heir Iwn irttnioir JEWISH NEWS Purely Commentary By Philip Slomovitz Retaining Its Traditional Libertarian Role, Zionism, as the Chief Advocate of Justice for Israel, Unifies Jewry in Its Idealism Zionist Libertarianism as a Call to Action by Jewry and All Friends of Israel A new spirit pervades Jewish ranks in the new era of fulfillment of Prophecy based on the hopes rooted in "Tzion b'mishpat tipodeh" —"Zion shall be redeemed with justice." With the realization of what had been a dream also came a new spirit, a newly- determined vigilant spirit. Actually, it began with what had been termed political Zionism. It has always also been spiritual Zionism. In the sense of libertarian obligations as interpreted in Jewish legacies the two are inseparable. Perhaps there is more effective vigilance now. How else could half the upper legisla- tive U.S. body be enrolled in opposition to the sinful proposals to provide destructive arms to Israel's neighbor whose major claim to fame in the Arab world is that it seeks the destruction of Israel. Yet, it existed from the very beginning, when Zionism became an ideal in the striving for the redemption of Eretz Yisrael. It had always existed — in the thrice daily prayers, about "the return unto Zion with mercy." The Zionist credo gave substance to hopes and prayers and began to transform them into realities with what had been formulas framed by Theodor Herzl, Max Nordau and their associates. Then they became realities with the devotion of the generation inspired by Louis D. Brandeis and his associates. * * * Zionism's triumph in the redemption that is now the state of Israel retains a call to action. A nation redeemed needs protection in the instance of Israel embattled in an area dominated by enemies. Therefore the constant need for definition of a movement that holds the highest rank in libertarian idealism. Because there are, sadly, the_uninformed who are in need of enlightenment about the great ideal, it becomes necessary, periodically, to define and to explain. Jews are not alone in their understanding, appreciation and advocacy of Zionism. Because so much of antagonism, stemming from its anti-Semitism, comes from Russia, it is valuable, in a discussion of Zionism, to quote the endorsement of it by one of Russia's most brilliant minds. In April of 1902 Maxim Gorky commented on Zionism: "I am told Zionism is a Utopia. I do not know; perhaps. But inasmuch as I see in this Utopia an unconquerable thirst for freedom, one for which the people will suffer, it is for me a reality. With all my heart I pray that the Jewish people, like the rest of humanity, may be given spiritual strength to labor for its dream and to establish it in flesh and blood." He was not alone. There is a very exciting and fascinating interpretation of Zionism by another eminent Christian. Alexander Dumas, playwright and novelist, writing in 1873 in "La Femme de Claude," declared: "We are in an era in which each race has resolved to reclaim and repossess its soil, its homeland, its language and its temple. We Jews . . . no longer wish to be a group; we want to be a people, yea, more than a people, a nation . . . We need once again a fixed, territorial fatherland. Everyone has his ideal or folly. That which led us and which for centuries we have recited on our feast days is: Next Year in Jerusalem!" Such was the interpretation of a Christian defining the idealism of a Jew who was one of the characters in the Dumas play staged a decade before Theodor Herzl pronounced the Jewish hope for Jews and for mankind. Therefore it is vital again at this point, as the Christian support is quoted with gratitude, to turn to Herzl who addressed Jewry and mankind by declaring: "The Jews have but one way of saving themselves — a return to their own people in an emigration to their own land." "The world will be freer by our liberty, richer by our wealth, greater by our great- ness." The first applied to those who were saved, the vastly larger numbers who could have been rescued; the second quotation applies to the creativity now evident in Israel, whose rebirth was prophesied by Herzl and emerged into fruition. *** There is no end to quotations. Every President since Woodrow Wilson, and Presidents before, were among the multitudes of friends of Zionism. These friendships are vitally needed now. They are appreciated by a grateful Jewr- All hopes are that they will exercise their influence in behalf of the Israel tha constantly threatened with extinction by brutal forces surrounding her. Primarily, the defense for Israel is vital in Jewish ranks. This is where Zionism retains a major role and expects the support of the entire Jewish people. It is self- emancipation as interpreted by Leon Pinsker that became a watchword for Jewry; it remains so now. This must be re-emphasized in all Jewish gatherings, and it is uppermost when those selected for Zionist leadership assemble to continue planning for action in Israel's behalf. There are many friends for the Zionist cause, and the movement itself retains the leadership that is so important both for creativity in the redeemed Zion and for defense on the state's borders as well as internally. * * * Public relations in behalf of Israel has become a significant aim exceptionally performed by the Zionist Organization of America. This is a factor to be applauded when Zionist officialdom gathers. Then there is the educational that is so important, and if the Zionist movement were to weaken it would need reinforcing. Fortunately, ZOA retains its role as a major factor in Israel's security and is the rallying factor for the Jewish state's solid position among the nations of the world. Zionism as the fountain for Jewish credibility on the world's political scene is as vital now as the idea remains fixed in prayers, as the movement's insatiable productivity keeps being recorded among mankind's chief acclaimers of the validity of freedom for humankind. Whenever Zionists assemble, this is the call to action. Now more than ever there is realism in the call to action and to sharing in the effort, proclaimed by Louis D. Brandeis in 1915: "Loyalty to America demands that each - American Jew become a Zionist." Zionism and Realism: Israel, Jewry and the United States By IVAN J. NOVICK President, Zionist Organization of America The critics who perceive the current policies of the government of Israel to be langerous to the Jewish state's moral and literal existence must be reminded Df the realities which have raced — and continue to face — Israel, the Zionist move- ment and the Jewish people. [n spite of