14 Friday, February 11, 1983 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Parkes and HisCourageous Associates in Anti-Semitism Battle When the record of resis- tance to religious hatred, with emphasis on the courageous who assumed leadership in the battles against anti-Semitism, is fully chronicled, the name of James Parkes will be among those whose spiritual armor was the most effective. He had associates whose labors added to the vindica- tion of the honor of Chris- tians who not only refused to dignify bigotry in any form, but who, by their ac- tions, issued the challenges that were required to offset the hatreds that had taken root through the ages. Dr. Parkes' classic in- dictment of the anti- Semites is his series of es- says which were first pub- lished as a volume in 1954. They have been out of print for many years and are now made available in this coun- try under the title "End of an Exile" (Micah Publica- tions of Great Britain). The title of the book it- self is an immediate indi- cation of Dr. Parkes' philo-Zionism and philo-Semitism, if the terms can really be applied to the eminent Christian theologian's devout spirit. Dr. Parkes was among the leading Christian Zionists. His hatred and his expose of the anti-Semitic virus was among the most ef- fective on record. Similarly, the editor of the republished "End of an Exile," Roberta Kalechofska, adds her em- phasis to an application of the Parkes views to the cur- rent Middle East situation SELL YOUR MEDICAL-DENTAL PRACTICE Our practice appraisal and brokerage is confidential, prompt and guarantees opti- mal results. We represent many physicians in all spe- cialties looking for new prac- tice opportunities. Save time and money, call us for a con- fidential assessment. ALEXANDER KRASS CO. Sales & Appraisals SINCE 1970 352-8588 Call for Brochure and the Arab antagonisms. In her introduction to this volume she states in part: "In 'End of an Exile,' he regarded the espousal of the cause of the Palestinian Arabs by the other Arab na- tions as altruistic. By 1969, when he published his var- ious lectures in 'Prelude to Dialogue,' he appraised the relationship of the Arab states to the Arab living in Israel differently: " 'They are an embarras- sed minority, because as long as Israel is surrounded by hostile Arab states, so long do her Arab citizens know that a peculiarly beastly fate would await them were there a sudden attack on Israel, and did they fall prisoners to their brother Arabs. Many dare not show excessive Israeli patriotism, and the Israelis are realists enough not to expect them to. " 'Much of the prop- aganda alleging that they are treated as second- class citizens ignores these obvious facts. It is part of the paradox of Is- rael that only the sur- rounding Arab states can make the Arabs of Israel into first-class Israeli citizens. But within Is- rael, their difficult and isolated situation is well understood but little talked of.' "To render justice in the Middle East it is not suffi- cient to have the attention of the media, to have a mic- rophone, a format, a brief- case and a diplomat's license plate. It is not even sufficient to lend the weight of institutional, papal or state or parliamentary authority declaiming 'the legitimate rights of the Palestinian Arabs.' To ap- proach the problem, one must be James Parkes." While "End of an Exile" is the supreme work under consideration, there are ap- pendices to this classic re- sort to justice that are of equally superb value. There is "A Christian Apology for Israel" by Robert A. Everett, a discussion of arti- cles by another of the great defenders of just rights to Jews and Israel, Reinhold Niebuhr, by Carl Hermann Voss; the Niebuhr essay, "Jews After the War"; "The American Christian Pales- tine Committee" by Dr. ably arise out of a return based on a political decision, and realized in terms of day-to-day practical pos- sibilities." Jewish history receives thorough study in the Parkes analyses. The exile, the denial of civil rights to Jews, the Chris- tian guilt — they are all enumerated and they are treated without restraint. This is where the indict- ment includes not only the discriminating Chris- tians but also the Moslem guilt. JAMES PARKES Voss; an essay by Rose G. Lewis, "James Parkes: Christianity Without Anti-Semitism"; "The Parkes Library" by Dr. Parkes; and an "In Memoriam: James Parkes," by Roy Eckardt. Here is an accumulation of names of noble Christians who had a great share in the Parkes activities. Dr. James Parkes (1896-1981) was the lead- ing personality in the es- tablishment of the best in Jewish-Christian rela- tions. He was the pro- tagonist of Zionism be- fore statehood, the de- fender of Israel upon its establishment and its advocate during the final years of his life. He commenced his liter- ary classics with a delving into the roots of Judaism. He wrote that "the whole Jewish religious tradition has impressed upon every successive generation of Jews as a fundamental con- sequence of the first Divine call at Sinai, that as a people they are called to ful- fill a Divine purpose which can only be fully, expressed through the life of an inde- pendent society." Concerning himself with the Messianic aspirations, he dealt deeply with the Zionist code, with the aims for national rebirth, taking into account the historic elements in the national movement. He drew upon the many interpreters and he affirmed: "The slogan of Israel Zangwill: 'The land without a people for the people with- out a land' was exaggerated but it had quite enough truth in it to veil the diffi- culties which would inevit- DIAMOND LINCOLN/MERCURY, INC. 221 North Main St., Royal Oak, Michigan 48067 541-8830 "The New Name in /1-own Where the Smart Money Buys" His interpretation of the Zionist goals, the aims for a "religious destiny" in the