THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Copyright © The Jewish News Publishing Co. Member of American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, National Editorial Association and National Newspaper Association and its Capital Club. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Business Manager HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 15th day of Shevat, 5743, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Exodus 13:17-17:16. Prophetical portion, Judges 4:4-5:31. Candlelighting, Friday, Jan. 28, 5:25 p.m. VOL. LXXXII, No. 22 Page Four Friday, January 28, 1983 OUT OF THE EMBERS Metropolitan Detroit rose to great heights the morning after the fire reduced to ashes much of the structure of Beth Abraham Hillel Moses synagogue. From all the sister congregations came word that what had existed exists, and the others are actual extensions of the congregation that had an active life here for 90 years, contain- ing a merger of three congregations and func- tioning under the traditional slogan coined in Psarms, "Lo'emut ki ekhye" — "I shall not die but live to declare the words of the Lord." From Christian fellow citizens came simi- lar assertions of faith, offers for use of their facilities for the Beth Abtaham Hillel Moses continuity. Such is the Jewish spirit, this is the Ameri- can way of life, always extending a helping hand to assure perpetuation of .the corporate spiritual values which also create the kinships that spell the highest measures of a civilized society. The message of the community is a clear one, the dedication to continuity is firm and therefore attainable. Out of the embers is developing the strength and the new unending life that merges with faith and never slumbers. A song that gained popularity in the early decades of this century acclaimed the high aim of "Libnot u'Leibanot Bo" — "To Build and to be Rebuilt by It." It is still heard occasionally as a dedication to the Zionist ideal and it relates to people building and rebuilding and rededicat- ing — themselves and their ideals. This is what is occurring out of the sadness that_ struck not only Beth Abraham Hillel Moses but the entire Jewish community. Most inspiring is the Hebrew hymn "Sheyibane Beth HaMikdash," an acclaim for the rebuilding of the Temple. After the Shir Shalom prayer in the Sabbath liturgy there is thiS "Yehi Ratzon: May it be Thy will, 0 Lord our God and God of our fathers, to grant our portion in Thy Torah and may the Temple be rebuilt in our days. There we will serve Thee with awe as in the says of old. Such is the message. Out of the embers evolves rebuilding, a continuity as of yore. Beth Abraham Hillel Moses rebuilt is the reassur- ance of the indestructibility of the People Israel. A BIAS ON TRIAL It took 38 years to awaken a wider con- science in behalf of a great hero of World War II. It is 48 years since Raoul Wallenberg's incarc- eration by the Russians, after he had rescued tens of thousands of Jews, and certainly also as many non-Jews, from the death camps. There have been many demands for action in his be- half; certainly in these columns in which the Wallenberg historic chapter had major consid- eration. Now there are rebukes for the Swedish failures to demand the freeing of Wallenberg, and the condemnations of the Russian insis- tence upon keeping the fate of Wallenberg a secret. The revival of the Swedish role by George F. Will, who rejects the apologetics in defense of Sweden, serves to add importance to the new interest in Wallenberg created by eyewitness reports that he is still alive. Then there are the noteworthy concerns expressed on Wallenberg by the New York Times, whose editorial entitled "The Swede and the Gulag" adds a note of condemnation on the Soviet bars to Jewish emigrants desiring to find refuge and succor in other lands. The New York Titles points out editorially that the number of emigration visas that were issued to Russian Jews in 1982 was 2,670„,con- trasted with 9,447 in 1981 and 51,320 in 1979. The Times editorial thereupon offers an ad- monishing bit of advice: "Those figures speak sadly about the harsh and hermetic nature of Soviet society in Leonid Brezhnev's final years of power. If Yuri An- dropov wants to alter his country's baleful im- age, let him honor Raoul Wallenberg's heroism by loosening the emigration padlocks." There is a seriousness both in the guilt that may be ascribed to Sweden, whose hesitancy to act in Wallenberg's behalf until now was as- cribed to a policy of avoiding a conflict with a nation whose friendship was treated with cau- tion, and the Russian insistence upon keeping the Wallenberg fate a secret. At the same time, the Russian bias toward pleaders for exit visas has come into play at a time