ifested anonymously through local agents. That understanding would always elude him. The more distant it be- came, the harder he would search for it, and it - became the dominant motif in his writing. In this respect, he bears a surprising resemblance to Canetti, who, made father- less at seven, was reared by a bullying mother, and whose life-work was also an investigation into the sources of anonymous power. Inwardly, Kafka's second course of action would be to take up residence in the fan- tasy world of the writer, to live the persona of the "other," existing primarily in a world of dreams and nightmares, of diaries and letters, adopting a symbolic stance in his fiction which would through its distor- tions both reveal and obscure his tortured soul. It was a world his father could not enter, though he often battered its gate. * * * The Writer and the Covenant Taken together, the two courses of action constitute Kafka's bonding to his father and his inheritance. The amelioration of tyranny would come only through an acceptance of implacable power and res- ignation to it. The defeat and the victory would be one and the same. Slowly, Kafka came to see that his personal situation was mirrored in the Euro- pean Jews' condition. The father's power was sub- sumed in the idea of the Old Testament God. The sym- bolism was as simple as the problems were complex: The absolute 'Father had singled out the son, made him the Chosen one, and though He re- mained distant and inex- plicable, He placed on the son a seemingly impossi- ble burden of allegiance, at the same time casting him adrift in the Dias- pora, rootless, homeless, and landless, amid in- different, or more fre- quently, hostile peoples. The necessary trek through the desert to the Promised Land of rede- mption carried no guarantee that this salva- tion would be attained; the more likely prospect was disaster and death. Perhaps we have not rec- ognized sufficiently that Kafka's life and work thus revolved around the ques- tion of Covenant. He had his contract with God, but it was an uneasy partnership.. He couldn't be certain what God would do, and as for himself, he knew that he JOSEPH COHEN was unable to meet the con- tract's terms. He would never marry, and he felt guilty over the obligation to "be fruitful and multiply." Consistently, however, to the extent of which he was (Continued on Page 5)