THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 38 Friday. June 11, 1982 An imposing air should often a veil between us and always be taken as evidence the real truth of things. —E.P. Whipple of imposition. Dignity is piimlus. =Num .......mmumummilmmoss COUPON I Since 1959 ITALIAN DINING I I I I I I AND PIZZA 4033 W. 12 MILE 3 Blks E. of Greenfield Berkley 548-3650 1 OFF 1 I ON FOOD PURCHASE OF $6 OR MORE DINING ROOM, CARRY OUT OR DELIVERY • COCKTAILS • MON.-THURS. 4 p.m.- 12 Mid. FRI. & SAT. 3 p.m.-2 amt SUN. 3 p.m.-12 Mid. Expires 6/23/82 I INI=M1111111111MIN• Southfield's KNOCK KNOCKS A COMEDY CLUB PRESENTS: The finest comedy entertainment EVERY WEEK! THIS WEEK FEATURING: Malone & Nootcheez PLUS: Danny Dollard NEW WEEKEND SHOWTIMES: 8:45 and 10:45 p.m. TICKETS AVAILABLE AT ARK WEST OR AT THE DOOR. INFO: 353-HA-HA * NO DRINK MINIMUM * FREE PARKING Located on Northwestern Hwy. between Telegraph and 12 Mile Rd. in the Ark West Complex. GIFTS - FOR EACH GUEST Carter's Fear for Safety of Sadat Revealed in Book NEW YORK (JTA) — Former President Carter, providing a preview into his soon to be published memories during an ad- dress to a convention of American booksellers, de- scribed last week how he had ordered increased secu- rity precautions one eve- ning during the Camp David peace talks for former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat because he feared the Egyptian leader might be "in danger from the Egyp- tian delegation." Elaborating on his re- marks to the American Booksellers Association convention meeting in Anaheim, Calif., the former president said "I thought Sadat was in physical danger. I called Dr. Zbig- niew Brzezinski (Carter's former National Security Adviser) to come to my cabin about 3 a.m. and I called the head of the Secret Service detail to come to my cabin and I told them I wanted to tighten the guard around Sadat's cabin with- out letting him know and not let anybody go into it. "The next morning I was NEW YORK (JTA) — A bill is circulating in the U.S. House of Representatives that would exclude Holocaust reparations payments from countable income in determining eligibility for Supplemental Security Income (SSI). Reparations to Holocaust survivors for personal in- juries suffered during World War II are provided under the Federal Law on the Compensation of Vic- tims of the National Socialist Persecution, enacted by West Germany , -- MAGICIAN TO ENTERTAIN NEW YORK DELI if ANY SUNDAY — IN THE PEANUT GALLERY (AGE 10 AND UNDER) YOUR CHOICE (Includes Steak Fries & Beverage) ONLY $3.00 per child Scooby Doo — Corn Dog Fonzie Burger — Hamburger The Hulk — Grilled Cheese Daffy Duck — Wing Dings Jaws — Fish 'N Chips Marvin's Deli — ghtful Pizza Co-Stardng JOE LANNEN waiting by the window and was relieved to see Sadat come out of his cabin and go for his morning four kilome- ter walk. A few days later, looking back on that time, I thought how foolish I was to be concerned about Sadat. Of course, even later, with the tragedy that resulted. in Sadat's death, I'm not so sure that was foolish." The Carter memoirs, "Keeping Faith," are scheduled for release in No- vember. The former President also mentioned his "frustrations" in trying to deal with Israel's Premier Menahem Begin. in 1956. The bill was introduced last month by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) after the case of a constituent, Felicia Grunfeder, was brought to his attention. Grunfeder's SSI payments, provided to Social Security recipients on the basis of need, were terminated by the govern- ment after it declared her monthly reparations pay- ments as unearned income, placing her total income over the eligibility limit for SSI. The bill introduced by Waxman would amend a provision of the Social Secu- rity Act which includes Holocaust reparations as countable income in deter- mining SSI eligibility. Waxman's bill has 34 co- sponsors. NEW YORK — The Na- tional Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY) will hold its annual conven- tion June 24-28 at Leibowitz's Pineview Hotel in South Fallsburg, N.Y. cirected by EDGAR A. GUEST III 9361 Cooley Lake Rd., Union Lake Prwr- CHICKEN 1 ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT DAYS A WEEK 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. $395 SOUP & SALAD BAR 2 Soups — Over 38 Great Items! $ 3 95 Lunch $55 0 Dinner SUNDAY BRUNCH SPECIAL ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Children Under 12 $295 Adults $795 All Natural Gourmet Hot and Cold Buffet HEALTHY JONES 29221 NORTHWESTERN HWY • N. of 12 Mile Rd. • SOUTHFIELD TELEPHONE: (313) 353-7766 Which of the following ISN'T included in the Michigan Inn's $3 000 ad■ per night Summer Weekend Special? A. 411 r- 46 Poetry Readings in Oak Park - The poems of Walt Whit- man, William Carlos Williams, Robert Hayden, Dylan Thomas, Robert Frost, and others will be heard at the Oak Park Li- brary Sunday at 7:30 p.m. Stephen Tudor, professor of English at Wayne State University, and a poet in his own right, will pre'sent readings and interpreta- tions from modern poets. The program is sponsored by the Oak Park Arts. and Cultural Commission and admission is free. JEAN OARRINGER TOM STEWARD •— Saturday Performances • JIMMY CARTER NCSY Parley NO FUSS — NO MUSS FOR MOM! SPECIAL BIRTHDAY CAKES UPON REQUEST 30100 TELEGRAPH, N. of 12 MILE 642-2430 starring slate NANCY GURWIN. Bill Would Change Status of Holocaust Reparations Valee It a Selad4e, TornJoncs riowM HarveySchorrich Luxurious guest room (any Friday through Sunday) B. , Beautiful indoor/outdoor pool C. Steaming saunas D. Outdoor tennis courts E. Exercise equipment F. Video game room G. Kid's room ($15.00 per night) H. Ocean view • For reservations (and the correct answer) Call 559-6500/Toll Free 1-800-482-3440 MICHIGAN INN 16400 J.L. Hudson Drive • Southfield, MI 48075