64 Friday, January 28, 1983 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Tu b'Shevat: Paying Tribute to the Environment By ZVI VOLK Jewish National Fund NEW YORK — In an era when environmental pro- tection movements are strong all over the world, Jewish tradition sets aside a special day for protecting the environment. The 15th day of the month of Shevat (which is tomorrow), is the new year for trees. With its basis in Jewish law, Tu b' Shevat carries with it an array of interest- ing customs and legends, many of which underwent changes in the Diaspora, while maintaining the em- phasis on nature and safeguarding the environ- ment. The earliest Tu b'Shevat customs were connected with fruit-bearing trees and the agricultural cycle. Dur- ing the time of the Second Temple (Fifth Century BCE - First Century CE) it was on Tu b'Shevat that people brought their agricultural tithe to the Temple. As such, the day began to take on semi-legalistic propor- tions, as the laws of agricul- tural offerings and of the sabbatical year became fixed. Later, the kabalists in the ancient Israeli town of Safed actually de- veloped .a special seder for Tu b'Shevat similar to that held on Passover. However, instead of stressing the exodus-from Egypt, the Tu b'Shevat seder acknowledged the great gift of nature and the agricultural produce of the season. Four cups of wine were drunk — as on Passover — and spe- cial fruits and grains were eaten, with appro- priate blessings to ex- press appreciation for God's bounty in nature. As Jews began returning to the land of Israel after the Tu b'Shevat — The New Year of Trees (Continued from Page 1) the tree, with the tree itself and also where trees should and should not be planted. We even have passages which deal with the subject of ecology and the use of trees in preserving the esthetics of a city. They even deal with the question of the damage that the roots of a tree cause when it pene- trates a neighbor's land. On the other hand, they raise the question of who owns the fruit when a tree over- hangs on a neighbor's area. It is very interesting that the series of benedictions include a braha with the use of the word "tree." It is "boreh pri haetz," "blessed be the fruit of the tree." Jews had and continue to have a great deal of respect , for the land and the tree. One of the most 'beautiful customs in our tradition is that when a boy was born, a cedar tree was planted. When a girl was born a cyp- ress tree was planted. Then when it came time for them to be married, they would take branches from both trees, weave them together and create the huppa (tradi- tional marriage canopy). In. a very real way, as the chil- dren grew, the trees grew and they saw the trees enter their lives at the moment that they began the process of creating a family. There are of course many legends about trees in Jewish literature. But, the following is one of the most instructive: In the order of creation, trees were created on the third day. Following that, metal and its many uses came into being. When the trees contemplated this, they suddenly be- came alarmed- and saw the possibility of the cre- ation of an ax. They then protested to God saying, "Why did you create an ax which will destroy us?" God replied, "In order for an ax to function it must have a handle of wood. If you do not permit yourse- lves to be used improperly, you will not be destroyed." This a very profound thought. Trees, like all forms of creation, have the potential for good or for ill, just as human beings do. It is precisely their use that will determine their out- come. - Wood can be used as the handle of a knife, which in turn can be used to kill someone or to perform heal- ing surgery. A match has a base of wood. It 'can be utilized to begin a fire to heat a building or to destroy a building. A large piece of wood can be used to make a club to beat someone or to create crutches to help sup- port someone. All of these are the potential of a -tree. That is really the wonder of the tree to which we pay tribute on Tu b'Shevat. It was best expressed by Joyce Kilmer who wrote the famous words: Poems are created by fools like you and me, But only God can create a tree. beginning of the 20th Cen- tury, Tu b'Shevat began to take on more significance. Trees helped, and still do help, to give new life to the barren wastes of the ancient land. The -Jewish National Fund, the agency responsi- ble for afforestation, land reclamation and site de- velopment in the land of Is- rael, began using trees from its inception 82 years ago to halt erosion, drain swamps, cool the hot desert air and beautify the landscape. Some of the earliest wood- lands which were planted in Israel have grown into mighty forests. More than 150 million trees have been planted, covering almost 150,000 acres. About 50,000 visitors to Israel each year make a stop at one of the JNF "Plant a Tree With Your Own Hands" centers, adding their part to the country's tree-planting ef- forts. There is today a re- search arm which sup- ports all of these efforts in support of Israel's trees. Already the re- search is paying off by increasing the number of trees being planted in desert areas previously thought to be unsuitable for -planting. Scientists have also de- veloped methods of support- ing trees and agriculture in the Arava and in the north- western Negev, the latest development area which is on the new border with Egypt. And in Jerusalem, a forest is planned to crown the city in green — by sur- rounding the capital with trees. A JNF master plan calls for increasing Israel's