THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 2 Friday, October 1, 1982 Purely Commentary Jerusalem Lesson for Pope: Israelis Keep the City Free John Paul II has much mending to do. He has em- braced a mass murderer, and in the process he saw fit to misinterpret the status of Jerusalem. The Pope needs a lesson in history. If he doesn't know it, he should be ad- vised that it was under the Jordanian rule that Jerusalem was not a free city. It was in pre-Israel days that there were battles there between the religious sects. It was under King Hussein that synagogues in the Holy City were de- TEDDY KOLLEK stroyed, cemetery tombstones used as sidewalks and in latrines, the Western Wall besmirched. It is under Israel's administration that the Holy City is holy again — and free. Jerusalem's dynamic Mayor Teddy Kollek provides the necessary lesson for the Pope in his Rosh Hashana message. Let him read this text: During these troubled days, one source of encouragement has been the quiet which has characterized life in Jerusalem, despite the ten- • sions and anxieties showed by all. We have found that the cultural, educational and recreational ac- tivities we have created throughout the city have played a significant role in creating a fabric of harmony and mutual cooperation. One has only to walk through the Liberty Bell Garden to see some of these accomplishments first-hand. We pray that this tranquility will be the message that emanates from Jerusalem. This is not the first time Pope John Paul II has been admonished on Jerusalem. Now he gets the world's reac- tions to a shocking act of providing respectability for the head master of ten-or gangs that have invaded many lands in addition to Israel. Hopefully, history's lessons will not always be lost on the Holy Father. * * * A Revivalist 'Refugeeism': Realities and Sensationalism "Refugees" is a title resorted to in a scheme that arouses prejudices and serves an evil purpose. When Israel came into being 34 years ago, the figure was some 400,000. Now it has become four million. The term is used in the campaign to undermine Israel's existence. Arabs had come to this country in search for economic improvement. Now they are portrayed as the homeless who would rather live in Jaffa than in Dearborn. There are extremists to be dealt with and hopefully the voice of Israel will be for a sound and not misspelled Shalom. The facts are not to be ignored and the current existence of a Palestinian entity can no longer be treated blindly. Now the numbers of those involved must be treated with the practical view of making Palestinians neighbors, members of an area involving Jews and Arabs, both living in a spirit of amity, benefiting both, assuring an end to A Serious Lesson from Jerusalem for Pope John Paul II .. . The Muddied Issue of 'Refugees' and an Official Account Clarifying Many Multiplying Exaggerations By Philip Slomovitz warfare, eliminating a danger that could spell war for all million more in the Gaza and Judea-Samaria (West Bank) mankind. areas will similarly be linked with the state of Israel on a Who are the Palestinians under consideration? On this friendly basis. But the urgency is being translated into an score, too, there is a great need for facts to be actual and not accusation, with Israel as a villain. exaggerated: Emanuel Zippori, Israel Consul General for The objectives are clear: they are to destroy Israel the Midwest, offered an account of the Palestinians, their under a slogan of Palestinianism. The guilty are those who, numbers, the areas of their present residence: as the world's powers assembled in the United Nations, First, there is no basis whatsoever for talking have one aim: an end to Israel. That's how the battle lines about millions of displaced Palestinians. Nobody are drawn. knows exactly how many Palestinians there are Commenting on the self-criticism by UN Secretary in the world today. However, I think a figure of General Javier Perez de Cuellar, who outlined the four million would be more or less accurate. Of shortcomings of the world organization, Harris 0. Schoen- these four million, more than three million live berg, director, United Nations Office, Bnai Brith Interna- today in the area included in the original Palesti- tional, stated: nian mandate made up of 640,000 residents of Is- The UN Charter, which Mr. Perez de Cuellar rael, 1,200,000 in Jordan, and another 1,200,000 in rightly regards as the bible of the UN, makes the Judea, Samaria and the Gaza district. These promotion of peace and security a core principle Palestinians are living in their own homes and of the organization. Yet the General Assembly has cannot be described in any way as refugees scat- repeatedly attacked the peace treaty between tered around the globe. Egypt and Israel and the Camp David accords. About another 800,000 Palestinians are living The Charter requires the peaceful settlement in Lebanon, Syria and other Middle Eastern of disputes. Yet the General Assembly has re- countries and areas outside of the Middle East, peatedly endorsed armed struggle against gov- many of them resettled and no longer refugees. ernments and states unpopular among the un- At the same time it should be remembered democratic majority, denying them the equal pro- that close to 900,000 Jews were forced to leave tection due a UN member state. Arab countries such as Iraq, Yemen, Morocco, Even within the Secretariat one can find a etc. Most of these Jews have been fully absorbed violation of the Charter. Article 100 calls for an in Israel, thus, in effect, like in so many other impartial international civil service, one that ref- cases of conflict after war, a population ex- rains from seeking or receiving instructions from change has taken place. The only difference is any external authority. Instead, the Secretariat that the Arab states, unlike Israel and