THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Anglican Priest Examines Jewish-Christian Relations NEW YORK — Strong, deeply felt thoughts on Jewish-Christian relations by an Anglican priest are recorded in Alan Eccles- tone's "The Night Sky of the Lord" (SchOcken). Now in his 70s, Ecclestone writes with a long lifetime's experience of this often painful question, and though he frames his con- clusions in gentle lan- guage, they carry a lot of weight. His first and most basic point is that "anti-Semitism . . . has stained the history of Christendom." Quietly and unsparingly, Eccles- tone surveys the evolution of Christian anti-Semitism — from New Testament polemics, through Justin Martyr's "Dialogue with Trypho the Jew," to the failure of Christianity- to condemn and oppose the Holocaust. Auschwitz, he argues, "is perhaps for the churches in Europe their last chance to pray responsibly for man- kind." But even after the fact, institutional Chris- tianity seems largely deaf to the message of Auschwitz (e.g., in Vatican. II's per- functory treatment of Judaism). Turning from history to doctrine, Ecclestone calls for the replacement of "anti-Jewi§h theology . . . by a wholly new pat- tern of thinking." This would involve such things as abandonment of missions to the Jews and rejection of trium- phalist approaches to the Bible. On a still more theoreti- cal level. Ecclestone urges Christians to recover "the Hebraic understanding of the creation and of the na- ture of human life." (The no- tion of God's partnership with man, for instance, might awaken the some- times dormant Christian sense of social responsibil- ity.) And recent efforts by Jewish scholars (Sandmel, Vermes, Lapide) to look at Jesus in a purely Judaic context .should help Chris- tians to balance their own view of Christ. While he supports Zionism, Ecclestone may ir- ritate some Jewish readers by complaining that the state of Israel has elevated "State power to supremacy over all other aspects of na- tional life." Still, he is so well informed about Judaism, so honest, sensi- tive, and non-dogmatic, that this forceful personal statement ought to engage anyone interested is Jewish-Christian dialogue. Jewish Community Thrives in City of Milan By BEN FRANK named after Sally Mayer, MILAN (JTA) — Milan is the noted Jewish indus- the gateway to Italy, the trialist and philan- money maker of this repub- thropist. There is a lic and the industrial - Jewish day school on this commercial capital of this street. nation of 62 million people. In shops and outdoor cafes This European trading of the famous Galleria, the center boasts international center of political and social fairs, a silk market, nearly life of the city and situated 1,000 banks, 32,151 firms near the Milan Cathedral and 26,981 manufacturers. and the La Scala Opera, one It is a city that produces and can hear men and women sells everything. speaking Arabic. Some of Within this thriving met- them are Jews from Libya. ropolis is also a vital Jewish Several thousand Libyan community of 10,000 Jews came here in 1948 be- people, about one-third of cause they spoke Italian. the entire Jewish popula- Until the middle of World tion of Italy. Jews and War II, Italy controlled Jewish sites are visible Libya. everywhere. There are 10 There are also about synagogues, five kosher 1,000 Iranian Jews here. butcher shops, several Tal- They maintain their own mud Torahs and a day synagogue and club for school. young people. They are ex- Jewish and Italian cul- cellent businessmen, skil- tural and social activities led in the diamond and car- are intertwined in a com- pet trade. They are very plex mosaic. Next to the pro-Israel and are actively world famous Am- involved in behalf of the brosiana Museum of Jewish state. Many Egyp- Piazza Pio XI Square, tian Jews also settled here, which contains Judaica the result of the emigration and features the designs from Egypt after the 1956 of Leonardo da Vinci, is and 1967 wars. Jews from "Coen's Butcher Shop," Nazi Germany also settled operated by Jews from here, after fleeing from Hit- Egypt. Along with typical ler in the 1930's. Italian street names are The diversity of. the also streets such as Jewish community in Milan Piazzo Tel Aviv and Via is also characterized by the Sally Mayer which is presence of many An Historic Perspective on Jesus in Maccoby's Revolution in Judea' NEW YORK — In the minds of many Christians today, Jesus has ceased al- together to be a Jew. Some Christians are in fact un- aware that Jesus was a Jew. In "Revolution in Judea" (Taplinger), Hyam Maccoby offers a provocative and convincing new view of Jesus presented from this persuasive but often neg- lected perspective, with special emphasis on Jewish ideas, customs, rites, and beliefs during Biblical times. The book has just been re-issued in paper- back. The result is a startling and readable reconstruction and reinterpretation of Jesus's life that will be of enormous interest both to Christians and Jews. In- deed, Maccoby's compelling narrative frequently has the gripping fascination of a detective story. Modern Biblical schol- arship has shown that the picture of Palestine in Jesus's period that we have received from the Gospels is a distorted one. By omitting everything of political sig- nificance from their ac counts, the Gospels give a misleading impression of the popular political move- ment led by Jesus. The fact that Judea was in a state of seething discontent with Roman rule and ' constantly erupted into revolution- ary or apocalyptic movements is scarcely hinted at. On the con- trary, the Gospels give the impression of a set- tled province of the Roman Empire, long