50 Friday, September 11, 1982 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Readers Forum Materials submitted to the Readers Forum must be brief. The writer's name will be withheld from publica- tion upon request. No un- signed letters will be pub- lished. Materials will not be returned unless a stamped, self-addressed envelope is enclosed. Nonagenarian's Reflections Editor, The Jewish News: What can a man or woman look forward to, who are in their late 80s advanc- ing to their 90s, or are al- ready in their 90s? I have interviewed many people who are in those ages, and their opinions . are mostly about their families, and some pleasure in life, and I cannot blame them. However, I have written some of my own ideas, which I think is O.K. Have faith in the Lord the same as you have had throughout your life. I • hope to maintain the love of my children and grandchildren, and I hope they will have the same love for me. I hope to keep in touch with my friends as I get on in years, and they should not, forget me. I must not forget that I am a Jew, and that the state of Israel belongs to all the Jews all over the world, and should support Israel, whether it be in finances, visits or meetings and wel- fare. Give a helping hand, whenever the occasion arises, regardless of the de- . nomination, either blaibk or white, as it can happen to any one of us. Be kind to people, whether you know them or not. If you have reached the 80s or the 90s or over, and if you have a hobby, maintain it so that you will be able to have an active mind. Above all, do unto others, as you would have done to yourself, which has a ten- dency of bringing out "the faith" you have in you. Joseph Shapiro (Editor's note: Joseph Shapiro, a resident of Borman Hall-Jewish Home for Aged and a fre- quent contributor to The Jewish News, will celeb- rate his 92nd birthday next month.) * * * Aguda Explains IDF Exemption Editor, The Jewish News: Moshe Ron, in his "Episodes from War in Lebanon" (Aug. 20), re- ported that Agudath Israel and other religious circles in Israel exerted pressure on Defense Minister Ariel Sharon to cancel a soccer match between a Lebanese team from a Marjayun vil- lage and an Israeli team from Rehovot on the Sab- bath. In making this report, Mr. Ron noted that "Aguda members do not take part in the Lebanese war since 10,000 of their yeshiva scholars are exempted from military service on religious grounds." The truth is that Aguda members did take part in the Lebanese war, and while it is true that yeshiva students are exempt, it is only for the period • that they pursue their studies. Once they have completed their study in yeshiva, most serve in the army. The reason for the exemp- tion of yeshiva students is simple. The Jewish nation, as much as it needs an army to protect its borders, also needs a spiritual force to guide it in the years ahead. Without such a force the soul of the Jewish people and, indeed, its perpetual links to Mount Sinai could not be guaranteed. Rabbi Menachem Lubinsky Agudath Israel of America * * * Synagogues' Dues Structure Editor, The Jewish News: This is an open letter to the "Shuls" of Metro Detroit who participated in the Membership Open House of Aug. 29. The Jewish News an- nouncement for the open house specifically indicated that no family would be de- nied membership due to fi- nancial hardship. My hus- band and I found this to be totally untrue when we vis- ited a few of the shuls and contacted others. We both have a difficult time understanding the fraudulent claims in the ad by the particular shuls and The Jewish News' policy in accepting them for print. As a recently married couple we are very anx- ious to make Judaism a central part of our home. We have two boys and would love for them to learn the joys and re- sponsibilities of being Jewish today. Although it goes without saying that the dues-paying membership is the support system of our synagogues, what good is all the finan- cial resources if there is no membership to serve? We personally went so far as to present negative tax re- turns to validate the neces- sity for reduced dues and stated emphatically our strong desire and willing- ness to become active, con- tributing members of the congregation. The shuls' representa- tives were most happy to hear o f our energy and drive, but still required _ •••••••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •■ •• • • . • • nzrizin rguale rutr5 • • • • • • Wishing All Our • • • • • • • • Many Friends A • • • • • • HAPPY, HEALTHY NEW YEAR • • • • • DRAPERIES • 'BEDSPREADS • BLANKETS • • • (Cleaned or Laundered) • • • WINDOW SHADES LAMPSHADES PILLOWS • • VENETIAN BLINDS (Cleaned, retaped & re-corded) o .'• t remake we. can t a and re-install • • • 144‘• tti t I foy uo r u en draperies g rapenes o fi no ther window or • I tk ry-oom. • • • We Remove & install • I ••••6 • • • • • • •• • Suburban Call Collect • • •••• "All that the name implies:' VISA & MASTERCHARGE • ■ •• ■ •••• ■ •••.5- ••••••*••*•moo.55•See 891-1818 funds in excess of our ability to pay. Many young (25-40) couples and singles alike are finding the dues structure of most synagogues prohibitive. Their desire to become and remain active in the "Jewish" way of life is an unlikely possibility, thanks to the "Houses of Worship" Nho clearly value money more than the people who wish to belong. We are strong and vib- rant supporters of our faith with energy and determina- tion to get things done. I feel that it will be the loss of our synagogues not to have us in their fold. We will sur- vive, but will they as they keep away prospective members? Mrs. Robert (Michele) Mitchel * * * News Media and Lebanon Editor, The Jewish News: Has the media (newspap- ers and TV) presented an unbiased, accurate account of Israel's position in Leba- non? Understandably, philosophies and opinions vary among the ethnic groups involved, and it is for the media to present equal, even-handed truth-bearing information that would allow its