64 friday, November 5, 1982 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Herzog's 'Arab-Israeli Wars': History on Highest Level O Israel has been at war with her Arab neighbors five times, and continues for a sixth in the current Lebanese involvement. The lessons learned from these wars, the agonies entailed, the history recorded, now have a chronicler of such ex- cellent merit that the re- corded experiences are to be credited to a master histo- rian. The newly-recorded his- tory is "Tlie Arab-Israeli Wars," (Random House). The author, Chaim Herzog, gives an explanatory subti- tle to the book: "War and Peace in the Middle East From the War of Indepen- dence through Lebanon." That's what makes this book so remarkable, that its printing was held up to in- clude the Lebanese occur- rences. The qualitative authorship is impressively evident in the Herzog vol- ume. He has had a role in all of the wars. A native of Ire- land who came to Israel with his parents at an early age, he was in the Hagana Israel defense force as early as the age of 16. His father, the late Dr. Isaac Herzog, was the leading rabbi of Ire- land and was brought to Is- rael to assume the Chief Rabbinate of the Jewish state. Through the years of his Israeli activities, Chaim Herzog, a lawyer, became one of his country's major diplomats. He has served in the Foreign Ministry and gained wide recognition for statesmenship as Israel's chief delegate to the United Nations. He knew, in many in- stances intimately, the leading personalities of his country. Their views and his reflections are echoed in this volume. That the war in Lebanon should have been recorded in "The Arab-Israeli Wars" is a particular tribute to author Herzog. Here he emerges as historian as well as statesman and military expert. The portion devoted to Lebanon does not include the last tragedy which caused the formation of a commission of inquiry into the Beirut massacre result- ing from the Christian- Moslem fratricides. The basic evaluations contrib- ute immensely to an under- standing of the events, the Israeli invasion into Leba- non which was a result of almost total unanimity endorsing the action on the part of Israel's population. A vitally important com- ment on these events in the Herzog volume includes these assertions: "The inevitable weaken- ing of the PLO leadership in Beirut could, well open up prospects for dialogue with the Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with a view to seeking a solution to the Palestinian Arab problem. "Palestinians have never been able to achieve any solution because the PLO leadership has resisted any form of compromise, and has not brooked any opposi- tion to its extreme position, stilling any dissension by assassination. The removal of the threat of the assas- sin's bullet from the Pales- tinian Arabs in the West Bank and in Gaza could well open up prospects for a fruit- ful dialogue leading to a solution of the +Palestinian problem. "Just as, in the perspective of time, the 1973 Yom Kippur War created the necessary climate and conditions which initiated a process leading to the Israeli- Egyptian peace treaty, so the Lebanese operations, when examined in its his- toric perspective and against the background of seven years of civil war, which had de- stroyed the only demo- cratic Arab society in the Middle East, may prove to have created the con- ditions which will lead to a reinstitution of Lebanese government and democracy and the creation of yet another peaceful border between Israel and an Arab neighbor." What about the peace ef- forts that were initiated after the Yom Kippur War and the role of Egypt? Does the Soviet intrusion remain a threat, and what was the effect of Israel's abandon- ment of Sinai on the current situation? Is there hope for an Arab-Israeli accord? Are the Arabs continuing their joint efforts against Israel? There is much to the issues which are given a collective review in the Herzog vol- ume. While the PLO failed to secure aid from any of the Arab nations, the continu- ing attitude of antagonism, contrasted by Israel's role in the search for peace, re- ceives this comment by Herzog, and its historic background that merits study: "Arabs and Jews, how- ever, are but two of the ele- ments at work in the politi- cal arena of the Middle East. President Nasser was armed by the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union had a hand in bringing on the Six-Day War. "The Israeli victory, which completely trans- formed Israel's strategic position, opened prospects for dialogue with the Arab world: a population of over a million Palestinian Arabs came under Israeli control, and the 'open bridges' pol- icy, which allowed freedom of movement between Jor- dan and the West Bank, created prospects of an understanding between Is- rael and the Arab world. "However, the Soviet Union dissuaded any CHAIM HERZOG tendency by the Arabs to move towards negotia- tion with Israel. Ten days after the war, the Israeli. Cabinet voted unanim- ously to return the Sinai to Egypt and the Golan Heights to Syria in return for peace and demilitari- zation. It was the Soviet Union who blocked this move. Her subsequent actions and policy encouraged the Arab Summit Conference held at Khartoum in Sep- tember 1967 to reject the Israeli overtures with `the 'three noes' resolu- tion' — no negotiation with Israel, no recogni- tion of Israel, no peace with Israel. "Once again, the stage was set for renewed conflict in the Middle East. In the years that followed, the Soviet Union was afforded the opportunity to test much of the strategy and theory of modern air de- fense; Soviet strength in Egypt grew to some 20,000 troops, and her air force as- sumed responsibility for part of the air defense of Egypt. "When President Sadat came to power in 1970, while deciding that he must go to war in order to break the political log-jam with Israel, he also decided to change Egypt's orientation from a pro-Soviet one to one supporting the Americans. In a move characteristic of the imagination - and deci- siveness of Sadat, he or- dered the Russians out of Egypt in July 1972 — and then prepared for war against Israel with Russian support and possibly conni- vance." Is the mere lip service by Arabs to the PLO suggest- ing a possible anticipation for a better relationship? Here is a summary by Her- zog that cannot be ignored in the treatment of the tragic situations affecting the Middle East: "In reality, the Arab world pays but lip service to the PLO. Its activities in Arab countries such as Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are closely watched and limited; it is not allowed to operate in Egypt; it is forbidden as a movement in Jordan. It is kept under the strictest con- trol in Syria, which spon- sors a constituent group within the PLO known as `A Saika.' "And King Hussein is