Friday, June 18, 1982 11 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS Early Release for Soviet Refusnik NEW YORK (JTA) — Theodore R. Mann, chair- man of the National Con- ference on Soviet Jewry (NCSJ), reported that POC Evgeny Lein, was unexpec- tedly released one year early from his labor camp location in Krasnoyarsk, and arrived at his residence in Leningrad June 6. Lein was convicted in August 1981 of "resisting a representative of authority," and sentenced to two years of "compulsory labor for the national 2onorny." Lein taught Hebrew to his fellow inmantes follow- ing his conviction. He also instructed them in legal procedures. Meanwhile, the Euro- pean Interparliamentary Conference adopted a resolution calling on the Soviet Union to permit more Jews to emigrate, free Jews imprisoned for applying for exit visas and to allow a European parliamentary commis- sion to investigate condi- tions under which Jews live in the USSR. The conference, meeting in the Second Chamber of the Dutch Parliament in the Hague last Friday, was attended by representatives from Holland, Britain,'Bel- gium, France, Sweden, Au- stria and Ireland. In a related development, the record of the Soviet Union with respect to emig- ration and family reunifica- tion "continued to worsen" during the six month period ending last April 30, accord- ing to the President's 12th semi-annual report to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe on Implementation of the Helsinki Final Act. It cited "the continuing deteriora- tion of East-West relations" as the cause. The report, submitted by the State Department to Rep. Dante Fascell (D-Fla.), chairman of the Congres- sional group • which monitors compliance with the Helsinki accords, said that while freer travel policies were detected in Eastern Europe, the Soviet government denied it citi- zens that right. The report noted that the Soviet government is signatory to several in- ternational documents which assert the right of citizens to leave their countries. Family reunification is the only officially recog- nized basis for emigration from Soviet Union. It also was reported that Soviet leaders have made ittle progress in adhering - to the human rights princi- ples of the Helsinki agree- ments, Arthur A. Hartman, U.S. ambassador to the Soviet Union, said at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York City. "The Soviet Union made an equal commitment" when the Helsinki accords were signed, Hartman said, but Russian leaders do not seem to take that commit- ment seriously. Ambassador Hartman was speaking at the Yeshiva University In- ternational Affairs Dinner given in honor of Madame Simone Veil, former president of the European Parliament. Mademe Veil, who is also former French Minister of Health and Family Af- fairs, received an honor- ary Doctor of Laws de- gree from the university at its 51st annual com- mencement. She also was presented with the his- toric Sarajevo Haggada as a gift from the Univer- sity. Ambassador Hartman said the Soviet Union has not honored even "the simplest, niost basic obliga- tion" of the Helsinki agree- ments, the right of "family reunification." He noted that some 20 Soviet citizens who wish to join their American spouses in the United States have not been allowed to emigrate. Overall emigration from the Soviet Union, Ambas- sador Hartman said, "has slowed to a trickle. Jewish emigration is running at its lowest rate in over a de- cade." In New York, Arthur Chernick, president of the New York Association for New Americans (NYANA), declared that Jews from all lands of oppression must be aided to reach "whatever haven of refuge they seek." Hopefully, he said, they will emigrate to Israel "where they are sorely needed," but if not there, they should be assisted to go elsewhere. Chernick addressed more than 350 guests at NYA-- NA's 33rd annual meeting. He was re-elected NYANA president. Since NYANA was estab- lished in 1949, it has reset- tled more than 237,000 Jewish refugees here, he re- ported. They came, he said, "in 13 waves of emigration, beginning with victims of the Holocaust, after World Swiss Bank Blocks the Sale of Israeli Arms to Argentina GENEVA (JTA) — A spokesman for the Credit Suissein Zurich has con- firmed that the bank last week turned down an ur- gent request for some $50 million in credit, appar- ently to finance an Argen- tine weapons purchase from Israel. The deal reportedly in- volved a letter of credit for Israel -Aircraft Industries arranged through a Panamanian bank that is believed to have been acting on behalf of Argentina. Credit Suisse was appar- ently disturbed by the com- plexities of the transaction, the sum involved and the nature of the deal. Israel Aircraft Industries manufactures the "Dagger" version of the French Mir- age jet fighter plane and the "Gabriel" surface-to- surface missile used by the Israeli navy. Argentina had been using the Israel-made "Dagger" NEW YORK — Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY), speaking at the an- nual dinner for Bar-Ilan University last week, called for the restoration of an in- dependent Lebanon with guarantees for its security and territorial integrity. "Israel's action . . . could produce peace, not only in the Middle East, but throughout the world," ac- cording to Sen. Moynihan. The university awarded honorary degrees to Jewish Philanthropic leaders Mr. and Mrs. Arthur (Diane) Belfer. Belfer is chairman of the board of Belco Petro- leum Corp. Phillip Detroiters Stollman and Dr. Leon Fill also participated in the fes- tivities. Stollman is chair- man of Bar-Ilan's Global Board of Trustees and Dr. Fill is a board member. Renees Writings Calligraphy & Invitations 20% OFF 355-4843 DECAFFEINATED COFFEE richness or the taking jets against British forces in the Falklands Islands war. The Financial Times of London reported that British officials were deeply disturbed by an approach to Credit Suisse because it confirmed British fears that Israel continues to be one of the main sources of weapons for the Argentine junta. The Financial Times re- ported that the junta has been running into difficul- ties trying to finance ur- gently needed arms supplies from Israel. But Argentina was said to have received up to 300 tons of military equipment from Libya last week. Israel has acknowledged selling arms to Argentina. But when the war with Britain over the Falklands broke out, the Israelis in- sisted that while they would honor past arms sales con- tracts they would not enter into any new ones. Labor Zionists Assail AZF Canceling Congress Elections Labor Zionist factions in this country this week is- sued a challenge to the American Zionist Federa- tion, condemning the deci- sion not to hold elections to the forthcoming World Zionist Congress to be held in Jerusalem in December. Accusing the Area Elec- tion Committee of the AU' of seeking to deny American Zionists their democratic rights, the Labor Zionist Al- liance, at a meeting of its National Administrative Committee unanimously decided to challenge the arArea Election Commit- tee's action before the Con- gress Court of the WZO and, if necessary, on the floor of the Congress itself. The Area Election Corn- mittee decision would freeze the make-up of the Ameri- War II, followed by refugees from Greece, Hungary, Egypt,- Romania, Czechos- lovakia, 'Syria, Iran and Russia." "In the last 10 years," Chernick said "more than 35,000 Russian Jews were helped to establish new lives in New York City. However," he pointed out, "the number of Jewish emi- grants from the Soviet Union has deopped pre- cipitously in the past year, from 2,798 in 1981 to only 269 in the first five months of 1982. NYANA will receive the Program of the Year Award from the National Associa- tion of Jewish Vocational Services. Senator Urges Independent Lebanon at Bar-Ilan Dinner can representation as it was at the last Congress. The LZA said the WZO constitution now re- quires the holding of democratic elections for congress delegates in every country. It said no slate can be established if even one part objects. Five member- organizations have de- manded elections including the Labor Zionist Alliance, Pioneer Women - N'Amat, ARZA (Reform Movement), MERCAZ (Conservative Movement) and the Ameri- cans for Progressive Israel. ARZA, it was pointed out, had just been formed and had not opportunity to par- ticipate in the elections be- fore the last congress, and MERCAZ was not yet in existence. 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