for- ests by 30 percent by the end of the century. To pay tribute to the momentous achievements of the JNF, Jewish children all over Israel celebrate Tu b'Shevat in another tradi- tional way. Each year the Education Department of JNF pre- pares Tu b'Shevat projects for students. In addition to colorful posters and study materials, the department provides a manual for teachers to help them con- vey to their students the meaning of Tu b'Shevat and some aspect of the history of modern Israel and the JNF. This year's Tu b'Shevat project, "Forests and Personalities," high- lights some of the men and women whose vital contributions to the new-born Jewish state have been immortalized through the establish- ment of forests in their names. Among the illus- trious personalities fea- tured are Albert Einstein, A Jewish National Fund poster for Tu b`Shevat. Henrietta Szold, Harry S. bration of Tu b'Shevat into Truman and John F. the synagogues and.she has Kennedy. encouraged all Jews to , But Tu b'Shevat is not for celebrate the holiday by children alone. Charlotte taking part in the time- Jacobson, president of the honored traditions and by JNF of America, has called planting trees in the land of upon rabbis to bring cele- Israel through the JNF. Bible, Talmud Deal With the Land By ALLAN BLUSTEIN is just one of several allu- The Bible considers the sions to a joyful concern for care and cultivation of the the land and its productive soil as the destiny and duty capacities. "He that tilleth his land of man. Adam is put into the Garden of Eden so that he shall have plenty of bread" may dress and keep it; then says the Book of Proverbs he is expelled and exhorted (12:11). Concern for the by God to till the ground land was so important that the defeats of the ancient Is- (Genesis 2:15, 3:23). Scripture speaks also of raelites at the hands of their the anticipated milennium enemies were directly at- where "they shall beat their tributable to their neglect of swords into plowshares and the Sabbath years (in which their spears into pruning the land was to remain fal- hooks; nation shall not lift . low, thus replenishing it- up sword against nation, self). Love for the land is neither shall they learn war anymore" (Isaiah 2:4). This further shown by the legendary instruction given to Adam by the archangel, Michael, for the proper methods of sowing, planting and harvesting the soil of Eden (Midrash). The historian, Joseph Flavius (38-100 CE) pro-_ vides a glimpse of the abun- dance of the Holy Land in his "Contra Apionem" (1:22): "The inhabitants of Samaria and Idumea devote great labor to the cultiva- tion of the soil. As a result, the land has large planta- tions of olive trees, of wheat RABBI BLUSTEIN barley and other cereals, and an abundance of wine, dates, figs and other fruit. It is well adapted for agricul- ture and commerce. "We neither inhabit a maritime country nor do we delight in merchandise; having a fruitful country for our habitation, we take pains to cultivate it prop- erly. Galilee is exceedingly fertile, full of trees of all sorts, no part of it lying idle, its many valleys, full of people owing to the richness of the soil therein." Consequently, the. in- habitants took to agricul- tural pursuits and the sac- red literature abounds with aphorisms extolling the vir- tues of farming. Some typi- cal examples are: "Hate not toilsome oc- cupation and husbandry for it is appointed by the Most High" (Ecclesias- tes 7:15) and "Box down your back with husban- dry and labor in the til- lage of the ground so that ye may offer blessing and thanksgiving unto the Lord for His bounty" (Midrash). The Talmud relates that many students were exemp- ted from hearing the lec tures in academies in order to sow and harvest in the fields during the appropri- ate seasons. The unbridled joy of the harvest and vin- tage filled the land with songs and dancing (Judges 9:27) and proof that the He- brews were successful ag- riculturists may be seen from the remark that, King Solomon annually sent some 40,000 Kor (approx- imately 440,000 bushels) of wheat and barley in addi- tion to some 340,000 gallons of oil (olive, that is) to King Hiram of Tyre (II Chronicles 2:9). Such bounty was a direct result of the zeal and dedi- cation of the farmer. The Talmud reflects this when it states, "In time to come, all handicraftsmen will turn to the working of the soil; for the soil is the surest source of sustenance to those that work it; and such occupa- tion brings with it, moreover health of body and ease of mind" (Yebamoth 63a). The physical aspects of the land are discussed at length. Stones, for instance, showed the future fertility of the soil. Hard and flint- like stones meant the soil was good while stones which were clay-like de- noted poor land. Land with thorn-bushes on it meant soil good for wheat while lots of weeds indicated land good for barley production. A southern exposure was beneficial but the soil needed irrigation (Joshua 15:19). Unlike Egyptian farmland (de- pendent on the Nile River for its water), the soil of Canaan was irrigated by the "first rains and the latter rains." These loomed so important that the formula asking for rain became a permanent part of the liturgy. One was prohibited from sowing a field with a "ming- led" seed (Leviticus 19:19). This was intended to pre- vent a single harvest from exhausting the soil of its fertile chemical con- . stituents. Other laws re- served the corners of the harvest field for the poor and the stranger (Leviticus 19:9) as well as that of the forgotten sheaf which must remain on the ground.