64 Friday, July 23, 1982 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Reform Debates `Equality of Descent' in Judaism By RABBI ALEXANDER M. SCHINDLER President, Union of American Hebrew Congregations (Editor's note: Early this month the Central Conference of American Rabbis deferred action until its next annual meeting on an historic proposal made in 1979 by Rabbi Schindler to con- fer the status of Jew on any child, either of whose parents is Jewish, pro- vided they both agree to their child raise Jewishly, and do so. These are excerpts from Rabbi Schindler's pre- sentation in the debate at the CCAR convention.) I believe there are urgent present-day needs that summon us candidly and clearly to declare what we have long affirmed in prac- tice: the we deem the pater- nal line as valid a factor in determining Jewishiness as we do the maternal lide. Our earlier affirmations on the subject are not suffi- cient for the need. Children of Jewish mothers are deemed Jewish no matter what. But when the father is Jewish, the parents are required to declare their willingness to rear their children as Jews. The chil- dren, in turn, must be Jewishly educated and then 'Bar or Bat Mitzva or Con- firmed and only then are they to be regarded as fully Jewish. None of this is re- quired in the case of a Jewish mother. Why is it so important that we speak now, when we have lived without such a statement for the past 40 or more years? To begin with, I think it is vital for us as Reform Jews always to say what we believe and to assert what we do. This indeed is a hallmark of Reform. To be honest, never to pretend what we are not, always proudly to proc- laim what in fact we prac- tice. Secondly, we need to speak up in order to help those fathers who wish to maintain the Jewishness of their children. I speak of those instances where the intermarriage has failed and a divorce occurs. In- creasingly, rabbis and lay leaders throughout the land have shared with me the anguish of Jewish parents whose non-Jewish spouses have been given custody of the children and then refuse to continue to raise them as Jewish. If we are silent, the hitherto normative position of Judiasm holds sway and could be invoked by the court. Indeed, it often is. Remember that the inter- marriage rate now exceeds 40 percent and that the pre- ponderant majority of in- RABBI SCHINDLER involve termarriages Jewish men. Their right to determine the religious character of their children must also be secured. Lastly, we must consider the deep-felt feelings of the many children of intermar- riages — the sons and daughters of Jewish fathers and non-Jewish mothers — who, barring a forthright declaration on our part that they are fully Jewish, are bound to feel that somehow they are not really Jewish. Of course, we don't suggest this to them, but they feel it nonetheless. Their parents and their teachers have told me they do. And when they grow up, some of them find the strength to speak of their si- lent pain. Thus Adrienne Gorman wrote me not too long ago: "I was raised to be aware that some part of me was Jewish, and that with that birthright came the responsibility to re- member' the six million victims of the Holocaust — to remember them not as a detached humanita- rian who abhors exter- mination but on a far more fundamental level, where the soul of the wit- ness resides ... "At some point over the years I did decide that where my father's faith — or more precisely, heritage — was an issue I would without reservation take my stand as a Jew. Jews consider me a non-Jew, non-Jews consider me a Jew . . . and with a despair tinged with as much humor as I could muster, I began to consider myself nothing." How can we fail to re- spond to such people? Why shoud we demand that they undergo conversion — from what to what? Why can we not say to the Adriennes of this world: by God, you are a Jew. You are the daughter of a Jewish parent, you have resolved to share our fate. You are therefore, the flesh of our flesh, the bone of our bone. You are in all truth precisely what you feel yourself to be — a Jew. The denial of such recog- nition has caused far too many people far too much suffering and so we must find a way to offer it. I am not at all persuaded that our actions will some- how shatter the unity of the Jewish people. That argu- ment could have been made and doubtlessly was made at every single step in our development as a distinc- tive movement within Judaism. Still our spiritual progenitors did not wilt, the imprecations were forgot- ten and the Jewish world still is whole. Similarly, I do not tremble that the Law of Return will be amended if we act as is proposed. Its passage depends not so much on what we do but rather on the political balance in Israel. In any event, these are really practical arguments that have no proper place in such a debate. Change made to make us more acceptable to others is alien to the spirit of Reform. It substi- tutes political for religious judgments and thus does violence to our essential na- ture. Our fathers and mot'- did not forge Re a Judaism to have us trade "it in for a tinsel imitation of Orthodoxy. We owe ourse- lves that self-respect and in- tegrity which holds fast to our finest values and our most cherished beliefs. We live in a period of crisis. We are wrestling with our Jewish soul. The community that can bring forth the new passions, the new ideas, that community will prevail. The others that fix themselves in old ideas will perish, with the new life strangled unborn within them. Let us have the courage for the new, and let us strengthen one another. Michael Checinski's 'Poland' Poland's Post-World War II Anti-Semitism Evaluated By ALLEN A. WARSEN Michael Checinski's "Po- land," subtitiled "Com- munism, Nationalism, Anti-Semitism," has been published by Karz - Cohl Publishing, Inc. Sanfold B. Cohl, one of the publishers, is a former Detroiter who attended Mumford High School and the University of Michigan. The author commences his narrative by describing Jewish life in Poland follow- ing World War II. He notes that between 25,000 and 50,000 Jews survived the war in Poland and