when the doors to emigrants is being shut with a vengeance. It is the Russian role espe- cially that is vital to the issue labeled Raoul Wallenberg. As the man whose name is at- tached to Honorary American Citizenship — the only other person to have earned such an honor having been Winston Churchill — Wal- lenberg becomes a U.S. responsibility in the battle for justice and for his release from Rus- sian imprisonment. GOODWILL ON AGENDA Washington's Birthday was the choice, by the National Conference of Christians and Jews, and its Detroit, arm, the Detroit Round Table, as a day to emphasize goodwill, high- lighting Brotherhood Week. Another day rates the goodwill designation: the Sabbath of Jan. 22, when a service for a Jewish congregation was hosted by a Christian house of worship. The significance of the event was that all faiths shared in the sorrow of a burnt synagogue and extended hands of friendship. Meanwhile, the entire community, of all faiths, is in an embrace after the unhappy occurrence of Jan. 18. That's how goodwill gains a place in people's hearts on a year-round basis. Such is the spirit of justice and toleration that has becOme a reality here in a time of sad- ness. Prof. Ellmann's Classic: His Imperishable 'Joyce' Prof. Richard Ellmann, the native Detroiter who has gained fame in world literary circles, especially for his definitive works on Joyce, and also his authoritative writings on Yeats, is in the limelight again with his classic, "James Joyce" (Oxford), republished in a revised edition on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Joyce's birth. So much of human interest intermingles with the Jewish aspects of the renewed Joyce that the republished volume assumes immense interest. It has a special appeal for the historically- and socially- minded Jew. It is not only because of the Leopold Bloom character in "Ulysses" but because of the many aspects that involved anti- Semitism, that generated opposition to the bias, that indicated the famous Joyce involvements in with traditional aspects of justice re- lated to Jews and their historical aspects. How revealing that in Ellmann's "Joyce" there are two references to the ritual murder libel and to resort to it by bigots in two experi- ences related in the revised biography. Ellmann relates that when Joyce returned to his Dublin home from Paris in 1903 "he was in time for one of the rare manifestations of anti-Semitism in Ireland, a boycott of Jewish merchants in Limerick that was accompanied by some violence." That Joycian experience is explained by Ellmann in this footnote: "On Jan. 12, 1904, Father John Creagh, a Redemptionist, ac- cused the Jews of shedding Christian blood. The boycott lasted a year. Eighty members of the Jewish community were driven out, and only 40 were left. Then Creagh was withdrawn from Limerick." Ellmann also reports in his biographical account that Joyce attended a protest meeting in 1919 to condemn the ritual murder libel. It accounted for an episode in "Ulysses." Joyce's frequent use of Hebrew words may also account for his interesting comment on the Talmud, as quoted by Ellmann: "The Talmud says at one point, 'We Jews are like the olive: we give our best when we are being crushed, when we are collapsing under the burden of our foliage.' " Among the deeply moving Joycian experiences is the interest he showed in refugees from Nazism. Ellmann has an important account of how Joyce "in 1938 began to help people escape from Nazi territory to Ireland and America." Important evidential instances of the help he personally provided is accounted for in the Ellmann biography. "I have written with the greatest of sympathy about the Jews," Joyce replied to a Harvard Jewish student who wrote to him critically. "The first of these was Hermann Broch, whom Joyce knew through an essay, 'James Joyce and die Gegenwart'; Broch was ob- liged by the Anschluss of March 1938 to leave Vienna, and Joyce helped him reach England. Two others were relatives of old friends: one was the son of Charlotte Sauermann, the second a nephew of Edmund Brauchbar. "Joyce had friends in the French Foreign Office and elsewhere shose help he enlisted, with his usual energy, in behalf of about 16 refugees in various stages of flight or resettlement. "Joyce had Padraic Colum write to the Irish Minister of Justice, asking for a residence permit for one of these. The reply was no. Joyce would not accept the refusal. He said to Colum, 'You didn't put the matter strongly enough. Write to the man again.' This time the minister acceded." Thus, a great literary work also emerges as an historical docu- ment. Reading Ellmann's "James Joyce" is a fascinating experience. it may well be rated the most brilliantly written biography of the cen- tury. •