60 Friday, January 28, 1983 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Groner Visits Contrasting Jewish Communities of Poland, France By RABBI IRWIN GRONER Cong. Shaarey Zedek (Editor's note: Rabbi Groner was one of 13 members of a mission to Poland and France ear- lier this month, spon- sored by the Rabbinic. Cabinet of the United Jewish Appeal.) We visited Poland and saw a country with a broken, aged, exhausted Jewish population of be- tween 5,000 and 8,000. Jews who have remained in Poland are today in their 70s and 80s, receiving a small retirement income from the government, and also aided by the Joint Dis- tribution Committee. The JDC maintains six kosher canteens in those cities which have some Jewish population remaining, in- cluding Warsaw, Lodz, Krakow and Radom. When we arrived in War- saw, we immediately vis- ited the Jewish cemetery on Gensia Street, which miraculously survived the destruction of the Ghetto. Pinchas Sczeniter, the ven- erable caretaker, recounts with pride the stories of the heroes interred in this Beisolam — Isaac Leib Peretz, S. Ansky, Ludwig Zamenhof, distinguished rabbis and scholars and re- sistance heroes of the War- saw Ghetto. When a Jew walks through the streets of Warsaw today, he is sur- rounded by ghosts, for this was once one of the most Jewish cities of Europe. We visited the Novshik Shul on Twarda Street and the Jewish Historical Insti- tute. The institute has both an extensive Judaica collec- tion and a martyr's museum dedicated to the saga of the Warsaw Ghetto and the other Polish ghettos. The synagogue is being refur- bished by the government and the institute is simi- larly undergoing renova- tion. All of this is in prepara- tion for the observance of the 40th anniversary of the Jewish uprising in the War- saw Ghetto that will be held in Poland April 14-24. The Jewish communal organization in Warsaw, whose leader, Moshe Fin- kelshtein met with us, is working with the Polish government to present the story of Jewish resistance in Poland. We met with the direc- tor of the Yiddish theater in Warsaw which is state supported. It is a theater of the absurd. Gentile ac- The Jewish News is Your window io the \Acrid order a subscription or gift subscription today! I I I The Jewish News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 Southfield, Mich. 48075 I I Gentlemen: Please send a (gift) subscription: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP From: If gift state occasion ❑ $15 enclosed Lummussamminsommissonsiosimmoweimomoll used exclusively for Jews. the Sephardic immig- Rabbi Sirat, he recalled In 1978, the Polish gov- rants, whose distinctive the edict of Napoleon of ernment opened a Jewish customs, traditions and 1808 which instituted the pavillion in cell block 27, institutions are now consistorial system by which displays photographs merging into the which the religious and other exhibits tracing mainstream of Jewish authority of the Jewish the history of anti- life. community of France Semitism. However, be- Leaders of the Jewish was to be administered, a cause it is away from the Federation of France (FSJU system still in force to- central buildings, most vis- — Fonds Social Juif Unifie) day. The Chief Rabbi is itors do not see the Jewish take justifiable pride in the the representative of the pavillion. more than 50 Jewish day Consistoire to the gov- * * * Even though the Jewish schools which have been es- ernment of France. Today, one can identify a settlement in France began tablished in the country, in the Fourth Century (and providing secular and Jewish address (school, in- possibly earlier) the present Jewish studies for stitution or synagogue) in Jewish community in thousands of students. Paris by two signs: a metal RABBI IRWIN GRONER France is young, with fine These schools are under the grating is placed in front of auspices of the Alliance Is- the entrance to prevent ve- potential, and great hope for raelite tors, who know no Yid- Universelle. hicles which may contain dish, learn their parts the future. France, with Other communal institu- explosives from being 700,000 Jews, is the third phonetically and play largest Jewish community tions demonstrate similar parked; a gendarme main- Shalom Aleichem's in the Diaspora. In the last achievements: Jewish tains 24-hour surveillance. Tevye for an audience 15 years, French Jewry has community centers, homes We visited the Rue that knows no Yiddish, absorbed hundreds of for the aged, summer camps Copernic Temple and Gol- but listens through ear- thousands of Jews who fled and social agencies have denberg's restaurant in the phones to simultaneous Algeria, Tunisia and grown and flourished to Jewish quarter which was translation into Polish. Morocco. Indeed, two out of meet the needs of a rapidly the site of a terrorist attack When we visited Krakow, every three Jews in France expanding Jewish popula- in August. We