historic dream of redemp- tion is among the most im- pressive that has ever been applied in definitions of Zionism. Historians will be im- pressed by the James Parkes' view of tracing "the actual continuity of Jewish life in Palestine." There are lessons here for the an- tagonists, for Jewish dis- senters and Arab oppo- nents. History is recapitu- lated, the domination of Moslems and the period of Turkish rule recalled, Jewish communal rule in Palestinian areas enumerated. The new im- migration of Jews into Palestine at the end of the 19th Century is the corn- mencement of the fulfill- ment of the dream that has become Israel as a reality. It preceded the Balfour Dec- laration by decades. The commencement of agricultural settlements is accredited in their his- torical realities. Dr. Parkes described the costliness of the trends which marked the resettle- ment, the interest accorded to the effort by Jews on a worldwide basis. The Na- tional Homeland treat- ments under the British have a role here in the Parkes review of historic experiences. Dr. Parkes took into ac- count the Arabs. He main- tained that the Arab refusal to make peace with Israel "could be remedied tomor- row if the Arabs willed it." The reader of "End of an Exile" must take into ac- count the theological char- acter of the Parkes ap- proaches, as he evaluated the difficulties and the re- sponsibilities in Israel's statehood. Thus, he drew upon Prophecy: "A child must walk be- fore it can run; the prob- lems which Israel needs to solve she needs to solve for her own sake; and the right solution will be that which meets her own needs, whether the ouside world notices it or not. "It would be well for her if, for a period, she would forget the glowing prophecies of the conse- quences of restoration which fill the prophets. And yet not wholly forget, for the words have been spoken, and they can be summons to courage as well as a call to humility. Thus saith the Lord of hosts: It shall vet come to pass, that there shall come people, and the inhabitants of many cities: 'And the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the Lord, and to seek the Lord of hosts: I will go also. 'Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray be- fore the Lord. 'Thus saith the Lord of CARL H. VOSS hosts; In those days it shall port of Zionism at a time come to pass, that ten men when the movement had shall take hold out of all both Jewish and non- languages of the nations, Jewish opposition. even shall take hold of the Niebuhr, who was a skirt of him that is a Jew, Congregational minister saying, We•will go with you: for we have heard that God in Detroit before assum- ing the ministerial post in is with you.' Zechariah 8:20-23. the United Church of This immense work, the Christ in New York, was a study of anti-Seinitism and strong defender of the the roots that have led to cause, a leader in the national rebirth, combine battle for justice and op- into an historical Christian position to anti-Semitism. viewpoint that _has its His high record for serv- agenda in the supplemen- ice is outlined in an in- tary treatises by the emi- troductory comment by Voss. nent American scholars. Dr. Carl Hermann * * * Robert Everett, in "A Chris- Appropriately, the James tian Apology for Israel," ap- Parkes book provides oppor- tunities to relate the back- ground of activities in be- half of the Zionist move- ment by noted Christians. This is where the history of the American Christian Palestine Committee fig- ures prominently. Dr. Voss, as the executive director of the movement and its inspirational guide, is the proper person to re- late the history of that movement. It had some im- portant branches and a most active one in Detroit. The chronicled story of WALTER LOWDERMILK the movement by Voss in proaches this theme on a this volume is of great sig- nificance to the histories of positive note: both Zionism and Israel. "Perhaps on no other * * * issue are Christians quite as perplexed by the Jewish experience as by the state of Israel and its meaning to Jews. There is simply no parallel in the Christian experience which couples land and people, religion and poli- tics, piety and society. The "In Memoriam" to James Parkes by Prof. A. Roy Eckardt is the ex- pression of a fellow Christian in appreciation of his immense labors in the cause of justice for Jewry. Dr. Eckardt pays his trib- ute movingly: "Throughout the Jewish "From Parkes's early tradition, the land of Zion years to his death (and be- has been an integral part of yond?), he has been living the Jewish consciousness as out the motto of his family reflected in the unbroken crest, Vous pouvez me covenant between God and rompre mais je ne plie pas His people Israel." ("you may break me, but I Reviewing the Parkes do not bend"). His prodigi- treatment of roots relating ous intellect was matched to Israel's rebirth, Everett by his valor, his prophetic asserts that "Parkes be- indignation, his steadfast- lieves that European anti- ness, his hopefulness. But Semitism should not be seen greatest of all was his em- as an essential factor" in the pathy. He was not a Jew, yet rebirth. The ideological fac- he was a Jew." tor in Parkes is thus given The mere title of the essay acclaim by a fellow Chris- by Rose Lewis, "James tian. Parkes: Christianity With- * * * out Anti-Semitism," attests An appendix to "End of an to the appreciation for the Exile" assumes importance Parkes legacy. for the record of Zionist ex- In its totality, "End of an periences. The important Exile" is a great work, a re- articles that appeared in the minder of the saintliness of Nation in January and Feb- an inspired Christian. It ruary 1942 by the eminent adds immeasurably to the theologian, the late history of Zionism and Is- Reinhold Niebuhr, serve as rael. a record of Christian sup- —P.S.