46 Friday, January 21, 1983 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Book Analyzes Defense Needs TEL AVIV — A new book published by Tel Aviv Uni- versity's Center for Strategic Studies says that Israel would not be able to defend its highly-populated, narrow central plain if it is not able to keep its forces in Judea and Samaria. Brig. General (res.) Aryeh Shalev, deputy direc- tor of the center and author of "The West Bank: Line of Defense," says that Israel would not have enough warning time or defensive maneuvering room if it does not have soldiers in Judea and Samaria. Israel's central plain con- tains 67 percent of the coun- try's population and is only nine to 14 miles wide. Shalev's book examines the security risks of various peace options for Judea and Samaria. There is often as much good sense required in knowing how to profit from good advice as there is to give it. —La Rouchfoucauld MAUDE'S GOURMET MEATS ----- 28811 Northwestern Hwy. Southfield, Mi 48034 ,,.-,... 6 ,...„. r 357-0017 --\ , .., -- 7 - v ci —.. DUNKIN DONUTS PLAZA Northwestern S. of 12 Mile i 4 DEUVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE All Meats Custom Cut. You Must Be Satisfied or Your Money Cheerfully Refunded STEAKS Our high quality USDA Choice Porterhouse Whole Beef Loins $5.19 reg. reg. $2.29 lb. on sale on sale $1.69 LB.. T-BONE Sirloin reg. $4.98 _ _ 1.99 You save $2.20 a lb. reg. $3.99 lb. on sale $2.89 You save $2.09 a lb..._ on sale $ 2.69 lb. You save $1.38 a lb. Free Cutting & Wrapping , THESE PRICES IN EFFECT JANUARY 21 TO JANUARY 28, 1983 YOU MUST BRING IN THIS AD TO GET THESE PRICES!! - Mystery Novel Explores Ritual Murder Libel By JESSIE STERN It has been a long time since I have read a murder mystery I have enjoyed so much as "Ritual Murder" by S.T. Haymon (St. Martin's Press). Usually not my favorite oeuvre, I was delighted to find the book both engaging and compelling from its first intriguing page to its startl- ing conclusion. While mysteries are not normally described as seri- ous or anything more than a good story, this one is both. Anti-Semitism has to be taken seriously. The con- text of our story forces us to take a fresh look at this old problem. Set in a medium-sized city in modern-day England, the story opens with Detective-Inspector Benjamin Jurnet inves- tigating graffiti found in the city's famous cathedral. We learn early - on that enshrined within its walls is the tomb of Little St. Ulf, a child found murdered in 1144 CE. His death led to the first ritual murder ac- cusation in history. Through careful research the author illuminates the dark beginnings of the libelous ritual murder ac- cusation leveled against an entire Jewish community, leading to a pogrom and vio- lent death for many Jews. This devastating form of anti-Semitism had its ori- - - - . CHUCK & BUD'S FRUIT MKT. & DELI 13745 West 9 Mile (corner of Westhampton Hours weekdays 8-7, Sun. 7:30-5 543-8780 24 size California HEAD LETTUCE 48 C a head Fresh SMOKED CHUBS SWEET CARROTS 21 4c, HALVAH $ 1 99 a lb. $ 4 99 a lb. Cooking ONIONS 3 lb. bag 29 C ' 1 Litre VERNOR'S 4 9c plus deposit lb. package all flavors AMERICAN CHEESE $1 99 a lb. sliced or chunk 1/2% LOW FAT MILK 7 9C half gallon Specials Good While Supplies Last. JESSIE STERN gin in merry old England in the Middle Ages, but sub- sequently it had no trouble crossing the English Chan- nel and spreading its venom all over continental Europe. Ritual murder accuses the Jewish people of murdering Christian children at the Passover season, draining their blood and using it for making matzot. Prepos- terous as it sounds, it was widely believed in the -Middle Ages, often lead- ing to an excuse for viru- lent anti-Semitism. Could the accusation rear its ugly head again in the 20th Century? While Detective- Inspector Jurnet is on the innocuous case of the graffiti, a choir boy is mur- dered in the cathedral, sex- ually mutilated and has a Star of David carved on his chest. His body is discovered in Little St. Ulfs tomb in the midst of an archeologi- cal dig being conducted at the site. When details or the grizzly murder reach the eager ears of English Men, an anti-Semitic group of rabble rousers, violence di- rected at the city's Jews erupts. The mystery takes the reader step-by-step through the detective's investigation of the child's murder, up and down the many hidden stairways and into every nook and cranny of the old cathedral. Literally, no stone is left unturned. No one is immune to Ben Jurnet's probing — from the headmaster of the cathedral school to the homosexual choir master, to the Jewish archeology stu- dent. Each suspect and character is carefully drawn and plays an important part in the story. Most importantly, we get to know Detective-Inspector Jurnet. He is in love with a Jewish woman, Miriam, and wants to convert to Judaism so that she will marry him. Basically an ir- reverant man, he nonthe- less finds comfort and solace during