THE JEWISH NEWS (USPS 275-520) Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Copyright © The Jewish News Publishing Co. Member of American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, National Editorial Association and National Newspaper Association and its Capital Club. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher ALAN HITSKY News Editor Business Manager HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager SABBATH SCRIPTURAL SELECTIONS This Sabbath, the first day of Shevat, 5743, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Exodus 6:2-9:35, Numbers 28:9-15. Prophetical portion, Isaiah 66:1-24. Candlelighting, Friday, January 14, 5:08 p.m. VOL. LXXXII, No. 20 Page Four Friday, January 14, 1983 AN INQUIRY LOCALIZED Justice, Justice, shall you Tel Aviv University, who previously served in pursue, that you may thrive the Israeli army and was a member of the Gen- and occupy the land that the eral Staff from 1947 to 1969. Using the New Lord your God is giving you. York Times as a platform, he opposes U.S. aid, —Deuteronomy 16:20 takes a strong stand against militarism, lean- Perpetuating the dominant Scriptural ing on a statement that was made by the first principle embodied in "justice, justice shalt thou Israel Prime Minister, David Ben-Gurion: "The pursue," the people of Israel are in the process of army shall not determine its own organization examining their leaders, of judging issues . . . and it shall certainly not decide on matte TS which have crept up in rebuking fashion over of war and peace." This was used as an indi tragedies that caused human suffering. Israel is ment of the militarism of Ariel Sharon and as ct. an not alone in the adherence to the basic Jewish appeal in opposition to establishing a stro moral codes. They are adhered to by the Jewish military state. ng people in their examination of their propagated Concern over the emergence of an "arsen al ideals, in the testing of hearts and minds. state" has been expressed in these colum ns Popular teacher and retreat leader Zalman Schachter-Shalomi A commission of inquiry about events in numerous times. Yet, what Peled advocates, h is draws upon Judaism, particularly that of the Kabala and Hasidism, Lebanon has concluded its public sessions in demand that the U.S. stop giving military aid to as well as psychology, Eastern religions 'and other disciplines to Jerusalem. It has its counterparts in many create a guide for the modern day Jew. Titled "The First Step: A Guide Israel, is in direct opposition to the contentio n, For The New Jewish Spirit," the book was written with Donald Jewish communities. It will have one function- constantly asserted, that Israel's security lies i n Gropman and will be published by Bantam Books in paperback on ing under the direction of the Metropolitan De- the strength it can maintain. Is Peled intox i- Feb. 1. troit Jewish community on Feb. 6. At a Com- cated with the peace dreams to the extent of The book grew out of Dr. Schachter-Shalomi's teachings to his munity Forum that morning, at the Jewish having written so damagingly about his natio n followers on weekend retreats, seminars and university classes. His Community Center, four responsible American and its government? band of revitalized Judaism has touched people from Esalen seekers personalities will discuss the serious problems The community forum here cannot ignor e to Orthodox yeshiva students. In his book he addresses himself to such emerging from the developing Middle East the Peled and similar contentions, and it wi 11 specific concerns as how to creat a "mini Sabbath" in the middle of a occurrences. serve no purpose to tear the negatives wit h working day in order to recharge oneself for the rest of the day's With Michigan's U.S. Senator Carl Levin anger. What is needed is understanding, an ac activities; making the transition from the office to home; love, mar- as moderator, U.S. Senator Henry Jackson, riage and divorce; parenting and preparation for the Sabbath. cord based on realism, a retention of amity be - Joseph Sisco and Ambassador Sol Linowitz will Dr. Schachter-Shalomi has written numerous articles and mono- tween Israel and the United States so rooted i n graphs on Jewish spiritual life and is the author of "Fragments of a tackle the major issue, the central theme being friendship that it cannot be harmed even whe n Future Scroll: Hasidism for the Aquarian Age." Since 1975 he has "American Israel Relations in 1983: A Time for Israeli challengers contribute toward denudin g been Professor of Religion in Jewish Mysticism and Psychology of Decision." it. Religion at Temple University in Philadelphia. Had there been unanimity on the subject, Therefore the significance of inquiry an d In the authors' own words;.Prof. Schachter-Shalomi's "interest in with decisive dedication to the continuity and testing is not limited to Israel. It assumes large r the university of spiritual truths has led Reb Zalman to study with perpetuation of the American role that has for- proportions, much of the testing now being as Sufi masters, Buddhist teachers, Native American Elders, Catholic tified a friendship with the Jewish state, there signed to a platform in Detroit. Monks and humanistic and transpersonal psychologists. His synth- would have been a lessening of anxieties over esis of these wide-ranging experiences makes his teaching unique and Out of what is proposed as a basis for dis invaluable." current responses to the questions thus being cussion by the Jackson-Linowitz-Sisco-Levin - His chapter on "Rx for a Working Jew" is exemplary of the entire raised. But there is now an opposition to the team must also develop other aspects of prob volume and gives this advice: all-out U.S.