2 Friday, August 6, 1982 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS, Purely Commentary The Yellow Badge .. . Always Worn With Pride Yellow Badge in the Grasp of Islamic Tyranny and the Traditional Jewish Response of Retaining Pride . . . Strength in Jewish Unity Despite Some Maliciousness groups like the New Jewish Agenda, the Americans for Progressive Israel - Hashomer Hatzair and all their asso- ciates, et. al. They have a right to their views, and criticism of Israel should not be stifled. When, however, there is the urgency to have Jewish unity to avert calamity for Israel, criticism must be linked with facts and truths and should not be polluted with distortions. The matter of the PLO and the Congressional delega- tion headed by a long-time defender and collaborator with the PLO, Congressman Paul McCloskey of California, is an example to be noted. Shimon Peres, leader of the opposition to the Menahem Begin government of Israel, was among the most outspoken who repudiated that PLO ploy and condemned it. Yet there are members of the Peres party who have lent their names to advertisements assailing Israel and blowing up in vast proportions blame for alleged atrocities and brutalities pinned on Israel. A typical example of unwise journalism which merits a harsher term is a front-page article in Detroit's afternoon newspaper which now bids for morning circulation. The piece was bylined by a very popular reporter. The headline over that story: "Some Jews Split Over Israeli War." The content: a platform for the New Jewish Agenda spokesman and a reply by a rabbi from the Lubavitch camp. _ All well and good: New Jewish Agenda has a perfect right to its criticisms, the Lubavitch Rabbi was emphatic in his very impressive defense of the Begin government and policies. What about the community at large? Why did the popular Detroit News reporter who always covers the Arab attitudes very thoroughly fail to take into account that during that very week a well-publicized declaration for Jewish unity was issued by what -i-nay be judged as the totality of the active Metropolitan Detroit Jewish commu- nity? This has to be said, and the guilty just alluded to can -not expect to have their actions condoned. On the contrary, there is cause for. resentment that they should _inspire anger over their actions instead of encouraging the amity so vitally needed in all American communities, and espe- cially here, where an accord on the friendliest and most neighborly basis is urgently needed with the Arab commu- nity that outnumbers the Jewish by two, possibly three to one. In its issue of July 26, the Detroit Free Press had a four-column cartoon showing Khomeini displaying a Yel- low Badge. The accompanying message from him was: From now on Jewish children will wear yellow . . ." Judging by calls to this newspaper from its readers, there must have been considerable resentment over the cartoon and its message. The aroused anger became evi- dent the next day when the Free Press, on its July 27 editorial page, carried this correcton: The Jack Ohman cartoon in the Tuesday Free Press, which depicted the Ayatollah Khomeini is- suing a Nazi-like order to Jews in Iran to wear yellow armbands, was based on a wire-service report, broadcast on radio in Detroit, that has subsequently proved to be in error. That report said Iran had ordered Jewish children to wear yellow suits at school. The State Department's Iran desk says it had heard of the report, but that the information on which it was based was unreliable. The Free Press regrets giving currency to a report that was based on inaccurate information. This is an interesting occurrence. Jews were compelled to wear the Yellow Badge to distinguish them from their persecutors in the Middle Ages. That badge, intended as insult, was re-introduced by the Nazis. That's when Israel Zangwill wrote a famous essay entitled "The Yellow Badge: Wear It With Pride." This admonition was echoed in Jewish quarters. It was not accepted as a mark of shame. It was accepted with dignity, with the implied admonition to hate-mongerers that the People Israel lives, that it has survived persecution in the past and will survive them if they recur. Cartoonist and editorial annotator could have — should have — indicated that Khomeini was reviving one of the most bigoted medieval practices. But an historical occurrence, no matter how shameful its aim, cannot be expunged. It only needs the emphasis that in a civilized environment it must never recur. As a reminder of an historic experience there really * * * was no cause for anger over the Free Press' reminder via a cartoon of what had happened in the past. History is not erased and cannot be forgotten. On the contrary, in the How News Is Gathered retention of Jewish strength, there is power in remember- and the Discrepancies ing. Therefore, the current slogan, against recurring The analyses are conducted painfully, and they are Nazism, the threat of PLOism, every instance of hatred: pursued under compulsion, so that there should not be a Never Forget! poisoning of the atmosphere with hate-provoking condem- nations of Israel and the Jewish people. Of general interest is the description of the manner in Growth of Anti-Semitism which news is gathered at the front. A daily column in the It is war without end — on many fronts. Now there is the increasing concern over the spread of New York Times, "Israelis in Lebanon," contained this piece about the reports from Beirut by its correspondent anti-Semitism, everywhere. Thomas L. Friedman: Synagogues have been vandalized in several countries. BEIRUT, Lebanon — A famous columnist once Anti-Semitic demonstrations in Italy caused shame observed that, if he was asked to invent a jour- among those who remember that when the Nazis took con- nalism school, it would be a very simple affair. It trol of the land as Mussolini collaborators they met with would consist of a classroom with a large door in popular resentment and non-cooperation. front. Every hour a man would come in and say Now it is Greece where, under Communist domination, "no comment" and the class would have to write a Jews are targets of hatred. story about it. The anti-Semitic virus is much more in evidence in this If such a classroom exists in the real world then country than it has been for some years. it is the Israeli siege of west Beirut, where those These are truths not to be ignored. The vigilant are who know what is happening, like the special again being called into action. American envoy, Philip C. Habib, never speak * * * with reporters and those who don't know speak with them all day long. The reporters do not re- Peace With Compensations, Penalties, port facts. They sift through a pile of