readers and view- ers a fair opportunity to judge for themselves. Un- fortunately, this has not been the case with the Is- raelis for a few of the follow- ing reasons: Very little, if anything, was said either in the past or present regarding the PLO cruelties that were in- flicted , upon the Lebanese people — perhaps as many as 100,000 murdered on PLO orders — all of this not denied by the PLO. When Sadat was assassi- nated by fanatics, there was dancing in the streets and gaiety among the PLO. Newspapers carried mini- mal accounts of this and it was acknowledged by the PLO. The media, during the expulsion of the PLO from Beirut, had exten- sively used the term "PLO Fighters." More to the truth, it should have been "PLO Fighters for Terrorism." After all, they have acknowledged their terrorism and, in the past been referred to as "Terrorist Groups." Now the media refers to them as "Fighters." The media makes lots of ado about all of the victori- ous receptions the PLO ter- rorists have received. One wonders about this. After all, practically all Arab na- tions were reluctant .to har- bor a group of terrorists that could destroy their govern- ment. The multitudinous recep- tions in Tunisia, Syria and other accepting goyern- ments, as shown on TV, indicated these govern- ments were 100 percent be- hind the PLO efforts. Not so. In reality, it was the multitude of Palesti- nians in each involved country that turned out in droves to belie the true feel- ing of these governments! (Perhaps all orchestrated by the PLO.) The projected $100 mil- lion Arab lobby — its ob- jective to poison the media against Israel with falsehoods and decep- tions — has decided that "all efforts must be con- centrated inside the United States in order to change the U.S. stand." Has our media men- tioned anything about this? Israel's position on the so-called carnage in Leba- non has been that these charges have been highly over-exaggerated. Reports from many unbiased indi- viduals and independent groups indicate unfairness in media reporting. An Is- raeli air officer said that "the accusations of random or indiscriminate bombings were completely untrue." Nothing was mentioned re- garding same by our local newspapers. Perhaps above all, the media has not made efforts to understand Israel. She wants peace, needs peace, and must have peace to sur- vive. However, when an av- owed terrorist group (PLO) has a single purpose in mind, to destroy Israel, and has perpetrated many acts of terrorism, Israel has and will protect her people. The Israelis want to live in peace and sometimes it is necessary to fight in order to live in peace. Aaron Goldberg * * * Pressuring Our Ally Editor, The Jewish News Russia is pressuring her "Socialist: Sister States" (her satellites) for decades by now, ever since she "lib- erated" them, to do her bid- ding, and the Free World assails that. And rightly so. The United States is now pressuring Israel to accept that suicidal "Peace Plan" of giving up her own historc land of Judea, Samaria and Gaza, and welcome there her sworn enemy, to be her next door neighbor. In the application of undue pres- sure, the difference is only in the methods of exerting it. Both Super Powers act to impose their will, their par- ticular brands of solutions upon their smaller, weaker and dependent "allies." Both Super Powers coerce their client-states to act against their own best interests. Russia uses brute force and naked aggression, and installs in power quislings of her makings and likings (as in the cases of Poland, East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Af- ghanistan). The U.S. uses far more sophisticated ways of pressure: with- holding vital deliveries, agreed-to assistance, arming the enemy (Jor- dan, Saudi Arabia, etc.) and courting the Arabs. The so-called "Palesti- nian refugees" could be integrated and totally ab- sorbed into their host coun- tries, wherever they now-re- side, and so much easier, for their language, culture, lit- erature, folklore, religion, tradition are the same, especially into Jordan, whose inhabitants are 85 percent Palestinians any- way, with the exception of the ruling Hashemite Dynasty. Of if they insist upon creating yet another Arab country to the already exist- ing 21, let them follow Bar- bara Tuchman's reasonable and valid proposal and let the generous Arab Big Brother, Saudia Arabia, offer them from her unin-: habited vast territory just a small chunk of land for such purpose. An. insignificant fraction of the billions of Arab petro-dollars can eas- ily finance this whole enterprise. It would once and for all remove the homeless of their "Palestine Arab Brothers." This, or simi- lar solutions should have been done a long time ago. The Israelis, surrounded by enemies, know best what is good for them. They cer- tainly know it better than the new map-makers who from the safety and distance of thousands of miles away wish to play Santa Claus to the Arabs by reshaping that region with radical surgery at the expense of our proven ally, Israel. Pressure, coming from either side, be it in crude or in subtle form, smacks of gang tactics, and it is most assuredly incompatible with the lofty principles of American democracy, and with the rules of fair game, even in politics and in high diplomcay as well. Albert B. Belton New York China to Buy Israeli Arms? PEKING — A group of Is- raeli arms merchants have accepted an invitation to visit Peking to exhibit sophisticated tank elec- tronics to Chinese defense officials, according to West- ern sources. China maintains no dip- lomatic or trade ties with Is- rael although reports of arms deals between the two countries have surfaced within the last few years. It was reported that the Israeli government-owned Tadiran electronics firm was sending representa- tives to China sometime within the next five weeks. The Chinese are also seek- ing to buy Mirage fighter jets from France and Har- rier jets from Britain, the sources said.