between 250,000 and 300,000 re- turned from the Soviet Union. These Jews, Checinski points out, tried to rebuild their lives in the land "that had been their homeland for 10 centuries." But from the very beginning they encountered insurmounta- ble difficulties resulting from Jew-baiting, including physical assaults and mass riots. Anti - Semitic out- breaks occurred in Crakow, Radom, Czestochowa, Kielce and elsewhere. The most serious pog- rom took place in Kielce in 1946. The Jews there were accused of abduct- ing Christian children and keeping them in a cellar in the Jewish community building. But the investigators found neither children nor a cellar. The Kielce pogrom, the author maintains, "was a turning point marking the beginning of the end of an organized Jewish commu- nity in Poland." As a consequence of the Kielce pogrom, the majority of Jews left Poland and only 60,000 remained. They in- cluded the people who con- sidered themselves "Poles of Jewish extraction" and those whom Jean Paul Sartre characterized as "people whom others regard as Jews." Incredibly, at the time Stalin announced to the world his libelous "Doctors' Plot" as an excuse for his planned deportation of the Russian Jews to Siberia and the Arctic regions, the Polish government already had prepared detailed plans for interning the Polish Jews in a concentration camp. However not all Poles approved of their govern- ment's savage scheme. Col. Franciszek Mroz, for instance, who was appointed commander of "the special internment camp for Zionists and hostile elements" (mean- ing all Jews), to his ever- lasting credit, refused to accept the assignment. His "insubordination," Checinski notes, "was never forgiven even after Stalin's death." It is simply inconceivable that some of the worst per- secutors were Jews whom the author describes as "Jews of a particular type." They included Col. Anatol Feigin and Roman Zam- browski. The former headed the Department for Protect- ing the Government; the latter was a member of the Politboro. Once, while Feigin was interrogating a Jewish Communist, he asked: "How is it that you have so many friends among those Ostjuden?" Likewise when interrogating Mrs. Lachtman, "he taunted her for returning from Pales- tine after the war. He mocked her Polish patriot- ism and told her that she would have done better to stay among those Yids." Similarly, Roman Zam- browski, notorious for his anti-Semitic expletives, supervised the purge of Jews from the armed forces, security apparatus, party and state administration. Zam- Ironically, browski and the other Jewish "dignitaries" were sometime later fired unceremoniously from their posts, and in addi- tion, were accused of plotting "Jewish seizure of power in Poland." According to a secret document, supposedly found in the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, these leading Jewish Com- munists, like the "Elders of Zion," allegedly at a secret meeting passed a resolution containing "a detailed blueprint for subordinating Poland to Jewish control in the interest of world Jewry." Thus, Hilary Mine, a former Politboro member and deputy prime minister "was to win control over the national economy"; Yakub Berman, former Politboro member and undersecre- , tart' of state, was to assume "control over security and ideological matters; Zam- browski, a member of the Politboro, was to become head of the party apparatus; the others were to gain con- trol over all other state af- fairs. Checinski remarks that the "discovered" document "contained entire passages reprinted verbatim from the famous Protocols of the El- ders of Zion." In addition to promi- nent Jewish Com- munists, many other Jews were dismissed from their jobs. Curious were the reasons given for their dismissals: Dr. Adam Bromberg was fired, arrested and accused of crimes against the state for allowing the inclusion of a reference to Jerusalem, instead of Tel Aviv, in the world atlas that was pub- lished under his direction. The nuclear physicist, Dr. L. Leszczynski, was dis- missed "for some anti- Polish comments allegedly made during a conversation in English with another sci- entist." A former diplomat and senior official in the Minis- try of Shipping was fired and "arraigned under trumped-up charges for causing a collision while under the influence of alco- hol." It is important to keep in mind that a principal aim of.the Warsaw Pact countries, on the Soviets' insistance, was to rid their armed forces of Jewish personnel. As an- ticipated, Poland fulfil- led this objective first and with great alacrity. Shortly before the Six - Day - War in 1967, Gen. Teodor Kufel, chief of the Military Internal Service, summoned to a confidential meeting high-ranking gen- erals, including the chief of the General Staff, Gen. Wojciech Jaruzelski, the present premier of Poland. Kufel announced in great secrecy "that Israel was going to be annihilated soon, or at least suffer a widespread civilian mas- sacre in the regions to be occupied by the victorious Arab armies." "A few days before the outbreak of hositilites in the Middle East, officials of the Soviet embassy in Tel Aviv issued special armbands to the staffs of other Corn- munist diplomatic missions in Israel: they were told that such armbands would pro- tect them against abuses by `irresponsible' elements, should Tel Aviv be captured by the Arab armies. Polish diplomats had therefore been forewarned that a mass pogrom might be ar- ranged by the victorious Arab - armies." The Jewish exodus from Poland begun , after the Kielce pogrom in 1946, culminated in 1968, a year after the Six Day War. Thus the Jewish commu- nity in Poland that had its inception 10 centuries ago is no more. Michael Checinski's "Poland" is a com- prehensive historic re- cord of post-World War II Poland. It analyzes the deep-rooted Jew-hat,—d of the Polish peop) brings to light the ries, jealousies and in- trigues of its leaders; and exposes the Polish Com- munists' subservience to their Soviet overlords. Checinski served for 20 years in the Polish military and 10 years in military counterintelligence. He is currently at the Harvard Russian Research _Center.