no- Realism, Accompanying Frustration comments, misinformation, half-truths and out- right lies that accumulate every 24 hours. Out of the muddied situations created by the conflict in On Sunday, a reporter spent 90 minutes waiting Lebanon must, surely, if belatedly, emerge a sense of clar- to speak with a prominent Lebanese politician ity. It can't be all hatred and suspicion, misunderstanding supposedly intimately involved in the negotia- and misinterpretation. tions. When the reporter was finally ushered into Proof of the activities of an expensive and vitriolic the great oracle's office, the first thing he said anti-Israel Arab-financed lobby may enlighten some of the was: "I don't know anything. Tell me, what is your liberals who have given comfort to Israel's enemies. Per- newspaper saying from Washington?" haps this is too much to expect. Being a reporter here is like being in a very dark There is a constant search for Israeli blunders as cause tunnel, groping for the light at the end with the aid for attack on the Jewish state. Some complaints are legiti- of a single candle. You see a light and chase it, mate. Perhaps censorship should be eased. That's for Israel only to find that it is someone else, also holding a to decide, in its judgment of the bigotries that have accumu- candle and also looking for the light at the end of lated in the manner in which Israel's role is being treated. the tunnel. Casualties are tragedies. They affect Israel as Well. Especially on the American scene, the time has come The Lebanese losses are deplorable and where there are for judging the news, for taking into account some of the exaggerations there should never be silence in exposing the comforters of the enemies of Israel. aims to undermine Israel's credibility. George F. Will had something to say about it in a There remains, in greater evidence than ever, the special column, "Mideast Truth and Falsehood" in News- exaggerated Jewish protest against Israel at war, a condi- week: tion that has been interpreted as giving legitimacy to the Lies are weapons and are today the PLO's most PLO. This is the most shocking of all the negative fa ctors in effective weapons. Newspapers that are fastidi- a conflicted atmosphere. ous about the truthfulness of -grocery ads print To which must be added another repetitive element: anti-Israel ads filled with patent lies about that of the right to differ and never to interfere with free- Israeli-caused casualties. The New York Times dom of expression. ran a particularly Goebbels-like ad signed by, This relates to the Jewish Defense League and to among others, Noam Chomsky, who has collabo- _ By Philip Slomovitz rated with a French author who claims the Holocaust never happened. Lebanon is (in Hardy's words about Leipzig battlefield) "a miles-wide pant of pain." It has been since the PLO and Syrians invaded. It is today because - the PLO is hiding behind the babies that Arafat is kissing for U.S. television cameras. It is hard to prove but easy to believe that Israel, by aiding Lebanese Chris- tians since 1975, has saved more civilian lives than have been lost in the war. But a television screen easy to fill. A gaggle of I nians did it for a year, while behind the cameras Teheran went about its business. Television in war is bound to suggest more generalized destruction than has occurred. Fur- thermore, had there been television at Antietam on GEORGE WILL America's bloodiest day (Sept. 17, 1862), this would be two nations. Ameri- cans then lived closer to the jagged edges of life, but even they might have preferred disunion to the price of union, had they seen the price, in color, in their homes in the evening. If "wired democracies" are not to be disarmed by revulsion about televised wars, they must take this truth unperfumed: wars kill people; that is an immediate purpose of waging war. Many persons who preen themselves on their hatred of war do not hate it enough. They cannot: they know so little about it. They show this when they judge a military operation like Israel's unjust simply because it involves injustices. War is not chess or surgery. It is a leap into a realm of chance, desperation and improvisation. Confu- sion, unintended effects, undesired but unavoid- able collateral effects — all these are expectable. It is morally immature to denounce a war be- cause it has the general attributes of war. Noam Chomsky is not along among those who give comfort to Israel's enemies. Even Nobel Prize winners who are expected to exercise good judgment and fairness join such ranks. What about Israel Labor Party members and their supporters in the U.S., some having lent their names to advertisements which inspire animus? Why would Marie Syrkin be in such ranks, at a time when the party she supports in Israel, the Labor Alignment, emerges with embarrassment from such encouragement to Israel's enemies? In the media there are frequent puzzles, .as in the attempt by Joseph Kraft to pose as the diplomat. Through the years the State Department and White House kept denying there was pressure on Israel. Joseph Kraft comes to judgment with contentions that Jewry at last is split — "hallelujah" one hears him proclaim—and he advocates pressure — he calls for pressure on all, but mainly means Israel. Protect us from such Jewish friends! * * * An End to the Junkets Which Muddy Human Issues? Perhaps Congressman Paul McCloskey, who has a re- cord of fraternization with the PLO, and therefore harm to Israel, has rendered a service to this country with his search for sensationalizing. It did not help his PLO cause but led to the placing on the record of the true role of the aspirers to Israel's destruction. Now there is a sense of suspicion of any and all Congressional junkets, and if the "free trip" policy can be abandoned it will be to the benefit of this country. Meanwhile, the PLO has attained what it did not seek. Instead of winning the credibility it sought, it is now in its true light among Americans who seek the truth. George E. Will, in his Newsweek column "Mideast Truth and Falsehood," again rose above the cringing a PLO submissiveness with his statement: In the current crisis, PLO intransigence has grown proportionally with U.S. involvement, and now the United States is protecting the PLO. With words treated as though they are Cheerios, all alike, the U.S. aim has been described as evacua- tion, disengagement, peacemaking. The PLO had the capacity to injure but not destroy Israel, so if at the cost of military defeat it receives enhanced political status from the United States, it comes out ahead. Israel has almost undone the mischievous work of the 1974 Rabat conference, which anointed the PLO the sole legitimate representative of Palesti- (Continued on Page 3)