6 Friday, August 13, 1982 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Special Israel Emergency Fund Merged With..1 983 AJCampaign . (Continued from Page 1) ernors. He serves on the Symphony Orchestra, De- boards of the Detroit Serv- troit Institute of Arts and ice Group and Sinai Hospi- tal. Detroit Zoo. Marion Handleman has She also has served on boards of Women's Ameri- been named chairman of can ORT and Cong. Shaarey Advance Gifts and Dolores Zedek Sisterhood and held Farber is chairman of Spe- volunteer positions with cial Gifts of the Jewish Wel- National Council of Jewish fare Federation Women's Women, Hadassah and Is- Division. They will head a combined section meeting rael Bonds. Goldman and Mondry at 10 a.m. Thursday at the served on the 1982 major home of Suzy Honigman in Birmingham. gifts pacesetter section. The gathering marks the Goldman, who recently kickoff of fund-raising for returned from a UJA the Women's Division as fact-fining mission to part of the accelerated 1983 Lebanon and Israel, is a Allied Jewish Campaign member of the Jewish special Israel Emer- Welfare Federation and Board of Governors. He gency Fund. The Advance also serves on the boards Gifts and Special Gifts sec- tions are open to 1983 Cam- of Sinai Hospital and paign contributors of $7,500 Jewish Home for Aged. and $3,600, respectively. Goldman is president of Mrs. Handleman is a Temple Beth El. Mondry, a former Cam- board member of the paign associate and vice Women's Division and chairman, is a member of has played an active role Federation's Board of Gov- in the National Council of Jewish Women, Sinai et the most for the ).‹ T21119ROFF L,EaSING CO. 28585 TELEGRM HRD. PHONE (313)353-1300 CALL: SAM SCOTELLA Best Rent ,in Town: RAGTIME **** SHOOT THE MOON **** THE BORDER Guild and the United Foundation. She was in- strumental in developing the women's health club of the Jewish Community Center. Mrs. Farber is a former vice chariaman of the di- ` vision's Koach section and was associate chairman of Special Gifts. She currently is Campaign cash mobiliza- tion co-chairman for the di- vision. A board member of the Jewish Community Center, Mrs. Farber has held a number of leadership positions in Bnai Brith Women. Barbara Berry is associ- ate chairman of Advance Gifts and Doreen Hermelin is briefing chairman. Vice chairmen are Belle Kukes, Babs Lowenstein; Dulcie Rosenfeld, Marianne Schwartz and Shelby Tauber. Diane F. Klein is associ- ate chairman of Special Gifts and Reva Stocker is briefing chairman. Vice chairmen are Tillie Brandwine, use Doner, Beth Feldman, Estelle Robinson and Sally Sober- man. Jane Sherman is president of the Women's Division. Marlene Bor- man is Campaign chair- man and Linda Lee is Campaign briefing chairman. Susie Citrin and Ellen Labes are briefing associate chair- men. Many Holocaust sur- vivors and recent Russian immigrants have been re- sponding to the Detroit community's appeal for the special Israel Emergency Fund. Following a July 18 sol- idarity gathering which raised $60,000 for the Is- rael Emergency Fund from members of eight Holocaust survivors organizations, the Jewish Welfare Federation office has been receiving about 10 envelopes a day in contributions from this group. Organizations spon- VIDEO PLUS Pennies From CHARIOTS Heaven OF FIRE **** CAT PEOPLE PERSONAL BEST *.*** **** Sharky's Machine Some Kind of Hero $35 Membership Fee NEW OVERNIGHT RATES $2.50 Open 7 Days 12 Mile Road at Evergreen 569-2330 soring the emergency Jerold C. Hoffberger, fund-raising meeting were chairman of the United Shaarit Haplaytah, Work- Israel Appeal; and Henry men's Circle, United Social Taub, president of the Club, Radomer Society, American Jewish Joint Jabotinsky Society, Albert Distribution Committee. Einstein Lodge and Chapter The UJA national chair- of Bnai Brith and Friends of man said that the special the Israel Cancer Founda- fund will be the American tion of Michigan. Jewish community's share In addition, a number of of the cost of the programs recent immigrants have and services which tradi- joined with the community tionally have been the in response to Israel's un- humanitarian responsibil- precedented needs during ity of the Jewish Agency but the war in Lebanon, said which the Agency could no Joel D. Tauber, chairman of longer fund when UJA/ the 1983 Allied Jewish community campaigns Campaign - Israel Emer- failed to provide adequate gency Fund. support; Because of the Although some of the drain on the Israeli economy resulting from new contributors are "Operation Peace for the themselves in need or un- Galilee," the people of Israel employed, Tauber said they are giving as gener- ._can no longer sustain these programs, and the ously as they are able. Agency must reassume the Along with their dollars have come several poig- financial burden of provid- ing them. nant letters, expressing Loup said the Agency, the the solidarity they feel principal beneficiary of with the people of Israel. A note written in Russian funds allocated from UJA/ community campaigns, will translates: bear additional costs