Friday, September 17, 1982 125 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Where Is Palestine? By CARL ALPERT Chapter One Where should the Pales- tinians go? By all means, to Palestine! Chapter Two A little boy had three apples and one orange. If we call an orange an apple, how many apples did he have? Four? No, three. Calling an orange an apple does not make it an apple. Chapter Three The so-called Holy Land, for many centuries, in good times and bad, was home to the Jewish people, was known by various names in its early history. When the Romans put an end to Jewish independence, it was not Palestine that they conquered. On their victory coins they inscribed: "Judea Capta." Eventually, the name Palestine (derived from the Philistines, who occupied part of it) became popular. As a result of wars and conquests the area was sometimes expanded or di- minished, but for almost 2,000 years the name Pales- tine has been identified with some 45,000 square miles of land, less than one- fourth of it along the Mediterranean coast, west of the. Jordan River, and over three-fourths inland, east of the Jordan. During all this period the Jews al- ways called itEretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel. When the British gov- ernment in 1917 issued its Balfour Declaration pledg- ing the establishment of a Jewish National Home in Palestine, this was the area understood to be Palestine. In April 1920, the League of Nations at San Remo ratified the British Mandate over Palestine, to implement the estab- lishment of the Jewish National Homeland, and it was this historic Pales- tine that was meant. Arti- cle 25 of the Mandate made it very clear that Palestine comprised the area both west and east of the Jordan River. Later that year, in the Treaty of Sevres, Turkey ceded Palestine to the Al- lies, and it was this historic Palestine which was re- ferred to. When in 1921 Great Brit- ain calmly partitioned Palestine (first partition), and placed Emir Abdullah at the head of the larger part, some 75 percent of his- toric Palestine, it knew exactly what it was doing. Indeed, in the following year, by way of explanation, the British government of- fered a reinterpretation of the terms of the Balfour Declaration to the effect that the terms "do not con- template that Palestine as a whole should be converted into a Jewish National Home . . ." But it was quite clear what "Palestine as a whole" was. Logic should have dic- tated that the larger part of the country should have re- tained the name Palestine, CARL LtLPERT and the small coastal strip given some other name. In this case Abdullah's new kingdom was provided with a new and artificial name derived from its geographic location: Transjordan, meaning, Palestine across the Jordan. The name was later shortened to Jordan. The remaining one- fourth of the country was by the geographers correctly referred to as Cis-Jordan (on this side of the Jordan). It has been pointed out that so-called Palestinian nationalism is a very re- cent invention. There had never in history been a Palestinian Arab state, a Palestinian Arab gov7 ernment, or even a Pales- tinian (as distinct from Arabic) culture. Unlike the Jewish histor- ical connection with the country, based on long tra- dition carefully preserved through the centuries and confirmed even in Christian lore, there had never been any tradition of Arab Pales- tine nationhood — not be- fore and not during all the many centuries of conquest and rule by the Romans, the Byzantines, the Persians, the Ummayads, the Ab- basids, the Fatimids, the Christian Crusaders, the Seljuks, the Mamluks, the Ottomans and the British. There was indeed an Arab nationalism in the Middle East, and this more than found its fulfillment in the close to a score of separate Arab states which were eventually created in the af- termath of the World Wars, most of them carved up from the former Turkish Empire. The fulfillment of Jewish nationalism in a small corner, less than 25 percent of Palestine, an area only about one-fifth of one per- cent of the size of the exist- ing Arab national world, served as an example to local Arabs, however, and they too demanded a state of their own. Despite the absence of any precedent for such a state, they can have it. It is the close to 35,000 square miles of largely unpopulated territory, more than three times larger than Israel, lying across the Jordan River. It is governed by a king, the majority of whose subjects proclaim them- selves to be Palestinians. The entire land area of the monarchy is indeed Palestine, historically and geographically. It is a Problem and Solution in 5 Chapters significant that in its tourist promotional liter- ature Jordan refers to it- self as "the Holy Land." Calling Palestine Jordan does not make it Jordan. A change in name can not alter recorded history or geography. Hussein's king- dom is still Palestine, the major part of it, and the natural homeland for all who want to call themselves Palestinians, or are today Palestinian refugees. The west bank of the Jor- dan, it will be recalled, was offered to the Arabs in 1947 and they refused it, where- upon it was seized by King Hussein. The residents of that area, under. the Israel flag since 1967, have been offered autonomy by Israel. historical Palestine mis- named Jordan. They should be welcome there and should have their govern- ment there — be it a monar- chy or any other form of rule which they desire. Following both World Wars millions of people who had become refu- gees were successfully resettled in new homes, thus easing international tensions. Only the Arabs have insisted on keeping the refugee problem alive as a means of exacerbat- ing the situation and pos- ing a constant threat to their place in a Middle East at peace with itself. Chapter Five The Israelis have proven beyond any doubt that they are good scientists, good philosophers, good artists, musicians and writers. They have shown that they can be good farmers. It is now clear that they are also good soldiers. But considering that they have not been able to tell the world the story narrated briefly in the previous chap- ters, it is also clear beyond any doubt that they are a failure at public relations. The Jewish News is . . . Chapter Four Alas for a people which is misled. The leadership of the Palestinians and of the Arab states preferred to fly in the face of history. The United Nations deci- sion in 1947 for establish- ment of the state of Israel in a part of Cis-Jordan (second partition) also called for creation of another Arab state in the remaining part. The Palestinian leadership refused. For them it was all or nothing, and they declared war on Israel. They lost, but Israel paid a bloody price to secure its independence. For the next 35 years the Arabs tried again and again and again to put an end to Israel. When full-scale wars waged by the armies of neighboring states, liber- ally equipped with Soviet weapons, failed to smash Is- rael they concentrated on terrorism, both in the Mid- dle East and elsewhere. The people who first gave the world the word "assassin" taught the world a new lesson in stark, brutal terror di- rected solely against women, children, sportsmen and other civi- lian targets. They showed what could be done in the hijacking of buses, the hijacking of planes, and eventually the hijacking of a modern capital city. Defeated on every front, and leaving behind them a bloody trail of devastation which they brought upon the pleasant little country of Lebanon, the PLO now seeks to turn the clock back to 1947. Without giving up terrorism, they now hope that Arab oil and influence and manipulation of public opinion will yet enable them to establish a Palesti- nian state in place of Israel. It is too late. A people which time and again chooses the military option, and is time and again de- feated, can not come into court with clean hands and ask that their grevious er- rors and sins be forgotten, and that they now be re- warded. What they might have had peacefully in 1947 is no longer available. Too much blood has been spil- led. But what is available are those 35,000 square miles of Israel. The victims of this policy have been the Arabs themselves. If there can be justice and humanitarianism in inter- national affairs, then the Arab refugees should be re- settled in their own country, Palestine, to the east of the Jordan River. Imbued with patriotic determination, as- sisted by the wealthy Arab states as well as by the in- ternational community, encouraged by their neighbors, the Israelis, who indeed wish them well, may they prosper and find sur- cease from wars and take VA? our window io the order a subscription or gift subscription today! - sop me um ow ow ow am as - an — - EN we EN um NI Ns so am um ow i I The Jewish News 17515 W. 9 Mile Rd., Suite 865 Southfield, Mich. 48075 a .1 Gentlemen: Please send a (gift)subscription: NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP From: If gift state occasion ❑ $15 enclosed MESE=