this case in his friendship with Rabbi Leo Schnellman with whom he is studying for his conver- sion. Ben Jurnet is a compas- sionate, earnest man. As he attempts to solve the mur- der and other attendant mysteries, his personal life and the facts of the case be- come entangled. Characteristic of so many murder mysteries is an author's intrusion of more characters and events than readers can keep straight as they struggle to follow the ever-thickening plot to the inevitable surprise ending. S.T. Haymon, gratefully, is more merci- ful. There is just enough complexity to make the plot challenging and the proper surprise ending is not denied us, but we are not burdened with ex- traneous sub-plots and characters. It becomes obvious from page one that our author hails from the other side of the Atlantic — not only be- cause the story takes place in England but because her writing style is more in the English tradition. It takes a bit of getting used to at first. Beyond that, I found that she strains the language frequently in an effort to be cutesy. She is a good writer and does not have to try so hard to be effective. This is not Ms. Haymon's first book featuring the 'charming Ben Jurnet as detective-hero. Her other novel, "Death and the Pre- gnant Virgin," introduces us to this memorable sleuth. She has also written biog- raphies of Bonnie Prince Charlie and an historical novel of Norwich, where she resides. Finally, aside from being an exciting murder mys- tery, this book is instruct- ive. It serves to remind both Jew and Gentile of the ori- gin and possible modern day ramifications of the ritual murder accusation. As such, it carries with it a message, making it more important than one curtomarily . ex- pects from this kind of book. Subcommittees Begin Talks on Lebanon-Israel Agenda JERUSALEM (JTA) — A Shamir-Sharon-Kimche subcommittee to deal with team and with Lebanese of- ending the state of war be- ficials in an effort to bring , tween Israel and- Lebanon the two sides together. The was set up by delegations of American diplomat has al- the two countries meeting ready impressed on the Is- in Khalde Monday morn- raeli ministers President ing; It is the first of several Reagan's urgent desire that subcommittees which will progress by achieved with- negotiate the various items out delay. on the agenda agreed to by Habib is said to be wait- Israel and Lebanon last ing for the opportune mo- Thursday, an Israeli ment to draw Syria into the spokesman said. negotiating process. The state of war subcom- Syrian cooperation is mittee is headed jointly by the prerequisite for the the chief • Lebanese early withdrawal of all negotiator, Antoine Fatale foreign forces from and Elyakim Rubinstein, Lebanon. Reports from legal adviser to Israel's Damascus said the Pales- Foreign Ministry. Israel tine Liberation Organiza- Radio said that the sub- tion leadership there has committee might meet more begun practical dis- frequently and on a differ- cussions on the removal ent sequence of days than of the estimated 6,000 the full negotiating teams. PLO fighters from Leba- The latter have been non. Israel insists that the meeting twice weekly for PLO forces pull out first the past three weeks, alter- to be followed by the nating between Khalde, simultaneous with- just south of Beirut, and the drawal of Israeli and Sy- Israeli border town of rian forces. Kiryat Shmona. At the opening of Mon- As the talks got under- day's negotiating session, way Monday, U.S. special Kimche reiterated Israel's Ambassador Philip denial of Beirut press re- Habib waited in ports that the Israelis and Jerusalem for word of Syrians had reached a any substantive pro- secret understanding to gress. He met at length partition Lebanon into with Israeli Foreign spheres of influence. Fatale Minister Yitzhak Shamir, thanked Kimche for clarify- Defense Minister Ariel ing that matter. Sharon and David Sharon claimed credit for Kimche, director general the agenda agreement on of the Foreign Ministry Monday, earning the ire of who heads the Israeli both government and oppo- negotiating team. sition politicians. He called According to Israeli a press conference to make sources, Habib said he his announcement at the thought agreements in same time the negotiators principle could be worked were 'meeting with the out within a week. The press. sources said Habib would Shamir emphatically try to persuade the ruled out on Wednesday a Lebanese government to ac- reported American sugges- cept an agreement he tion that U.S. personnel worked out with the Is- could man early warning raelis. stations in the security zone The negotiations are now in south Lebanon. proceeding on parallel Israel did not put forward tracks. The, Israeli, the demand, the condition Lebanese and U.S. delega- "that Israeli forces man tions continue to meet reg- these stations in order to ularly while Habib talks forego it," Shamir said on a separately with the radio panel discussion.