- THE JEWISH NEWS FCPAY SPECIAL (LISPS 275-520 1 Incorporating The Detroit Jewish Chronicle commencing with the issue of July 20, 1951 Copyright - The Jewish News Publishing Co. Member of American Association of English-Jewish Newspapers, National Editorial Association and National Newspaper Association and its Capital Club. Published every Friday by The Jewish News Publishing Co., 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Postmaster: Send address changes to The Jewish News, 17515 W. Nine Mile, Suite 865, Southfield, Mich. 48075 Second-Class Postage Paid at Southfield, Michigan and Additional Mailing Offices. Subscription $15 a year. PHILIP SLOMOVITZ CARMI M. SLOMOVITZ Editor and Publisher Business Manager ALAN HITSKY News Editor HEIDI PRESS Associate News Editor L,- DREW LIEBERWITZ Advertising Manager • Sabbath Scriptural Selections This Sabbath, the 14th day of Sivan, 5742, the following scriptural selections will be read in our synagogues: Pentateuchal portion, Numbers 4:21-7:89. Prophetical portion, Judges 13:2-25. Candlelighting, Friday, June 4, 8:45 p.m. VOL. LXXXI, No. 14 Page Four Friday, June 4, 1982 JORDAN VIA AWACS? As if the lesson cautioning careful study of the low the Egyptian example and work for peace langers to peace that was provided by the - with Israel, there is a coddling that is inexcusa- %MACS controversy were mere child's play, a ble. iew danger is being detonated in the Middle This is the majority Senatorial feeling. This is ,ast with the proposal to provide military the realism that should be passed on to iardware to Jordan. President Ronald Reagan who conducted a per- As in the case of the AWACS, a large majority sonal campaign to secure approval of the if the U.S. Senate has sensed the threat to Israel AWACS sale to the Saudis and who must be aid to the peace of the entire Middle East in alerted to the new danger, via Jordan, to pre- uch coddling of irresponsible elements who are vent an erroneous repetition of blunders in the onstantly injecting menacing aims directed at Middle East. srael. They have expressed their opposition to It is to be expected that Israel will be advised )roviding Jordan with means of building up an .ir force that would add to the combined de- to act conditionally, to take into account the tructive forces on Israel's borders. Therefore Palestinians. If there is to be an accord, it .must he call to action, the admonition to all who be based on negotiations, and neither Jordan, :ave the slightest perception of what is occur- nor Saudi Arabia, nor any of the other Arab ing in that embattled area, to exert every effort states, are willing to sit with Israel at a confer- ence table for that purpose. Israel's antagonists o stop the maneuvers aimed at increasing the are more impressed with threats to the lives of angers to Israel. Involved in the issue is much more than the Israelis by demonstrating youths, refusing to ecurity of Israel. It threatens the peace of the take into account the tragedy of losses that re- ntire area and therefore serves as a warning sults from self-defensive actions. It is the re- hat what is being encouraged by American of- fusal even to recognize the legitimacy of negoti- ations that is at issue, and the U.S. must not cialdom could trigger a world conflict. King Hussein's influence has apparently ignore it. iesmerized the U.S. Defense Department to an There are many factors of deep regret. When xtent that the ruler of a nation that is itself in Arab lives are sacrificed, as a result of instiga- onstant conflict with a kindred people, her tions to rioting by the PLO, the media count the eighboring Arab state, seems to have nothing number of the losses. When, simultaneously, lse to sustain it in that inter-Arab brotherly thousands are murdered in Arab conflicts, in onflict than the hatred for Israel. With another Syria and in Lebanon, there is an ignoring of it. tate that is plotting Israel's destruction, Saudi While this may not be related to the threat of xabia, Jordan keeps playing into the hands of excessive arms for Jordan, similar to what was ae Soviet Union, but American officials offer done by this country for Saudi Arabia, there is a iilitary hardware to both under the • pretext relationship in the manner in which Israel's aat it is a protection against Soviet influence in status is treated. lie area. And as a threat to the U.S., Jordan has The recognition of the menacing situation by yen countered with a warning of securing the the U.S. Congress is heartening. Now the ecessary planes and other military aid from friendly sentiments must be passed on to the le Kremlin. President and to the government agencies in- This is how the peace is being bargained and volved in the planned transactions. It is in sup- nifty is sacrificed on all scores. Instead of con- port of such aims that the voice of America must ucting the diplomatic policies with the aim of be heard. This is a time for mobilizing public rging, perhaps demanding, that the Arab opinion on a major issue affecting peace in one of bates friendly to the United States should fol- the most troubled areas in the world. GROWING OBLIGATIONS Considering the times and their economic roblems, this community again rose to envi- ble heights during the year's Allied Jewish !ampaign