•• . THE .DETROIT JEWISINNEWS Best Wishes To All Our Guests and Friends For A HAPPY, HEALTHY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR OPENING NOVEMBER 3 1r 11 IS MIAMI BEACH'S NUMBER 1 LUXURY KOSHER HOTEL • OLYMPIC HEATED POOL • Full Block Private Bach • TV In All Rooms • Rooms With Balconies • Gourmet Glatt Kosher Cuisine • Private all Weather Tennis Courts • Panoramic Ivory Tower Disco • Star Studded Entertainment UNBEATABLE PACKAGES For Pre-Season— Chanukah{ •New Year Holidays DON'T HESITATE CALL NOW! I Fully Equipped Efficiencies Available rnfl NATIonAL KASitiwTH 51511 Phone TOLL FREE: 800-327-8189 New York Office 258-8787 3201 COW1IS AVE. *NOM KAM FLA. 33140 Lynn Koppinger EL AL's Representative for Michigan WISHES YOU A HAPPY, HEALTHY & PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR! LET YOUR FAMILY FLY YOU HOME! ISRAEL NEEDS YOU NOW!! E fZA 7M.2":. P.O. Box 488 Southfield, Michigan 48037 (313) 354-3777 Qualit ' • " 7 days of unequaled enjoyment! ROYAL CARIBBEAN'S ALL-NEW The •Song. ofAmerica From Miami to Nassau, Puerto Rico & St. Thomas froth $1085* including airfare *Category K, B sDedk.-ins. Ship Registry: Norway Space still available on this and other ships for holiday sailings. : 7-17 i: " : -%10 t. ROYAL CARIBBEAN Known Inr great vacations. - Eveky I. ;I, tr,fir .fir ?s, Art. Deportation Hearing for Archbishop Trifa A Justice Department of- ficial has said that deporta- tion proceedings against Romanian Archbishop Val- erian Trifa of Grass Lake, Mich. will begin in Detroit on Oct. 4. Allen A. Ryan gave that information to Dr. Charles Kremer of New York in a letter this week. Ryan is di- rector of investigations in the Justice Department's criminal division and Kre- mer has been hounding the U.S. government on the Trifa case since Trifa came to the U.S. in the early 1950s. Trifa is accused of leading an Iron Guard progrom in Bucharest, Romania in January 1941 and sub- sequently having ties with and being protected by the Nazis. The Justice Depart- ment began proceedings against him in 1975, charging that Trifa con- cealed his Nazi and Iron Guard ties when he entered the U.S. and when he applied for citizenship. Trifa voluntarily gave up his U.S. citizenship in 1980, then appealed that decision to the U.S. Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court. The Appeals Court denied his petition and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. Reservist Issue TEL AVIV (ZINS) — Maariv took up the decision of the Israel Defense Forces to extend the term of service for army men because of the Lebanon war. The news- paper raises the possibility of bringing back Israeli re- servists, living abroad de- spite the fact the Israeli De- fense Forces oppose this be- cause of 'organizational problems and costs in- volved. Maariv wrote that it would ease the burden placed upon the soldiers in the regular service and upon reservists living in Is- rael. It would renew the contacts between Israelis living abroad and their units in the IDF, and it would renew their contact with Israel, and might per- suade many of them to cut short their stay abroad and return to civilian life in Is- rael upon completion • of their reserve service. GOLDSTEIN TRAVEL If Trifa is ordered de- ported, he could face trial in Romania for war crimes. Trifa has claimed for years that the charges against him are Communist in- spired and that he would not receive a fair trial in Romania because he is anti-Communist. Ryan told The Jewish News on Wednesday that he expected the hearings to last 2-3 weeks. Immigration and Naturalization Service Judge Dambrosio of Chicago will hear the case in the Federal Building. Ryan said that if the judge finds that Trifa is de- portable, the judge will ask at the end of the proceedings which country Trifa would like to go to. Government attorneys can also make a .recommendation at that time. The judge can ignore the requests. Wishes All Friends and Clients A Very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous NEW YEAR . Sling TIN . MAXINE WEINBERG AND ALL THE GIRLS AT Rothenberg'siVew © GLATT BARCELONA travel max Hotel and Beach Club Miami Beach ROSH HASHANAH YOM KIPPUR from $299 Suzy Kirschner Lenore Block Judy Goldfaden Carrie Swiebel Yolanda Sandor Judy Goldman Eve Ezmerlian Penny Avig Yona Nivy Services conducted by World Renowned Cantor SUCCOS $169 from 4 Days/3 Nights Longer Stays Available 29325 W. 14 Mile Rd.n /Farmington Hills Including 3 Meals Daily • 3 private tennis courts • Olympic size pool • 400 ft. private beach • T.V. in every room Wish all their friends and relatives a year of health and happiness Call Toll Free 800-327-8332 N.Y. Office (212) 684-1170 Barcelona Hotel 43rd St. & Collins Ave. Miami Beach 13O5) 532-3311 appy elowirear from eita Yediot Ahronot believes that an opportunity was missed by the government in not encouraging those abroad to come and help. • Barcelona Hotel Names New G M MIAMI — Arthur H. Bant has been named gen- eral manager of the new Barcelona Hotel of Miami Beach, Fla. Leo Gartenberg will serve as resident host of the 1982-1983 season. Two glatt kosher meals are served daily, with thfee on the Sabbath and during 11 91js:).. Friday, Sept ber 110982 11 Delta Air Lines extends best wishes to our Jewish friends for the holiday season and for the year to come. May the new year bring peace, health, happiness and prosperity for everyone. • • 11119,, 0- 10,11,,* • • , - .12... , 1,48.1.1111F 11. 114 ." .4 .4 it. 14 . • ..-s•I•cive-•••firipir Vit .• • ,. 4 •s *11 .11 , "20,7..tettolmrpt