52 Friday, February 18, 1983 r THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS PLO Running Detention Camp TEL AVIV (JTA) — Is- rael has freed about 100 prisoners from the Ansar detention camp in south Lebanon. But according to press reports, the camp has become a hotbed of Pales- tine Liberation Organiza- tion activity. The prisoners were re- leased in what officials de- scribed as a thinning-out process. About 5,000 Pales- tinians and Lebanese re- main in the camp, however. They have not been granted prisoner-of-war status. Israeli newspapers report that the PLO is maintain- ing tight discipline among the inmates and has turned the camp into an ev- vective training ground and school for the PLO. Senior PLO members are said to be in command of the camp's various sections. According to the press reports, the inmates begin each day chanting PLO slogans and then attending an intoctrina- tion course. Inter- rogators trying to weed out PLO supporters say there has been a change of attitude recently. Whereas camp inmates formerly denied any PLO affiliation or sympathies, now, almost without excep- tion, they proudly admit to pro-PLO sentiments, the in- terrogators reported. Bloom Q&.7, Bloom Registered Electrologists Come and let us remove your unwanted hair problem and improve your appearance. Ask For Shirtee or Debby. Appt. Only 358-5493 11 Mile between Evergreen & Southfield PEARL SCISSORS BUCKLES UNLIMITED Firm Purchased FEBRUARY SALE NOW GOING ON 10% DISCOUNT USE THIS AD ON ONE ITEM ONLY WESTERN HATS CLOSEOUT PEARL SCISSOR$ UP TO ''THE BUCKLE LADY" BERKLEY 60% OFF Good thru 2/28/83 NEW YORK — Ampal Industries, Inc., a sub- sidiary of Ampal-American Israel Corp., has purchased 60 percent of Biodex Biotechnological and. Diag- nostic Systems, Ltd. in Jerusalem. Biodex man- ufactures diagnostiC kits. Ampal-American Israel Corp. is an $800 million New York corporation which mobilizes funds for long-term finance and in- vestment in Israel's economy and offers inves- tors the opportunity for a re- turn in U.S. dollars. ' f ■ • •••••••• • • • •• • ••••••••• • 2240 COOLIDGE 5, 13Iks. N. of 11 'Mlle Mon.-Sat. 10-6 545-6885 HAT PINS or TIE TACS $2 ea. CUSTOM MADE BUCKES — ASK FOR DETAILS - • • • • • Complete Selection of • BridalGowns, Accessories and Formals PersonalizedbySeFirv: ncae fOR AI RELKTioNS Tills IS NORMAL . r Arabs Await Troop Withdrawals Before Supplying Lebanon Aid WASHINGTON (JTA) — Secretary of State George Shultz suggested Tuesday the willingness of Arab countries to provide funds to help rebuild Lebanon may depend on the successful withdrawal of Syrian, Is- raeli and Palestine Libera- tion Organization forces. The question of whether Arab countries, Saudi Arabia in particular, will provide funds "will depend on how successful we are in our efforts to get foreign forces out of Lebanon and to have an independent Leba- non emerge," Shultz told Linda Kresch to Marry in May • 6635 Orchard Lake Rd. at Maple Old Orchard • v • West Bloomfield • 853-0057 Mon.-Sat. 10-6 pm • •••••••••••••• ■■■■■■■■■■• MISS KRESCH DC 06v/4! 14000 WEST LINCOLN DLVD. — OAK PARK. MICHIGAN 48237 COMPLETE PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICE • FULL LINE OF INVITATIONS • WEDDINGS • BAR MITZVAHS WE NOW CAPTURE • BAT MITZVAHS BEAUTIFUL MEMORIES Engagements ON VIDEO — PHOTOGRAPHIC SPECIALIST 398-4700 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kresch of Southfield an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Miriam, to Richard Jack Rappaport, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morton Rappaport of Livonia. Miss Kresch earned a BS degree in occupational therapy at Eastern Michi- gan University. A May wedding is planned. — ,4,,,,„. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Baggleman of Oak Park announce the engagement of their daughter, Michelle Lynn Baggleman, to Jef- frey Marc Brodman, son of Mr. Leo Brodman of Southfield and Mrs. Rosalie Sosnick. A June wedding is planned. the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee. "At this point we are not there yet," Shultz added. He noted that "people who are thinking about putting money in there are waiting to see what happens." Shultz's comments were made in response to a quesi- ton from Sen. Larry Pressler (R-S.D.) who won- dered whether the loss in oil revenue because of the cut in production and drop in oil prices might affect the Saudi's ability to help Lebanon financially. Shultz replied that while the Saudis suffered "the latest blow" as the largest oil producer in the world, "they are not broke by a long shot." He said Saudi assets are "so large" they can fulfill any commitments. Shultz testified before the committee on the general international economic situation and did not dis- cuss foreigh aid specifically. But when Pressler asked ' why the foreign aid grant to Israel in the proposed 1984 budget was reduced from this year's amount, the Sec- retary replied that the Rea- gan Administration sought "a balanced pro- gram," trying to provide for GEORGE SHULTZ the needs of Israel as well as that of other countries. He noted that Israel's "overall share is very large" and that the amount recommended was what President Reagan felt was the "appropriate number." The Administration is asking Congress to provide Israel $2.485 billion in the 1984 fiscal year, of which $550 million of the $1.7 bil- lion in military aid and all of the $785 million in eco- nomic aid would be a grant. Congress -this year ap- proved $850 million as a grant in military aid over the Administration's objec- tions. Fresh Air Society Receives Phillips, Kunin Memorials The Fresh Air Society is the recipient of two funds, the Sydney Phillips Memo- rial Fund and the Marc Kunin Memorial Sports Fund. Established by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Horne of South- field and Margate, Fla., in memory of Mrs. Horne's brother, the Phillips Memo' rial Fund provides schol- arships to campers who have a physical handicap. Individual scholarships and subsidies are available to groups who sponsor handicapped students at the FAS campsites. The Kunin Memorial Sports Fund was estab- lished in memory of the son of Seymour and Be- verly Parven-Kunin, to be used for the FAS two-week sport skills camp held at Camp Maas in Ortonville. For information on either fund, call Michael Zaks, FAS executive director, 661-0600. Population Race JERUSALEM (ZINS) — Prime Minister Menahem Begin discounts the claims of Israeli demographers who claim Jews will be out- numbered by Arabs in Is- rael by the end of the cen- tury. He said the same predic- tions were made in 1967 and 15 years later Jews have ac- tually gained a percentage point in the population race.