opinions to the ;ontrary, there is no lichotomy between the vision of a Jewish state that would redeem the victims of Hitler and be a light unto cations and the Israel that s respected for its firmness &f position, in addition to its nilitary and strategic )ower. Israel has been compelled to defend itself against numerous military efforts aimed at destroying the Jewish state during the past 34 years, and it still faces threats by terrorists sworn to its destruction and by neighboring countries which maintain a state of military, economic and political warfare. It would not be wise if Is- rael were influenced by some critics that would have the Jewish state uni- laterally beat its swords into plowshares. The les- sons of history and the reality of our times are the guideposts upon which Is- raeli policy is formulated. There are suggestions that "Begin's Israel" suffers a perceptible weakening of support within the world Jewish community. Is this based on fact or wishful thinking by the Likud's political opposition? But more to the point, it should be understood that it is not "Begin's Israel" that American Jews support, any more than it was Ben- Gurion's or Golda Meir's. It is Israel qua Israel that is supported as a free, inde- pendent and militarily powerful Jewish state. A state strong enough to re- scue the hostages from Entebbe; to destroy the nu- clear reactor in Iraq; to withstand the continuous onslaught of its enemies; and a state whose strength is a constant reminder to those who would consider the Military option against Israel in the future. It is a Jewish state with a parliamentary democracy which chooses its leaders freely, and which has twice voted Prime Minister Begin into office. In spite of the consid- erable effort being made to separate the "govern- ment of Israel" from the "people of Israel" and the ongoing campaign to separate the people of Is- rael from its friends throughout the world, American Jews are not turning away. Financial support for Is- rael is a responsible barometer which measures Jewish "public opinion." It is, therefore, significant that over 150 Jewish lead- ers from throughout the United States pledged a total of more than $5.7 mil- lion to the 1982 United Jewish Appeal / Commu- nity Campaign during the second UJA leadership mis- sion in Washington, which represents an increase of 25 percent over the sum given by the same donors in 1981. tively different from the interest that Jews have in other areas affecting their welfare. Glazer refers to a polit- ical scenario in which the United States draws closer to the Arab states, redefines the parameters of its "national Interest" and shies away from doing what needs to be done to insure the survi- val of Israel. In describ- ing the difficult position in which this would place American Jews, Glazer maintains "Jewish lead- ership is more unified than ever before." While American Jews are understandably concerned with the Palestinian Arab problem, the polls show that they oppose a Palestinian state, whether or not it is led by the PLO, and will strongly oppose every ac- tion which threatens Israel security and vigorously support every measure that will enhance it. This is the grass roots reaction, the "gut-feeling" of the majority of the Jews in America, and we can all share a sense of deep satisfaction in the knowledge that the rank and file understand the meaning of Jewish unity and responsibility. IVAN NOVICK When the National Jewish Community Rela- tions Advisory Council met in Houston in January 1982, Raymond Epstein, a past president of the Coun- cil of Jewish Federations and treasurer of NJCRAC, reportedly said, "There is no evidence that support for Is- rael is waning; we have unanimous agreement on the major issues." In an article in Commen- tary, April 1982, reference Yet, in spite of this incon- is made to a significant ob- trovertible evidence, critics servation by Nathan continue to voice opinions Glazer, who points out the which create the damaging need to acknowledge the impression of widespread special interest Jews have dissension. These critics ex- in Israel which is qualita- press alarm at what is de- scribed as "confrontation- in the name of Zion" but fail to recognize the incredible significance of an act of "conciliation in the name of Zion," namely the return of all of the Sinai in exchange for peace with Egypt. They not only neglect to laud this historic and dif- ficult decision by Israel, but fail to acknowledge that it was Israel's military and strategic power, the power they point to with alarm, which enabled it to take this unprecedented risk for peace. In attempt to disparage the government of Israel, the assertion has been made that "Israelis see themselves as the ar- chitects of Israel's grand strategic power." Who but those who live in Is- rael should take this re- sponsibility? Surely Is- raelis who have fought and suffered for their na- tion, whose decision will determine their fate, their independence, their freedom and their very lives, are entitled to choose their leaders and shape the future of their state. Will "all of Israel's trou- ble" vanish if only Prime Minister Begin were no longer in office, as some suggest? The fact is that re- gardless of who is in office, basic differences between the Israeli position and that of the U.S. Administration would still exist. We are witnessing in Washington the continuation of long- standing American policies which have favored the Arabs. Prudence indicates that this ominous trend must be seriously exam- ined, but scapegoating is not the answer nor is it the most constructive contribu- tion that can be made when the .Jewish state and Zionism are under attack. If there is irritation and, at times, hostility in Wash- ington, it should not sur- prise or demoralize Israel's friends. Whatever may be the political attitude of Washington towards Is- rael's policies, and not- withstanding the avalanche of criticism leveled against Israel by the media and others this, in itself, does not necessarily mean that Israel's policy is flawed. Surely we cannot permit ABC News, Time Magazine, Anthony Lewis, Carl Rowan and a host of other commentators to be the final judges of Israeli policy or Jewish morality. Israel's friends must psychologically and organ '° izationally adjust to th possibility that in the years ahead it will be increasingly difficult to maintain favor- able public support for Is- rael not because its policies are wrong, but because of the overwhelming pro-Arab forces with their massive wealth and increased sophistication will have a damaging effect. r