M Friday, May 14, 1982 THE DETROIT JEWISH NEWS 'Ancient Synagogues Revealed inNew WSU Volum,e Discovery and preserva- has edited offers the expia- tion of ancient synagogues, nation. Among the writers who the devoted tasks of ar- theologists in these efforts, _ discuss their synagogues are among the very vital are some of the best-known factors in scholarly efforts Israeli archeologists — to retain historic records Yadin, the late Avi-Yonah, and to assure the perpetuat- Z. Yeiv in , Avigad, M. ing of the legacies while ac- Dothan, Ovadiah and quiring and restoring the Tzaferis. Every tourist ancient sites. group to Israel walks - Tourists of all faiths in Is- through the sanctuary at rael are enchanted when Capernaum, rests in the they visit places like shade of the synagogues Capernaum — Kfar Nahum high on Masada, and braves — and the many other the heat of Tiberias to in- synagogues, the newly re- spect the synagogue'S discovered and unearthed. mosaic floor. And all groups These tasks become evi- ask the guides the same dent in the monumental questions: How old are these "Ancient Synagogues Re- vealed" (Wayne State Uni- synagogues? Which is the versity Press) edited by He- oldest? How many an- brew University Prof. Lee I. cient synagogues are Levine, containing the re- there in Israel? How do searched studies of a score of we know that these once authorities on the many were synagogues? Are subjects covered in this vol- there more synagogues yet to be discovered? Did ume. This impressive and in- the ancient Jews actually formative volume was have sculpture and co-published by WSU mosaic pictures in their Press and the Israel sanctuaries? The 39 essays, with more Exploration Society. It is a work for the lay reader, than 200 black-and-white providing historical and nine color illustrations, exactness assured by ex- in "Ancient Synagogues perts who have been in- Revealed" answer these volved in excavations. questions in passing while They studied the remains providing a readable, up- and their essays offer the to-date survey of the early knowledge necessary as history and archeology of an encouragement in the the synagogue. An indica- great tasks evolving from _ tion of the richness of the the archeological dig- material contained in this book can be gathered by gings. Erosions are endangering summarizing the answers the remains and the to these practical questions. urgency of pursuing the Building inscriptions, ar- exploratory with the objet- theological setting, style of tives of preservation is the building, decorative pat- encouragement derived terns, references in ancient from this immense work. texts, the manner in which Prof. Levine states: "To words are written in in- anyone even remotely scriptions — all the re- aware of the extent and na- sources of archeological re- ture of archeological dis- search combine to suggest covery in Israel during this the date of each building century, a presentation of and when it was active. the remains of ancient The earliest synagogue synagogues requires little inscription dates back to the explanation." . The work he Third Century BCE. The -AwFilar" earliest synagogue re- mains, as yet found, may date to the First Century BCE, but they are part of a problematic building over which scholars still argue. A great majority of synagogues in Israel were built in late Roman and early Byzantine times, that is, in the first half-dozen centuries of the Common Era. But archeology offers no guarantees. Tomorrow, a farmer plowing in the Galilee, or a road grader working near the Lod air- port, or a gardener on the outskirts of Tel Aviv may find his work interrupted by a hidden row of stone blocks that may add a new chapter to the story of ancient synagogues. After carefully shoveling and brushing away the ac- cumulated rubbish and earth of centuries from stone foundations, a jumble of building blocks, frag- ments of columns and lin- tels, and crumbling mosaics, the archeologist must decide what he has found: synagogue, church, pagan shrine or public hall? The discovery of a dedi- catory inscription in Greek, Aramaic, or (more rarely) Hebrew naming the donors and time of building may be the first sure sign. If the associated carv- ings or mosaic flooring carry certain designs that are uniquely Jewish the menora, etrog, lulav or shofar — he has confirmation. And, fi- nally, if the shape and organization of the archi- tecture bears strong re- semblance to other Synagogues, the ar- cheologist can now say with assurance he has re- covered a synagogue. As the several