noted the af- firmative and undaunted we met with Mrs. Maria arrived in this recent tion. We noted the positions of spirit of French Jews. They Yakobovitch, who con- period. leadership held by Sephar- are not frightened by ter- tinues her late husband's The French Jewish dic Jews including the rorists. Having endured so role of leadership for the Krakow community. We community has re- young director of the FSJU, much, they have resolved to learned that in all of Poland sponded with exemplary Dr. David Sauda and the continue to develop a com- there was no rabbi, no can- skill and determination recently-named chief rabbi munity that combines loy- tor, no shohet, no mohel, no to the challenge of integ- of France, Rabbi Rene alty to France, devotion to Israel and solidarity with teacher, no bakery that rating the original Samuel Sirat. In our meeting with world Jewry. made matzot for Pesach, no Ashkenazic group with Shomer Shabat. In 20 years, Poland will have no Jews. "For Polish Jewry, this is the time of Neila," Mrs. Yakobovitch stated. Jews hover between a past they do not care to recall and a future in which they have no trust. When we visited the syn- agogue in Warsaw, we were confronted by beggars, their palms outstretched, asking for alms. I remembered the ANTI-SEMITIC VANDALISM DECLINES descriptions of Warsaw I had heard as a boy and the stories I had read. How olk wisdom assumed that the began in '79. and increased in its in- painful to see that the mer- events in the Middle East tensity through '80 and '81. ADL's chants did not survive, the during . 1982 would unleash it IICW annual catalog of incidents told a laborers did not survive, the WaVC of anti-Semitism in America. rabbis did not survive, and tragic story of psychological terrorism the school children did not Both Jews and concerned Christians zincl material defilement. But, survive. Only the beggars Openly expressed their shared fears perhaps, the tide has turned. 829 remain in what was once a that the media treatment of Israel's reportable incidents are still 829 too vibrant center of Jewish incursion into !Amnon would be many, but it is good to know that the life. translated into an increase in acts of indicator on the chart is now turned Auschwitz - Birkenau, violence and vandalism against downward for a change. about two hours drive from Krakow, is Jewish institutions, which had Heightened community awareness preserved as a museum already reached epidemic propor- of-the problem has surely been par- by the Polish govern- tions. tially responsible for this reversal of ment. It is estimated that It is most gratifying, therefbre, to the trend. Citizens of all faiths have between 1940 and 1945 note that these expectations have not been shocked and shamed when these the Nazis killed four mil- been realized. To the contrary, for kinds of activities have appeared in lion people there, of whom over three million the first time in fOur years, these their neighborhoods. The word has were Jews. The exhibits kinds of anti-Judaic incidents actually gone out: This kind of behavior will are so arranged and pre- decreased last year. riot be tolerated here. sented that the unin- The Anti-Defamation League of Of equal importance, I believe, has formed visitor is not B'nai B'rith, the nation's most been a significant improvement in made aware that Si' - diligent and authoritative watchdog the quality of law enfOrcement in this kenau was the death in such matters, has just released its important. area. Ninny police agen- camp designated by the Nazis for the extermina- annual report showing a drop of cies, which in the past tended to treat tion of the majority of the 14.9% during 1982. these matters as nothing more than Jews of Europe. The numbers fell from 974 in- youthful pranks, are now giving thenr The major monument has cidents in 1981 to 829 in 1982. In- the serious attention they deserve. a memorial plaque in 18 cluded in last year's tabulation were Special units have been organized in languages which proclaim, three bombings and fourteen cases of many departments to deal exclusively "Four million people suf- arson. It is still a sorry story, but at fered at the hands of the with this kind of anti-social acitivity. Nazi murderers between least it is a little less bad than the year We haven't solved the problem, 1940 and 1945." The most before; and it certainly indicates that but we have reversed the trend. fundamental truth is ig- what so trimly feared did not nored and denied. Gentiles materialize. were killed because of what The current cycle of swastika (Don McEvoy is Senior Vice President of they said or did. Jews were stnearings, anti-Jewish grafitti, and "The National Conference of Christians and killed because of who they were. The gas chambers and desecration of synagogues, Jews. 7he opinions expre. ■ sed are his own.) crematoria were built and cemeteries, and community centers