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Gisi Fleischmann is a heroine for Jews; but also for gentiles — in short, for all who love life and want to preserve it. In our dangerous times, she gives us hope that a determined spirit — if it is shared by enough of us — can prevail against evil. She is proof that even in hell, love can make a difference. Her affirmation of belief in "a better humanity" is the motto of HUMAN CONCERNS. Eventually she died at Auschwitz. But she deserves to be remembered less for the tragedy of her death than for her affirmation of life and for her demonstration of the qualities of greatness that lie latent in all of us. Gideon Hausner, prosecutor of the Nazi super-crinimal Adolf Eichmann, has written of her, ". . . her memory should be bequeathed to further generations as a radiant example of heroism and of bound- less devotion." Joan Campion has written three large-scale works about Mrs. Fleis- chmann. They are a biography, GISI FLEISCHMANN AND THE JEWISH FIGHT FOR SURVIVAL, not yet available in print; IN THE LION'S MOUTH, a non-fiction novel; and a play for community groups, MIS- SION TO FULFILL. Advance copies of the novel and play, as well as subscriptions to HUMAN CON- CERNS, may be ordered using the coupon provided in this issue. To: HUMAN CONCERNS P.O Box 152 Miami Springs, FL 33166 Please send me the following: The Novel: IN THE LION'S MOUTH — $7.95 Pre-publication Special After Publication — $9.95 The Play: MISSION TO FULFILL — $3.50 (please specify whether information on performance rights is also de- sired) Newsletter: HUMAN CONCERNS — (bimonthly, $12 a year) ($10 Libraries) Samples of HUMAN CONCERNS, ($1 each) Total payment enclosed - Name Address City State lip Peaceful Evacuation of PLO from Lebanon Sought by Sharon JERUSALEM (JTA) — Defense Minister Ariel Sharon said Monday that Israel wants to secure the evacuation of Palestine Liberation Organization forces from west Beirut "without shedding another drop of blood." He suggested that they might be removed to Egypt by sea. Sharon addressed report- ers after appearances before the Knesset's Foreign Af- fairs and Security Commit- tee where he encountered sharp questioning from members of the opposition Labor Party on Israel's war aims in Lebanon and its conduct of the war. He told the media Israel would gladly welcome the dispatch of ships from Egypt to evacuate the PLO but he said he could not confirm news reports that five ships have already left Alexan- dria for Beirut for that pur- pose. He cited Sunday's Cabinet offer of safe con- duct to the PLO out of Be- irut and out of Lebanon if they first surrendered their arms to the Lebanese army. He said Israel offered them a safe and honorable exit "to any Arab country." Sharon disclosed that Is- rael turned down a PLO re- quest to allow women to Tri-Partite Drive Urged for Synagogue Membership NEW YORK (JTA) — The president of the Ameri- can Reform rabbinate pro- posed Tuesday that repre- sentatives of Reform, Con- servative and Orthodox rabbinical agencies meet to consider how to mount a joint campaign in a common effort to win unaffiliated Jews to synagogue mem- bership. The proposal was made by Rabbi Herman Schaalman, of Chicago, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), during the opening session of the 93rd annual CCAR convention. Rabbi Schaalman said "the time has come for our Orthodox colleagues to ac- cept the validity of Reform Judaism, set aside their dif- ferences and join in a com- mon effort, together with Conservative rabbis, to dramatize the vitality of religious Judaism to those who have become alienated." Rabbi Arnold Good- man, president of the Rabbinical Assembly (Conservative), said "we congratulate Rabbi Hungarian Jews Will Convene in Jerusalem JERUSALEM (JTA) — A congress of Hungarian Jews is being organized for Jerusalem in April 1984. The organizing commit- tee here said this week the Jerusalem International Convention of Hungarian Jews would aim "to reunite a community shattered by Nazi persecution and to highlight its 1,000-year-old heritage and great contri- butions to European cul- ture. The date will mark the 40th anniversary of the Nazis attempted destruc- tion of all Hungarian Jewry. Leading former Hunga- rian Jews will be invited, famous names in many dis- parate fields. Parallel to the convention the Diaspora Museum will dedicate an exhibition on prewar Hun- garian Jewry. Schaalman on his forth- right talk for a common effort to win affiliated Jews into the fold of the synagogue. We welcome every opportunity to bring together the Jewish religious com- munity so that we may better serve American and world Jewry." Rabbi Schaalman said he felt such a common effort would also assist in rebuild- ing the Jewish family and provide a vehicle to combat such other concerns as the low Jewish birthrate, Jewish population shifts, and increase in Jewish di- vorces, and to intensify Jewish education, and, in time, "we could even effect the religious life in Israel." A spokesman for the CCAR was asked just how such a cooperative congre- gational recruiting effort would work, given the hos- tility of the Orthodox rabbi- nate to non-Orthodox forms of Judaism. The spokesman replied that Rabbi Schaal- man was seeking agree- ment on approval for the proposal by the three rab- binic groups first, with de- tails on procedure to be worked out once approval had been achieved. leave west Beirut. Israel in- sisted that all PLO mem- bers, men and women, leave the city. "It all depends on the PLO now. They must know they have no chance . . . They are surrounded," Sharon said. He told the Knesset com- mittee that Israel was "very close" to achieving its goals in Lebanon but denied that those goals had been ex- panded without the Cabinet's consent to include the establishment of a new government and the ouster of Syrian forces in Lebanon. He said the latter goals, while they would be wel- comed by Israel, were subsidiary and Israel had not gone to war to achieve them. Sharon angrily denied the charge by former Chief-of-Staff Gen. Mor- dehai Gur, a Labor MK, that he has been conducting a "one man war." He said the Israel army could not have halted its advance after achieving a terrorist- free zone 40 kilometers north of Israel's border be- cause of military and topo- graphical conditions. In Washington, the State Department said Tuesday that negotiations between special U.S. envoy Philip Habib and Lebanese gov- ernment officials continued and called on all parties in- volved in the Lebanon crisis to observe the current cease-fire. Department spokesman Dean Fischer emphasized the importance of "all par- ties observing the cease-fire so that the political dialogue can continue and further loss of life can be avoided." The Labor Party's Knes- set faction had adopted a resolution last week calling for strict observance of the cease-fire in Lebanon and warned against any at- tempt by Israeli forces to capture Beirut or advance against Palestinian forces holding out in the western districts of the city. WE DO VVINDOWS E. & A. Maid Service offersthorough general cleaning as well as extra special things like grocery shopping, baby sitting, running errands and window washing. Best of all, the experienced, expert staff of E. & A. 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