unlike contains a Special Unit which acts as a public other states involved in such a population ex- relations arm of the PLO, attempting to make the change, did nothing to absorb the Arab refugees. PLO seem as benevolent as a PTA. But quite the contrary, together with the PLO, The Secretary General gives special attention they acted deliberately to keep them in camps to the Security Council, which, under the Charter, preventing their integration in the surrounding has the primary responsibility to cope with Arab countries and fostering a spirit of hatred threats to peace and security. In 1981, it met 60 among them. All this in spite of the often declared times but failed to deal even once with the Soviet devotion of all these states to Arab unity and the invasion of Afghanistan, with Vietnam's invasion oneness of the Arab homeland. of Cambodia, with Iraq's invasion of Iran or with Libya's invasion of Chad. Instead, 21 of its 45 It should be remembered that whatever injus- meetings devoted to substantive issues dealt with tice that was done to those Arabs who fled from complaints by Arab states against Israel. Palestine in 1948 was done by their own leaders From June to August of this year, the Council and rulers of the Arab countries who exhorted adopted 10 resolutions dealing with Israel's strike them to leave and who have consistently refused against the PLO in Lebanon. But in the previous to make peace with Israel and have refused to seven years it adopted not a single one dealing absorb them in Arab countries. with the carnage in Lebanon by Syria and the The problems of Palestinians must be consid- PLO. Passed over were 100,000 deaths and wide- ered in two ways. First, there is a humanitarian spread devastation of sections of Beirut and more problem of the remaining few hundred thousand than 100 Lebanese villages. Palestinians living in camps, primarily in Leba- If we attain a serious commitment to the non, and there is no reason why these Palesti- Charter, we can begin to think about the efficacy nians could not and should not be settled in Arab of trying to resolve conflicts in the Security Coun- countries desperately crying out for skilled man- cil by placing 15 sovereign states in the position of power. Already today hundreds of thousands of passing judgment on a 16th based on the standard Palestinians are living in the states of the Persian of their own national interests. Gulf where they are working and prospering and the affluent economies of those countries could The guilt is apparent. The target is in evidence. What easily absorb more. hope is there for civilization under conditions of so much hate-spreading, with the world organization the medium The second problem is a political problem for revived and spreading bigotries? that has to do with the status of 1,200,000 Palesti- nians living in Judea, Samaria and the Gaza dis- trict, under Israel occupation. Israel is not gilding the facts. They are provided here officially. The entertained hope is that the 640,000 Arabs who have Israeli citizenship will retain it honorably, that the The Price of Independence Was Paid in 1948 Bombing Israel as Chief Judge Over Her Moral Codes Israel will surely be the Chief Judge over her moral standards. This must be anticipated in the light of what has transpired. When the verdict is pronounced over whatever guilt there is of members of the Israeli government and its army, it will be rendered by Israel. It is because the conscience of that nation was expressed by the people itself. American Jews have influenced an interest toward a just solution of a problem that needs study and will now receive due consideration on a national Israel scale. The findings will be Israel's in the spirit of the democratic functions of that nation. But the judgments cannot be by a mob on Kennedy Square in Detroit, or in newspaper headlines, or in the form of caricatures by cartoonists who have much power in their utensils. An investigative process may lead to the firing of Ariel Sharon, to the demotion of General Raphael Eitan. An election in Israel may be detrimental to Manahem Begin. These will be treated democratically by Israel, and in such procedures that the issues must be respected worldwide, and certainly by American Jewry, the American people and the press. That is why the Chief Judge in the deliberations will be Israel itself, and the confidence in it will surely be regained globally. The 75th Anniversary of Communal Aid for the Elderly Celebration of an important anniversary commences toward the end of this month. For 75 years, the Jewish Home for the Aged has had an important aim. It provides shelter for as many elderly as can be accommodated. It pursues the traditional aims of caring for the aged, of providing the sanctity necessary in such an environment. There has been a greater demand for accommodations than space has permitted, but the Home adheres to the fullest needs of the growing number of elderly. It is to the credit of the responsible leadership that it has sought and is seeking means of fulfilling the needs. The new facilities now in the construction stage indicate that there are ap- proaches to reaching these aims. During the 75th anniversary celebration, the needs and aspirations will be properly evaluated. The traditional Moshav Zkeinim, the Home for the Aged, has earned the acclaim it is receiving on its 75th anniversary, observance of which is an activity of the entire community, In February 1948, during Israel's War of Inde- pendence, 4,, bomb exploded in Jerusalem's Ben Yehuda Street, killing 54 persons. It is commonly be- lieved that the bomb was set by anti-Jewish terrorists in the British police. The Ben Yehuda Street explo- sion occurred three months after the United Na- tions voted to partition Palestine and three months before the Jewish state formally declared its inde- pendence.