-Israel friendly pacts, and in some lems that are mounting in seriousness. The oft - - "We all understand that the better we play the game with corn- quarters there is a clamor for either an end or a repeated warnings of splits in Jewish ranks modity time, the more money we make. But the better we dance with drastic reduction of assistance provided by this must 'be included in whatever discussions are organic time, the better we live. The purpose of earning money in country to Israel. conducted involving the fate of Israel. It may commodity time is to gain 'control' over the world. The problem is, if In a sense, therefore, what the four promi- not have a place in the approaching Feb. 6 we always play the commodity-time game, we lose touch with the nent Americans will discuss here also consti- forum, but it cannot be shelved without concern. sanity of organic time. To prevent this, we have the Sabbath, a time to tutes an inquiry. It is also a testing of the not do the things we do for commodity time. The anticipation is that the U.S. and Israel values that were rooted in an amity between handclasp will not be weakened, that whatever "Like most people, I too play the commodity-time game, but only two nations. for six days of the week. On the seventh day, the Sabbath, I stop the may justify differing views will not be rifts in game and return to organic time. The dividing line between the two There isn't even total clarity in the deliber- the ranks either of the American Jewish com- kinds of time is drawn by the sunset on Friday — our acknowledg- ations involving the central theme to be re- munity or the interfaith Christian-Jewish ment of it is in lighting Sabbath candles. Once a week I'm placed in a viewed by the forum in this community. There ranks. Open discussions are vital. They have full day of sane time, so that I don't lose my contact with the real are the Jewish-constructed obstacles that are as not been, must not become, obstructions. The universe. aggravating as those erected by the many other forum to be held on Feb. 6 must, in the long run, "The Sabbath provides a weekly dose of sane time, but in the forces in the conflict. serve the aim for unity of action by all the fac- contemporary world most of us need more than that. If we are to There is no doubt about the near-unanimity tions involved, in inquiry and self-testing. survive the commodity-time demands of the nine-to-five (or eight to of hopes in Israeli and Jewish ranks for the six) work day, we need a daily dose of Sabbath or its equivalent." NORMALIZATION' sustaining of the existing Israel-U.S. friend- Dr. Schachter-Shalomi further describes his love for the seventh ship, with many non-Jews joining in such sen- day in his chapter "The Dance of the Sabbath": "Normalization" is such a humanizing timents. "On the eve of Sabbath, the Jewish home is filled with the aromas term that it should be treated with a measure of of God's cornucopia, telling of an abundance that is greater than all In the opposition, however, there are also great respect. It doesn't seem to apply to the our needs, real or imagined. This sense of God's abundance is luxuri- Israelis. They are not many. Like those who Middle East. ous. Despite the urgency of preparing for Sabbath, it relaxes me. I feel would confer and fraternize with the PLO, there Perhaps it could retain normalcy if it were loved and cared for, and my usual workday worries begin to fall away. is a handful that goes so far as to maintain that not Israelis and Jews who aspire to it. Because Even the deepest knots loosen up." American financial aid, especially the military Israel proposes trade relations and guaranteed "Friday afternoon is a mixture of opposites, a give-and-take be- and also the economic, merely build up a mili- good neighborliness, that combined Arab forces tween the tension of preparing for Sabbath and the deep relaxation of tary machine. They do not believe the accumu- are shouting the usual "No!" being in it. The preparations are like a dance; we develop a rhythm lated armed strength of Israel is a necessity. and work up a fine sweat, but it is the sweat of pleasure, not of hard That's the tragedy in that area: that there work." Notable in this respect is the viewpoint of Mat- is no relief from enmity. That's why peace is so tityahu Peled, currently professor of Arabic at difficult to attain. "The First Step" is a 125-page paperback. Although small in size - it carries a weighty message. 'First Step: A Guide for the New Jewish Spirit' ' ■