solicitations. The ultimate result, owever, is falling short of the needed means of ssuring fulfillment of all obligations and the )mplete allocations to the many agencies in- .uded in the most important ahilanthropic uty confronting Detroit Jewry. This impelled a )-chairman of the Campaign, Joel Tauber, to Tort to the Jewish Welfare Federation board f governors that shortages in the fund's antici- ated income seem destined to compel reduction allocations. He said to avoid extreme hardships it is be- )ming necessary to resort to re-solicitations of mtributors. While the first effort toward such an unprece- ented undertaking brought a few good results, le proposal needs more careful consideration. here is no question about the sincerity of the proposers and their earnestness in seeking to fulfill a serious duty. But before the summer is over ther% will be another Allied Jewish Cam- paign in planning as well as progress. In the interim, special Israel funds will be solicited in special campaigns and not to harm any of them the most practical approach is to mobilize for oncoming successes in fund-raising rather than by jeopardizing all of them. Momentarily, the community must learn to live in accordance with its means or by drawing on reserves. In the ultimate, and that's ap- proaching almost immediately, every aim must be toward assuring the successes of oncoming drives. This is a time to continue the educational processes, constantly to inspire the community to its philanthropic duties. On that path there is an assurance that the experiences of the past will always bear the desired fruit. Random House Volume Study of Wallenberg Case Indicts World Indifferehce Raoul Wallenberg m ay have suffered, and continues to suf fer, in Soviet prisons because of the indifference of many nations, including originally his own, the Swedish. This is a major emphasis in the newest of the many books about the great hero of World War II. Kati Marton is a Budapest native with an intimate knowledge of Hungarian history and the background of the anti-Semitic trends there in the era of Wallenberg's rescue activities. Wallenberg saved tens of thousands of Jews who faced being assigned to the crematoria by the Nazis. Mrs. Marton renews the view that Wallenberg is alive and efforts must be maintained for his rescue from USSR incarceration, in the simply titled book, "Wallenberg" (Random House). Mrs. Marton provides a full account of the Wallenberg activities, how he was drawn into the rescue mission, his defiance of the Nazis and the methods he used as a Swedish emissary to rescue Jews who otherwise could not escape the death camps. A revealing factor in this book is the story of the assistance that was given Wallenberg by Elizabeth Kemeny, the wife of Baron Gabor Kemeny, foreign minister in the government that fell under control of the Arrow Cross. Mme. Kemeny influenced her husband to allow Wallenberg to distribute the false passports which saved many Jews. Baron Kemeny and Arrow4Cross collaborators were executed for war crimes after the war. Mme. Kemeny, who now lives in Munich, dis- claims the guilt charge against her husband. Millos Horthy fought the menace until he was removed from the Regency of Hungary by the Nazis in their assumption of control of the country. Mrs. Marton's detailed account of the struggles against the Arrow Cross provides valuable historical data. Mrs. Marton drew upon many sources in her claim that Wallen- berg is alive and his release must be the aim of continuing appeals for justice for the eminent Swedish hero and humanitarian. There is the full account of the revealing news secured from Jan Kaplan who was a cellmate of Wallenberg in Butyrki Prison. Most revealing in the Marton "Wallenberg" is the experience of Dr. Nanna Svartz, the Wallenberg family's physician, who was told by Dr. Alexander Myasnikov, head of several hospitals in Russia, at a medical conference in Moscow, that he had seen Wallenberg in a mental institution. When Dr. Svartz, enrolling government aid in Sweden, pressed for action for Wallenberg's release, the Russian doctor denied ever having seen the Swedish victim of Russian cruel'- He implied it was under Nikita Khrushchev's insistence. Noteworthy in the Marton book is her indictment of the Westei — powers for failure to act in Wallenberg's behalf. In her criticism of the failures, which included hesitancy by Swedish officials to exert their influence, Mrs. Marton states: "Would they have fared better had they held off until Sweden had something the Soviets wanted? Or shbuld Stockholm have enlisted Washington's support and together struck a quiet deal with the Soviets? There have surely been things Cie Soviets wanted as badly in the last three decades as the West now, finally, wants Wallenberg. "The technique was never tested. Not by Sweden, the country of his birth; not by the United States, which enlisted him for the Budapest mission; not by Israel, the home of many of the people he rescued. "In the 1980s they are raising monuments and heaping honors on Raoul Wallenberg. Simon Wiesenthal, the tireless hunter of Nazis, has taken time off from pursuing the criminals to try to follow Wal- lenberg's tracks. Those who for 35 years were not heard from weep now about the debt they owe this man."