48 Friday, December 31, 1982 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Drama in Life of Judah Magnes in 'Dissenter in Zion' Judah L. Magnes began his career as a Reform rabbi in Israel. He was the or- ganizer of the New York Kehilla and therefore had a great role in the formation of the community councils which have since assumed importance in the organized life of American Jewry. He was among the ear- liest Zionists in Reform Jewish ranks and was among their most effective propagandists. He was the first president of the He- brew University in Jerusalem. He was both lecturer and author. And he pioneered as a peacenik in Israel, and he would have been in the front ranks of the Israel Peace Now movement. With Henrietta Szold and Martin Buber he was an early advocate of the bi- national state in Palestine, in the joint quest with Szold and Buber for an accord with the Arabs based on concessions that would have reduced Jewish statehood and the sovereignty that was attained as the state of Israel. The numerous delinea- tions applied to him re- sulted in what the reviewer terms as the drama in the life of this eminent person- ality who might, in modern terms, also be described as a maverick. It should also be noted that he was a fund-raising campaigner. On the last of his several visits in Detroit in the 1930s, he addressed a group of prominent people at the old Phoenix Club on John R. on behalf of the American Jewish Joint Dis- tribution Committee. - Practically all of the Magnes involvements gradually led him into controversies. The great Zionist became the movement's challenger. His leadership in the kehilla led to a resigna- tion marked by some obstructive reasons. His presidency. of the He- brew University was not without discord. He was the antagonist of both ALBERT EINSTEIN Chaim Weizmann and Albert Einstein and there were some exchanges that were far from cor- dial. The backgrounds and the historical records tracing these occurrences, based on Dr. Magnes' writings, are told in detail in "Dissenter in Zion" (Harvard Univer- sity Press). Edited, with an introduc- tion, by Prof. of American Studies at the Hebrew Uni- versity Arthur A. Goren, there is frankness and the authoritative aspect that elevates this volunie to great value in tracing many aspects of Zionist history and the era in pre-Israel Palestine during which the subject of this study played an important role. Magnes' pacifism also submitted him to condem- nations during World War II. His activities in Pales- . tine, where he settled in 1922, until his death in 1948, were the subjects of wide disputes in which many of the world Jewish leaders were involved. It is as "a moral gadfly" that Prof. Goren de- scribes Magnes in his conflicts with the Zionist leaders who included Chaim Weizmann, Louis D. Brandeis, Louis Lipsky, David Ben- Gurion and many others. JUDAH L. MAGNES dermining the Zionist negotiating position. Perhaps the showdown came upon the adoption of the Biltmore Platform for statehood, in 1942. Then Magnes, in associa- tion with Henrietta Szold, Moshe Smilansky, Mar- tin Buber and others, formed the peace party called Ichud. It marked the opposition of what was termed Zionist maximalism and aimed at a program of bi- nationalism. The Hebrew University presidency evoked added heated controversy involv- ing Magnes as well as Weizmann and Einstein. Felix Warburg's "munifi- cent gift" in 1924 assured the opening of the Hebrew Notable in the analysis of University. "The call" to Magnes' major interests this great endeavor, as the were his leanings toward Goren-edited volume as- cultural Zionism. He as- serts, had two voices. "War- serted as early as 1904 in burg, who insisted Magnes the annual publication of head the university, and Hebrew Union College, Weizmann, vexed over los- where he was teaching ing control of so central an Bible at the time, in a com- instrument of nation- ment on the poetic works of - building." Here is how the Chaim Nachman Bialik, personality conflict is de- that "the Jewish cultural scribed: renaissance was a fact." "The result was. fre- Perhaps the Magnes quently a stand-off between criticism of Zionist policies contending parties, con- were already fully ex- flicts in which vast energies pressed in his letter or res- were expanded in the ma- ignation from the Pro- neuverings of headstrong visional Executive Commit- men. In this situation tee for General Zionist Af- Magnes, with Warburg's fairs, addressed to Bran- wavering support, faced deis, Sept. 2, 1915, when his Weizmann, who leaned on emphasis was on the ap- the prestige of a fickle Eins- proach to Zionist aspira- tein. "Magnes staved off re- tions by way of securing peated efforts to dislodge from the Turkish govern- ment the right to free immi- him. From 1926 to 1935 gration and the develop- Einstein periodically res- ment of the Jewish cultural igned or threatened to re- aims. It was clear in that sign as chairman of the letter that he was refrain- university's academic ing from any effort to speak council unless Magnes of statehood or to anticipate was stripped of all aca- demic functions. The it. Later, resorting to dip- lomatic contacts which he described as "personal" when dealing with indi- vidual Arabs and British and American officials, Weizmann accused him of irresponsibility and un- chancellor, Einstein charged, was aca- demically unfit to direct a great scientific institu- tion. "However, Magnes con- tinued to 'rule,' as his critics put it. Much about the uni- versity was improvised, they claimed; some aca- demic appointments pro- voked bitter criticism; ad- vancement was ponder- ously slow. All this Magnes readily admitted to the committee of inquiry that investigated conditions at the university in the fall and winter of 1933. "I am the person who is responsible in the last analysis for that which is bad here and that which is good. here," he told the committee in an angry interview. 