for "Dear Friends, . . . Now services to new immigrants, we are not working (so) we will mail you just $5. Pm sorry that it's not so much. - That is from my son and from me." Tauber stated that the re- By RABBI MARC sponse of the survivors and TANENBAUM immigrants has been a spur (Seven Arts Features) to the current effort to assist Extra Shahata of Egypt Israel under the special deserves a medal from campaign that began Aug. 1 world Jewry. to provide human services When Gamal Nasser was that cannot be supported by president of Egypt, he shut the government during the down the ancient and ven- current emergency. erated Ben Ezra Synagogue Contributions to the Is- in Cairo and forbade anyone rael Emergency Fund may to enter it. During that be sent to the Jewish Wel- bleak and fanatic anti- fare Federation office, 163 Israel period in Egypt, Madison, Detroit 48226. For Shahata became a self- information, call the office appointed shames (sexton), 965-3939. and managed surreptiti- * * * ously to care for the precious Torah scrolls and the his- Detroit Effort toric Geniza (hidden collec- Is Part of tion of sacred documents) National Campaign located in the upper attic of NEW YORK — The na- the synagogue. tional officers of the United Under President Sadat, Jewish Appeal have ap- Ben Ezra Synagogue was proved a special fund cam- reopened and it is now vis- paign for 1983 to help the ited mainly by Jewish Jewish Agency maintain tourists. social service, welfare and Last month, when I vis- educational programs ited the synagogue in Old endangered by the enor- Cairo, Shahata guided mous human cost of Israel's -me through the awesome response to the threat of ter- treasures of the holy rorism. place. First, he showed Current estimates project me the underground a $200 million total cost for canal which is believed to the programs to be sus- be the spot in the Nile tained by the special fund. River where Pharaoh's At an emergency session daughter had the infant called by UJA National Chairman Robert E. Loup Detroiters Meet after returning from meet- Begin, Officials ings of the Jewish Agency Board of Governors in NEW YORK — A 30- Jerusalem, the officers member delegation from endorsed a resolution cal- United Zionists - Re- ling on American Jewish visionists, Herut U.S.A., in- communities to move im- cluding three Detroiters, mediately to implement a met with Israeli officials separate special fund- and visited Lebanon last raising campaign in addi- week. tion to their 1983 regular The group met with and Project Renewal cam- Prime Minister Menahem paigns. Begin, Finance Minister The UJA campaign Yoram Aridor and Eco- leadership was joined in nomic Minister Yaacov the action by Detroiter Merridor, and included De- Martin E. Citrin, troiters Sol Lachman and president of the Council • Mr. and Mrs. Arnold of Jewish Federations; Aronoff. development of rural set- tlements, health care, youth programs, special educa- tional and vocational serv- ices, aid to the elderly and the handicapped and assis- tance to disadvantaged stu- dents seeking higher educa- tion. The resolution urges communities to establish guidelines for their cam- paigns that include pro- visions for accepting gifts to Ette Special Fund only from donors who first match or increase their 1982 gifts during the 1983 campaign. Loup said this step was taken because the officers recognize', the need to increase g ing to the regular cam- paign to protect the in- tegrity of established needs locally, nationally and overseas. Communities are urged to strive for substantial in- creases in pledges for Proj- ect Renewal, the worldwide social and cultural rehabili- tation program for residents of Israel's distressed immig- rant neighborhoods. Dedicated Shames Saves Ancient Cairo Synagogue Moses lifted from the churning waters. Tradi- tion holds that Moses later prayed here before he led the Israelites out of Egypt. It is also believed that the Prophet Jeremiah fled here in the Sixth Century BCE from Babylonia to pray. In this place too is the fabulous Geniza of sacred manu- scripts that the late Prof. Solomon Schechter un- raveled to enrich the world of Jewish scholarship. Shahata is a simple, pious Jew who has sacrificed his life to preserve the synagogue's hallowed memories and literary trea- sures for generations to come. Symposium Set on Dutch Jewry TEL AVIV — The Dutch Jewish community's contri- butions to Jewish history, religion, -culture, economy and sociology will be exam- ined at a symposium on the history of the Jews in the Netherlands, to be held in Israel Nov. 28-Dec. 3. The biennial event is being co-sponsored by Tel Aviv University, Hebrew University, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Education and Culture. A special concert will be held featuring Jewish liturgical compositions by Sephardi and Ashkenazi composers ir - the Netherlands. The Beth Hatefutsoth Museum, located on the campus of Tel Aviv Univer- - sity, will display an exhibi- tion on Dutch Jewry in the 17th and 18th Centuries, prepared by the Joods His- torisch Museum of Amster- dam.