op- posed to a movement whose aims include a takeover in Jordan (one attempt having been made in 1970). Arafat is 'chairman' rather than leader of an organization whose constituents he does not control. Developments between Israel and the Arab world will be decided by Is- rael and sovereign Arab states such as Egypt, Syria or Jordan, none of whom (their lip service not- withstanding) will pursue aims other than those they See to be in their respective national interest. "In no case does this in- clude allowing the PLO to become a major element on their borders. The situation in the Judea and Samaria districts of the West Bank and in the Gaza district could ultimately develop along the Algerian model, with the local leadership in these territories asserting itself against the leadership of the movement in Beirut. The inherent hd built-in inflexibility of the PLO pre- clud, s any meaningful role on the part of this organiza- tion in achieving a peaceful solution to the Israel-Arab conflict. "So Israel is a country that remains dependent for its survival on military abil- ity. Yet it is a country that rejects militarism. This fact, and the open and free discussion that char- acterizes Israeli democracy, have been imprortant fac- tors in Israel's inherent strength. "The Israeli Army is not an army for parades: it is an army that rejects the trappings and for- malities normally associ- ated with the military, and adheres to the uni- form worn in battle, be- cause the armed forces are seen as a necessary evil with the sole purpose of defending the nation's existence. "Israel is defended today by the most experienced army in the world. From a professional point of view, it has had the opportunity to test itself in battle again and again. There are few, if any, armies in the world today that have such an ac- cumulation of experience in its ranks as do the Israel De- fense Forces. "The Israeli armed fdrces participated in the first missile battles in history. Thus, from a purely profes- sional military point of view, the military history of such an army must be of the greatest importance and interest. "The military develop- ments in the Arab world, particularly in the field of armament, have been im- pressive and of great con- cern to Israel. Several of the Arab armies are large ar- mies by world standards. Syria disposes of some 4,000 of the most modern Soviet tanks; Jordan is being supplied not only by the United States and West European countries but also by the Soviet Union; Saudi Arabia is to he supplied by the United States with F-15 fighter-bombers with long- range capabilities, and Air- born Warning and Control Systems (AWACS). "These three armies together with Iraq dis- pose of more equipment than do the forces of NATO in Europe. The Jordanian and Syrian armies have maintained the standards they have shown in past wars, al-, though in air encounters the Israelis have been more than a match for the Syrians. In the Iraqi- Iranian war, the per- formance of both armies and their air forces has been indifferent. "The Middle East has achieved a peace treaty be- tween Israel and the princi- pal Arab country, Egypt. The Camp David Agree- ment, which paved the way for the Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty, can lead to further positive developments given the imagination and courage displayed initially by President Sadat and also by Prime Minister Begin which led to the signing of the accord. "It would not have been concluded had it not been for direct United States in- volvement in the process and in the detailed negotia- tions. Thus, only a firm U.S. commitment to the con- tinuation of the Camp David process and its rejec- tion of attempts on the part of certain West European and Arab countries to derail this process can ensure that Camp David will lead to further successes. "The Middle East has, thanks to President Sadat's initiative, undergone a revolution. The area in most cases has moved away from a total rejection of Israel, to a debate on substantive is- sues. "Israel has a peaceful border with Egypt. 'Semi peace' reigns along the Israeli border with Jor- dan, with over a million travelers a year crossing the Jordan in both direc- tions in addition to tens of millions of dollars worth of trade annually. "Israel's border with southern Lebanon is open at the so-called "Good Fence.' If the process that has been developing will continue and the agreements reached at Camp David will be hon- ored, Israel and its neighbors will move for- ward slowly but inexorably towards peace. Should this process be halted, the tragic bloodletting of the past could well resume. "The Arab countries are convulsed today by the im- pact of the 20th Century on medieval societies that have achieved untold wealth almost overnight. "The Middle East is the scene of strife, revolution and unrest in Afghanistan, in Iran, on the Iranian/Iraqi border, in Syria, in the civil and inter-Arab war in Lebanon on the Oman/ South Yemen border, in the struggle between Yemen and South Yemen, in the Horn of Africa, in Chad, in the Western Sahara. Across it sweeps the spectre of Is- lamic fundamentalism, which seeks to subvert and overthrow many regimes. "To this unrest is now added limitless military technology acquired by oil wealth and the probable ac- quisition of military nu- clear potential, initially by Pakistan and later by Iraq. The outlook is both sobering and alarming. "It is against this back- ground that Israel must be viewed. From a political, historical and human point of view, the struggle of the state of Israel to survive over its years of existence, while creating a healthy, free, democratic society, must be one of the more in- triguing, imaginative and encouraging stories of mod- em times." There is a measure of hope for the future, yet this excellent summation serves a special purpose. It is an emphasis on a responsibil- ity, on Israel's duty to build a strong defensive army. Yet charges continue to be leveled at Israel that she is building an arsenal state, and an enemy spirit is being developed on the basis that the Jewish state is a mili- tary ethnicity and because Israel is so strong militarily enemies are building hat- reds on that basis. Dr. Herzog could not pos- sibly have developed a bet- ter case for Israel than in this lengthy explanatory portion of his truly great work on militarism as it af- fected the Middle East and continues to affect it-as a self-protective obligation on Israel's part. "The Arab-Israeli Wars" has another great merit — the revealing facts about Israel's lead- ership. No one knew or knows them as did and does Chaim Herzog. Therefore his big book also is a - magnificent study of leadership and personalities. Such is the combined task accomplished by historian - diplomat - military expert Chaim Herzog. "The Arab- Israeli Wars" is a great book. —P.S.