'I have been re- sponsible because there has been no one else upon whom responsibility all these years could be fastened.' "The report resulted in a reorganization of the uni- versity, and Magnes was `kicked upstairs,' as he put it, to the honorary position of president. Nevertheless, in the years of his presidency, from 1935 to his death, his presence was felt. To the public he remained the titular head of the uni- versity speaking in the name of the intellectual center of world Jewry." Inevitably, Magnes clashed with another giant in Jewish leader- ship, Stephen S. Wise. At the outset, Prof. Goren states that Magnes eclipsed Wise in leadership, and he points out: "When Stephen Wise came to New York and founded the Free Syna- gogue, opinion was divided as to which of the two was the premier preacher." So popular was the young Judah L. Magnes. There is this interesting reference to Magnes' pacifism and the differing views of Stephen Wise by Prof. Goren: "The war hysteria per- vaded Jewish community life no less than it did American life. Stephen Wise, a pacifist until America declared war, chided Magnes for his anti- war activities, accusing him of 'aiding the cause of peace for the sake of Pax Ger- manica.' In the fall of 1917 Brandeis proposed postpon- ing the convening of the American Jewish Congress lest it be 'captured by the pacifists under the leader- ship of Magnes.' " The Magnes role was more than controversial: it involved many ele- ments and certainly the Arabs whose collabora- tion Magnes was seeking and which he apparently never attained. While the Goren,edited volume does not contain it, un- doubtedly because Magnes was not in corre- spondence with Jacob Fishman, one of the most distinguished Yiddish editors in the mid- century, the following news story that was re- leased by the now de- funct Independent Jewish Press Service, dated Feb. 11, 1944, is of considerable interest: "Jacob Fishman, veteran Yiddish editor and Jewish Morning Journal colum- nist, discussed the most re- cent plan of Dr. J.L. Magnes, president of the Hebrew University, 'to ap- pease the Arabs.' "Dr. Magnes, in a letter to the London Economist, pro- posed that another half- million Jews be admitted into Palestine so that they balance- the million Arabs and then Palestine be con- stituted as a bi-national state and included in a Lev- ant Federation. "The Arab newspaper Falstin, published in Jaffa, has replied to this sugges- tion by stating that the `Arabs do not need the ad- vice or plans or others.' "Mr. Fishman, analyz- ing Dr. Magnes' arguments, says: 'What will happen if the Arabs, through their high birth rates, will increase over the Jews, even after Dr. Magnes will have estab- lished his parity? And what will happen if thousands of unfortunate Jews will seek admission into Palestine even after Magnes's 'quota' will have been fulfilled? Does Dr. Magnes intend to in- troduce his own White Paper? ... " 'And how will he create the magic called bi-national state? Were it even possible to constitute a government on a parity basis, it would only mean a paralysis of all progress, because the Arabs will not allow any measure that might in the least favor the Jews, and the Jews will certainly not permit the Arabs to domi- nate them. A majority is needed for all decisions, and if that is not attained then the government suspends its functions.' " Dr. Judah L. Magnes was much more than a controv- ersial figure as described in the important Harvard University Press volume. He represented a viewpoint that caused much concern and it was the subject of Jewish disputes in many spheres, including the American. He had leadership qual- ities, and he was unhesitant to differ and to dispute. The ideologies involved will serve as subject for serious discussion for a long time to come, because, as "Dissenter in Zion," Magnes fanned both animosity as well as the ideological in Jewish life which fre- quently reassert as chal- lenges to Jewish leadership. c ±; —P•S• CHAIM WEIZMANN World Zionist Congress Resolution JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Delegates to the 30th World Zionist Congress adopted the following consensus resolution by the special "good-will" subcommittee: "The-. Congress reaffirms that the right of the Jewish people to Eretz Yisrael is inalienable. "The 30th World Zionist Congress meeting in Jerusalem, the capital of Is- rael, reaffirms the full iden- tification of the Jewish people with the state of Is- rael and the vision which guides it. A central prupose of the Zionist Movement is the of an over- all and lasting peace with her neighbors by the inde- pendent, democratic state of Israel, which guarantees full and equal rights to all citizens without distinction of religion or nationality. road to peace. The Congress further states that no Arab state will be established west of the River Jordan. "The Congress calls upon all nations to bar any activi- ties of the PLO within their borders. Any recognition of this criminal organization is an assault upon human conscience, moral-principles and political wisdom. The Congress urges states, organizations and indi- viduals not to give aid and comfort to this terrorist organization. "The Zionist Movement and the Jewish people support the state of Israel in its goal of achieving security and peace. The Jewish people will con- tinue to identify with the Jewish state which ful- fills the yearnings of gen- erations and the _vision of national redemption. "The Congress hails the IDF for its achieve- ments in Operation Peace for Galilee. In ac- cordance with our Jewish tradition, the Congress expresses its deep sorrow over the loss of all innocent lives. The Congress expresses its profound sorrow at the loss of the heroic soldiers of the IDF who fell in the Operation Peace for Galilee and extends sin- cere condolences to the families of the fallen. The Congress extends warm- est hope for the complete recovery of the wounded. "The Congress congratu- lates the government of Is- rael for concluding a peace treaty with Egypt and calls upon other Arab govern- ments to enter into direct negotiations with Israel, without preconditions, aimed at signing peace treaties. The Congress rec- ognizes that the Camp David process is the proper "The Congress calls for the establishment of a last- ing and viable peace based on secure and defensible borders, a peace that will allow growth, blossoming and creativity of all the na- tions in the- area. "The Congress reaffirms that settlement constitutes a central expression of the Zionist idea." •