essays in "Ancient Synagogues Re- vealed" demonstrate, it is The En-Gedi synagogue excavations near the Dead Sea. the combination of these (western Turkey) a mag- sanctuaries were also deco- with works of Jewish several kinds of evidence, nificent synagogue. The rated rather than any single one, hall, almost 177 feet in craftsmen mentioned in the length and 60 feet wide, is Talmud, with wood carv- that proves the case. Several buildings still a clear measure of the ings, tapestries, woven rugs and precious metal or- carry question marks: Is the wealth and stature of the naments. Jewish enclave. "synagogue" nestled The remains of more Far to the east, in the against the walls of Masada correctly identified? The Third Century, on the than 100 synagogues location, shape of the hall, banks of the Euphrates have been identified in and built-in benches River, the Jewish mer- Israel alone, and several suggest- a sanctuary, but chants and craftsmen of the more in the Diaspora: Turkey, Greece confirming evidence is lack- small desert town of Dura- Syria, and Tunisia. A joint ing. Josephus tells us of the Europos converted a private American-Yugoslavian Jewish community on the house into its synagogue. Greek island of Delos. Early This tiny community of expedition a few years in this century, explorers Jews could not afford much ago discovered in the lat- found there the remains of a more than humble adobe ter's country at Stobi, an synagogue. First Century BCE building brick walls, but they com- early In Israel, just after the that has many features in pletely covered them with common with Galilean murals of scenes and events 1967 war, the synagogue of Gamla was found. In 1970, drawn from the Bible. synagogues. Many Jews are still sur- - synagogues at Tiberias, If it is a synagogue, it is and En-Gedi also the earliest one yet prised to learn that the Jews Beth-Shean were excavated; in 1974 found. But is it? Ar- of the Mediterranean and Maoz and Rehob revealed Asia not only enjoyed the cheologists do not know. Fragments of architec- decorative arts, but, follow- synagogue remains. tural decoration display- ing the example of their American Jewry has ing Jewish symbols, a Christian neighbors, embel- given strong support toward broken stone slab with a lished their synagogues the excavation, preserva- carefully carved dedica- with carvings, mosaics, and tion and publication of these tion, or part of a niche paintings. As "Ancient precious relics of antiquity. " that once held the Torah Synagogues Revealed" The several essays in this scrolls come out of the lavishly illustrates, pic- volume communicate the tures of the zodiac, the four soil of Israel every now seasons, wild and domestic excitement of discovery, but and then. they also demonstrate the Such- stones may have animals, floral patterns, bi- less exhilarating, but blical figures and sacred been carried away and re- crucial, de- used in the walls of a house symbols cover the mosaic nonetheless mand for careful study of floors. or barn by the natives and The single example of the finds that force the now are rediscovered in the fragmentary remains to re- deserted shambles. Or a wall paintings at Dura- veal their secrets, to tell us Europos indicates that kibutz plow may turn up a of the history, the beliefs, building inscription, tangi- other, now lost, early and the hopes of the people synagogues were equally ble evidence that someplace living 1,500.years ago. in the vicinity an unknown decorated. No doubt the synagogue lies hidden under the rocky soil. The synagogues of the Holy Land resemble the contemporary Byzantine churches, usually a rectan- gular hall divided into aisles by columns, with a niche or raised area for the bima, and a courtyard in front. Single-storied with a pitched roof, some may have had a balcony for women. As is to be expected, the larger and wealthier congrega- Shown are the 1,600-year-old mosaic pavements of the synagogue at Maoz tions had larger and more Hayim, along the Jordan River south of the Sea of Galilee. elaborate synagogues. Finer stone more expertly cut, richly carved doorways, moldings, and column capi- tals, and complicated picto- rial mosaics carpeting the floor were in good taste — 3„.1..s,,,,, A -,'0 g4, t.:- and expensive. Shown is an aerial view of Herod's fortress, A Harvard University Herodium, in the Judean Desert south of Jerusalem. expedition recently ex- cavated in the thriving, The synagogue is in the southwest portion of the for- ancient city of Sardis tress between the two semi-circular towers.