reconciled to Roman rule. Maccoby focuses his dis- cussion on the facts of Jesus's life and death (as opposed to the interpreta- tion of the facts added by the Gospels) to show that Jesus was a leader of the Jewish resistance against the Roman occupation. From the beginning, Jesus was a man of action and his public speaking had a strong polit- ical aspect. As a preacher of the "kingdom of God," he was announcing the end of Roman rule. When he later claimed the Messiahship, Jesus was on a collision course with Rome, for he was making a bid for power as a literal — not metaphor- ical or "spiritual" — King of the Jews. When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people greeted him as king, raised the ancient cry of in- dependence, "Hosanna!" and strewed palms before him — and everyone there was well aware that he was engaged in an act of rebel- lion against Rome Maccoby sums up Jesus's beliefs and aims as follows: "Jesus believed that the time for the fulfill- ment of the prophecies of Zechariah, Joel and Isaiah had come, the foreign enemies spoken Friday, January 1, 1983 61 of in those prophecies against some metaphysical being the Romans; that a evil but against Rome. Yet great battle would take the movement which denied place against the Ro- his life by deifying him mis- mans, in which the Jews represented him as being would be led by a de- opposed to the people whom scendant of King David, a he most loved and on whose Messiah or Christ, who behalf he fought. would be the lawful king "It was an entirely fit- of the Jews; that the ting outcome that this battle would be accom- movement, Gentile- panied by miracles (in- Christianity, made a suc- cluding an earthquake cessful accommodation and plagues) in which the with Rome and became Romans and the un- the official religion of the worthy among the Jews Empire which crucified would perish; that the Jesus." battle would be a victory Maccoby was a "Domus for the Messiah and the Exhibitioner in Classics" at Jews, who would then Balliol College, Oxford, and embark on an era of in- is now librarian of the Leo dependence; and that Baeck College in London. this would also be an era of peace and spiritual advance for the whole world. "This was Jesus's vision, and it was a noble one. It was also a revolutionary vision, involving the over- throw of Roman power." The author bases this narrative on his knowledge of both Roman and Jewish history. And he goes on to show how the historical Jesus was transformed by the Gospels into a divine being serving those very powers he gave his life to overthrow. Writes Maccoby: "Jesus tried to bring about the kingdom of God on earth, and he failed; but the meaning of his life is in Take stock in America. the attempt, not in the fail- Buy LS. Savings Bonds. ure. As a Jew, he fought not Ashkenazim, who in the last century found their way to this city as they moved into Southern Europe. In the past few years Milan has also become the home for a small number of Soviet Jews and Israelis. - The headquarters of the Jewish community and the Documentation Center on Italian and World Jewry is at Via Eupili 6. The Lubavitch movement maintains a synagogue and a yeshiva at Via Carlo Poerio 35 and has made progress in imbuing the Jewish community with a measure of religious con- sciousness. Jewish leaders, however, point out that the Lubavitch are not part of the mainstream of Jewish life and that the separation between them and the highly assimilated Italian Jews remains to be over- come. There is a great deal of assimilation and many mixed marriages, but Ita- lian Jewry survives by the immigration of new groups which replace those who have become assimilated. Milan Jews are engaged in professions rather than as entrepreneurs or small businessmen, as are the Jews of Rome. Jews here are conscious of the need for ac- quiring higher education. While higher education is not free in Italy, 90 percent of the Jewish youth attend college where they study medicine, engineering, chemistry, business and architecture. , Part of the reason Jews settle in Milan is the cul- tural life and the diversity of social activity. It is after all, the home of the legen- dary La Scala opera house, the home of Verdi and Puc- cini. It is also the center of fashion shows and -of taste and tastebuds. There is an easy inter- mingling of Jews and non-Jews. Kosher food can be obtained at the senior citizens home as well as through the Lubavitch center. Jews hold kosher banquets and Bar Mitzvas and weddings at the Hilton Hotel. Many Jewish businessmen gather at the Hotel Executive on Viale Surzo, which caters to commercial and gov- ernmental personnel from around the world. During the war in Leba- non, Israel's popularity slipped. However, there was no visible sign of any anti- Israel feeling among Ita- lians here. There was an at- tempt by a small subver- sive, illegal leftist 'group, Communists Organized for Proletarian Liberation (COLP), to bomb the Jewish community center on the night of Sept. 29, but this was severely condemned by officials and the public. The official Communist Party itself undertook a propaganda campaign against Israel and every night sent out a sound truck blaring anti-Israel state- ments. As the truck travel- led through the city, nobody seemed to listen; nobody seemed to care. are house calls a thing of the past?? OF COURSE NOT! L The Jewish News visit your home or that of a friend or relative each week. To: The Jewish News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 Southfield, Mich. 48075 Please send a year's gift subscription to: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE OCCASION: FROM: 0 $15 enclosed I . ZIP